Priceless Treasure


A young lady was standing in front of Ban's old house...

Seeing the house with lights on, she was at a loss.

"Child, whom are you looking for?" An elderly woman asked the young lady.

The young lady shook her head while thanking the elderly woman.

The elderly woman said, "I've always seen you standing in the same spot for a few nights now." She paused and continued, "That house don't have someone living there for almost a month now. I bet they moved their place somewhere else."

The young lady went into daze as she stared at the house.

The elderly woman also went home after saying her piece.

The young lady had a look of longing, guilt and helplessness on her face. In the end, she sighed before turning around leaving the place.

"Done?" A voice of a young man resounded in the dark alley.

The young lady took a deep breath and nodded.

"Let's go." The young man waved his hand. He gave the unoccupied house one last glance before he blended in the shadows and disappeared together with the young lady.


Invincible Palace base...

Ban helped Ling on placing new buildings.

It also took Ling the whole night carving the design of the gate.

Ban nodded in satisfaction upon seeing the majestic giant golden Dragon while clashing fiercely with the noble golden Phoenix.

One needed to touch the design in order to conclude that it's only a work of art and not real.

A/N: It is a Eastern Dragon. Check it on gugul.

The design was drawn by Ban which Ling followed the carving process.

Even Ling was amazed by his carving work for the first time in his job. Although he didn't saw these kinds of creatures, he knew they were existences that should not be provoked.

With the help of Ban with the small details, he perfected the design with ease that would usually take weeks to finish. He thought Ban was his missing partner in his job.

Ban thanked Ling before the latter nodded and left the base.

Meanwhile, Annie and others didn't exit the main headquarters after they transformed into Profound Practitioners.

They were comprehending the skills they received from Ban after they woke up.

At first they were greatly surprised about the changes on their bodies. However, Ban waved his hand that it was pretty normal for everyone who experienced transformation.

Their tanned skin became fair than even celebrities couldn't compare.


After Ban finished his business outside, he returned to the group.

He gave each of them a Profound Stone.

The group was puzzled and threw Ban a curious glance.

"This is a Profound Stone." Ban paused and continued, "This is my welcoming gift for you guys."

"What's the use of this, Sir?" Annie examined the Profound Stone with interest.

"It has many uses actually." Ban smiled and continued, "But first, let me explain what is a Profound Practitioner that you guys are now called and not Divergents."

They then focused carefully. This information was very essential for the group as this will change their worldview after this.

Ban explained the perks of being a Profound Practitioners. Of course, he left other parts for them to discover.

He also explained the Ten Major Realms of Profound Practitioners. Just like Clara did, he only told them two major Realms they needed to reach which is Mortal Profound Realm and Origin Profound Realm and their corresponding sub-levels.

The group nodded in agitation and excitement. Not only they learned that they can now use both Elements and Physical attributes in Profound Practitioner, their potential also became unlimited using hard work.

"Now, about the profound stone in your posession." Ban gathered their attention after seeing them daydreaming while saliva poured out from their mouths.

"Like I said, it has many purposes. However, there is only one in your case." Ban raised his finger. He continued, "That is to absorb the energy inside that stone. Once you absorb the energies, you will directly entered Origin profound Realm."

The group nodded.

Seeing their lack of reaction, Ban chuckled, "It is a precious stone. Try not to lose it with you. If I convert it in our currency, this should fetch a price of hundreds of billions of dollars for just one stone."


Their jaw dropped to the ground. They stared at the stone in disbelief.

"Also, when you absorb the energy of that stone, try not to absorb it in one go to avoid losing your life."

They nodded seriously upon hearing Ban's warning.

"I have finished orienting. If you have more questions, tell me now. Although I'll be staying here for the day, I can't accommodate your questions as I am busy on something here." Ban clapped his hands.

Annie and others shook their head.

"Just guard this place and subdue any intruders. If they resist, you know what to do. Annie will be in charge of your schedules and tasks."

"Train well. If you are talented enough to reach higher levels, I might reward you more priviledges."

With that, Ban flew out to do his work, placing arrays on every corner of the base.

The group stared at Ban with reverence. Their eyes showed determination to get stronger in the future with different goals in mind.


Ban started placing simple Profound Gathering Array, Elemental Gathering Array, Defensive and Offensive Array around the area of the Sect.

Next, he started working on the Tower of Challege. Placing complicated arrays fueled by hundreds of thousands of Profound Stones in it since the Profound Energy in the surroundings cannot hold the massive amount of energy the Tower needed.

'If only I placed the pillar in this place, I wouldn't have to use those Profound Stones.'

Ban shook his head in dismay. Now, he only left with less than fifty thousand stones in posession.

'I'll take ten thousand stones for myself and use the others for the Sect.'

He also made a partition on every treasures he got from Clara and stored it in a separate spatial storage.

It took him a whole day of work on placing arrays.

'Next will be creating Elder and Disciple Tokens.'

Ban decided to do it in the mansion as he was a little tired placing arrays and brainstorming especially on the Tower of Challenge.

'As for the source of electricity, an array fueled by profound stones is sufficient for now.'

A/N: It's a fantasy story. Deal with it! XD

Ban overviewed the Sect with a smile. The energies in the surroundings also became ten times than outside.

He saw Annie and the others scattered all over the Sect.

"Time to go home. It's alrrady late."

Ban's stretched his body and headed home.


Arriving at his house, Ban was greeted by his family in the living room.

"Did you have your dinner, son?" Flora asked. She continued, "I've prepared your favorite home dishes."

Ban nodded with a gentle smile. He didn't get to eat food a full day now. However, he wasn't starving due to his body was supplied by Profound energies.

After his dinner, Ban said to everyone, "I have announcement."

Everyone turned to Ban and listened carefully.

"First is, since everyone made a good progress in training, you can now have a breakthrough to Origin Profound Realm and above."

"Really?" Lucy and the other girls excitedly jumped.

"Brother! Brother! You once told us that we will be able to fly if we advance to Origin Profound Realm. Is that true?" Lucy shook Ban's arm as she excitedly asked.

Everyone's eyes also brightened. Being able to fly felt surreal to them.

Ban chuckled and nodded in confirmation which everyone celebrated happily.

"Now, settle down first." Ban smiled to calm everyone down. He continued,

"The second is, I built us a second home."