Nana's Father

A/N : I tried rewriting this missing chapter. What a killjoy.

Nana sat dazedly while sipping her wine. It's unknown if she noticed Ban and Charllote's arrival or not.

Ban stood beside Nana as he tried to read what's on her mind, but alas, it's still the same as back then.

Charlotte already heard clinking glasses in front of her. However, she stayed silent while enjoying the warm embrace of Ban. Being with him is the best comfort that life has to offer.

"You okay?" Ban broke the silence.


Nana was alarmed and a burst of violent aura directed to Ban. She didn't held the release of her power as the surrounding air slowly solidified as second pass by.

Ban was also startled and immediately contained Nana with his own aura, preventing her to produce more pressure towards him. That's because Charlotte was still in his brace.

The gravity of Nana's released aura can turn a mortal Charlotte into a mince meat from the pressure.

After all, a sneeze from Nana who's at the peak of Earth Profound Realm can decimate the Capital in an instant.

Meanwhile, Charlotte got suffocated for a second like grim reaper suddenly gripped her pitiful soul, ready to be harvested when Ban envelope her body with his soothing aura as his arm tightly wrapped her body even more. She felt warmth inside and let out a smile with relief as she thought that Ban's embrace was the safest place she could ever find in this world.

Nana widened her eyes as her aura became restless. She was about to go all out when she heard Ban's hurried voice.

"Calm down. It's me. Don't you recognize my voice and aura?" Ban felt like smacking this reckless woman's juicy bottom for her sudden action. However, he held it in since Charlotte was with him at the moment.

Hearing Ban's voice, Nana took a deep breath and dispersed the effect of the alcohol in her body. She scanned again and let out a sigh of relief. She scolded, "Why did you suddenly popped out of nowhere? I almost destroyed the building out of impulse."

However, she was shocked deep inside. She clearly knew how strong Ban was a few days back. Now, he can contain her easily without destroying the surroundings.

Ban rolled his eyes as he scolded, "I already got here a while ago. Plus, Charlotte is with me. Can't you feel her presence? You almost harmed her."

Nana got surprised when she indeed sensed her little sister in Ban's side. Her face blushed in shame.

After a while, she turned to Charlotte, "Lil' sis? Why are you here too? I thought you went away a while ago."

Ban replied in Charlotte's stead, "Isn't it because of you? She was worried since you are not in yourself while drinking wine in the dark. So she decided and gave me a call for assistance."

Nana felt embarrassed even more, but she pretended to act normal.

"Alright, recall you darkness first. I feel uncomfortable talking in the dark here." He found a seat beside Nana and sat down.

Charlaotte reluctantly let go of his embrace as she found a seat for herself beside Ban.

Instantly, Nana recalled her power of darkness while she grabbed a glass of wine for a sip. However, her action paused when she saw her pink buds fully displayed in the air. She recalled that she didn't wear anything when she's alone.

Nana almost yelped, but noticed that Charlotte closed her eyes from the sudden burst of light in the room. She sighed in relief and covered her whole body in darkness again including her head. However, she noticed that Ban's eyes widened while his vision pointed at her chest. Her heart almost jumped to her throat as her face instantly turned red. She felt like wanting to find a hole and burrow herself in it and never leave for eternity. She felt so embarrassed that she wanted to die on the spot.


Awkward silence ensued the scene as Ban and Nana tried their best to remain calm. While Charlotte found a snack for her to enjoy.

Ban cleared his throat and grabbed another glass of wine as he gulped it in one go.

He also pretended to act normally as he put on a serious expression and asked, "So, what's the matter? I heard from your sister that you are not in yourself these days. You can't even control your aura. Your darkness power will soon devour light of the Capital without you knowing it."

Hearing him, Nana adjusted her mood. She hesitated for a while before sighing. She said, "It's.. because of my father. He is trying to reach me through a communication treasure I have and he introduced himself as my father. This happened a few days ago."

Ban raised his brow. He recalled her saying that her mother died and Areana mentioned that her father came from the Western Realm, a ruler of that Realm at that.

"I didn't believe of him being my father at first, but with how many secrets he knew about me and my mother, I started to believe him slowly. At first, he just wanted to check on my wellbeing and also to my mother. However, when he heard me saying that mother died a few years back, he suddenly want to meet me." Nana gulped a glass of wine as her face filled with gloom.

"Mm.." Ban nodded slightly. He has a little doubt if the man really was her father. Also, he didn't detect any treasure on her since she didn't have any spatial storage. Most possible anwer is that, the treasure is inside her body given by her father.

"I didn't agree first and he didn't force me. He told me that he came from a place called Western Realm with no lights around. A place I am not familiar with. However, father explained eveything to me. It was as if my worldview changed on how vast the universe was." Nana's eyes shined before returning to normal. She lowered her head as she let out a sigh and continued, "However, he told me a news just recently that made me want to go to his place so badly."

Ban nodded his head when he heard the exact information of the man. It was the same from Ariana's description.

Then, he blinked his eyes after hearing the last part.

"It's also good that you will have the chance to meet with your father, but why so down? And what news are you talking about?"

"*Sigh. That's because a calamity in the universe is coming. When this doomsday starts, the residents in our universe will be endanger and most likely to perish. Father told me that this calamity is inevitable. Right now, I can't communicate to him as he was busy on preparations."

Ban almost choked from his wine as he stared at Nana with widened eyes. He didn't know if such a calamity will happen since he needed some verification from Clara. The gravity of the situation made him frowned deeply.

He was about to asked some vital questions when Charlotte's exclamation jolted the two.

"Oh my god! We're going to die?!"

Charlotte gawked while chips fell down from her mouth and hand.