Two Years

Ban almost jumped on his seat from the sudden outburst of Charlotte. He totally forgot this lass beside him as he was too focused on chatting with Nana.

Nana found her lil sis' reaction quite amusing. Despite that, she didn't tease her since the matter was indeed very serious.

Even Ban was a little tongue tied on how to confort Charlotte at the moment. He then turned to Nana and asked, "When will this calamity starts?"

Nana hesitated for a second before replying, "My father estimated the doomsday might occur in ten to twenty years though he didn't mentioned what calamity it is. He also added that there might be a large scale war between Realms before the doomsday starts." She then pursed her lips.

Ban frowned even more about hearing the news. If this news is said to be true, then all of the living beings in the universe is in danger. He need to ask Clara about the event before making an appropriate plan for himself and his loved ones.

"Don't go yet." Ban seriously said to Nana. He took a deep breath and continued, "I'll accompany you to see your father. After all, I do have some business to take care of outside our planet." He recalled one the tasks of the mysterious man back then. His urgency to increase his power surged. In order to protect his family, he needed power, absolute power to reunite all beings in the universe.

He didn't know what kind of doomsday Nana was referring to, but everything has a solution no matter how impossible it is.

"Really?" Nana's eyes brightened when she heard Ban. In truth, she was afraid going to her father's place alone. Sensing his power stronger than hers, there might be a higher chance of survival if anything goes awry.

Still, she hesitated since there are many unknown dangers that lurked outside and she might implicate Ban.

Ban smiled faintly and joked, "We'll die anyway when this doomsday comes. Let's face this danger together. Who knows? We might stop this catastrophe to happen along the way."

Nana felt that Ban was right. Her father told her that most of the living beings in the universe might perish when doomsday comes. Then there's a high probability that her and Ban's planet will be destroyed in the process.

"Hey! What about me? I want to come with you guys too! I want to help!"

Charlotte jumped off of her seat and shook Ban's arm. Her pitiful yet lovable face showed determination than ever. She got affected by Ban's words earlier. Instead of waiting to die, might as well die together with the one she loved the most, and that is with Ban and her big sister. These two individuals in front of her weights more than her parents in her heart. That was because, her parents only values money over familial love. Still, she loved her parents, but not as much as Ban and Nana.

"Erm.." Ban stared intently at Charlotte's twin melons constantly grazing on his arm. He cleared his throat and said, "It's too dangerous out there. Stay here and you'll be safe. I'll find a way to fortify this planet's defenses in order to fend off what's coming from out there.

"No! I've made up my mind!" Charlotte showed a stubborn look which made Ban smiled wryly.

Ban didn't mind her coming with him as long as she was strong enough to deal with any enemies along the way. It's just that, he needed more resources for himself and his family to get stronger in a short period of time.

"Fine." Ban sighed helplessly. He pinched her cheeks and continued, "I'll set a timeline of two years. We'll head to the place of your sister's father."

"Really?!" Charlotte showed a delight expression when Ban permitted her to join the exploration party. Although she was a blank page on what it's like outside the planet, her knowledge about power isn't new. As long as she get's stronger when the time comes, nothing hinders her way.

Ban rolled his eyes and has no mood to chide her anymore. He knew there are many powerhouses outside his planet. Especially those big Realms. Recalling he can't gauge Areana's power, he knew he still has long way to go to get stronger.

While Ban was tolerant, Nana wasn't and poured a bucket of cold water on Charlotte's enthusiasm, "You didn't ask my opinion lil sis? Since when did I agree to let you go with us? Remember, it took me hundreds of years to raise my current power. Although, I am strong, I still think I am an ant in front of those powerful individuals out there."

Charlotte's face went stiff and felt that her sister was right. If it turned out that she would only holding them back due to her stubborn attitude, she wouldn't forgive herself when that happens. Now, her resolve began to falter bit by bit as she stared at Ban with sadness on her eyes.

"Let it be." Ban patted Charlotte's head as he said to Nana. He continued, "I did promise to take her with us. We'll see when the time comes. I also have a way to increase ones power in a short period of time. She'll catch up to us in no time."

Hearing that, Nana's brows raised. She indeed felt the sudden increase of Ban's power in a short time. Previously, she could tell that she was more powerful than him in terms of prowess. Now, she noticed that she's no match to him just by the aura alone.

"Then it's settled." Ban clapped his hand. He turned to Charlotte and explained to her on how to become just like him.

Without a thought, Charlotte decided to be blessed on the spot telling him to not waste more precious time so she can start to train.

Ban did blessed her, but after giving many cautions. Mostly about not to rush on training. He also invited Nana and Charlotte to his home to improve their training.

Seeing Charlotte sleeping on the sofa, Nana squinted her eyes at Ban. She could guess that he was transforming Charlotte's body into a Profound Practitioner judging from the light energy constantly cleansing her entire body. She asked, "Are you sure you want to take her out? It's really dangerous out there."

Ban smiled faintly as he replied, "We'll see."

Nana shrugged and said, "Anyway, I have three other matters to tell you."

Ban returned to his seat and his interest got peaked. He stared at Nana, waiting for her to start.

Nana sipped a wine and said, "Even though I already had interaction with my father, I still got info coming from the Arena. And a new information came out a few hours ago." She paused and continued, "The first information is that, all the operations in the Arena has been halted. The guards of every Arena all over the world also disappeared in one night."

Ban rubbed his chin as he pondered.

'It must be related to this doomsday event.'

"I figured that that Arena had another hidden agenda before." Nana commented as she smiled.

"Oh? What agenda was it?" Ban's interest got peaked.

Nana chuckled slightly and said, "That is to eradicate all males in this world. Pretty brutal isn't it?"

Ban felt his facial muscles twitched as he realized something.