
Ban already landed at the rooftop of the bureau building. His ruby ring flashed for a second and the girls arrived at his side.

A/N: MC has a ruby ring while the women have necklace.

"Brother!" The girls fluttered around Ban happily. Especially Lesley and her sisters.

They already saw their brothers and sisters, but they did not approached or talked with them. Some of them went missing and they can't sense them around, but the girls were happy nonetheless. They now have the chance to be with their brothers and sisters again.

Ban smiled faintly seeing their joyful look. He glanced at Alice and asked, "How many of them did we rescued?"

"We rescued 1,568 kids, 848 males and 720 females. Majority of them have good conditions since all of them were Divergents, but there are still few that have the same conditions as Daisy. It was either they were bullied by those evil people or bullied by their peers. I'm guessing the former." Alice replied tactfully.

Ban's brows twitched when he heard the quantity of male orphans. He thought of the Arena before shaking his head with a wry smile.

However, he was quite surprised when the numbers of the orphans was so many that it made him alarmed a little.

"I'll deal with their conditions later. For now..." Ban turned to the girls and asked, "I'll let you girls have a real battle experience." He then pointed at the controlled crowd of people from the south.

The girls tilted their heads and saw a few thousand people in the south like zombies, dazedly standing in the dark. They guessed it was a unique control skill of their brother since he used the skill to get those people out of the Capital.

"B-Brother. You want us to kill all of them?" Wendy shivered at the thought as she asked.

The rest also stared at Ban with surprise as their faces turned pale.

The girls never killed someone before. Let alone killing a human, they can't even kill a live chicken for a sumptuous dinner.

"You silly girls thinks too much." Ban rubbed Wendy's head as he chuckled. He continued, "Take a look at the people I controlled from North, East, West and South. Did you see something different?"

The girls then surveyed outside the walls of the Capital. Even Alice also joined in the fun.

Apart from the standing people, they didn't noticed anything unusual.

Many Capital residents also noticed these standing people outside, but they did not approached the group. Even the authorities were greatly alarmed when they spotted these people staying in one place of the four corners of the Capital.

Some bureau agents remained in position as they were only following the command of their Head, waiting for the further instructions.

"Oh! I see a movement from the North!" Helen pointed at the people suddenly blocking a convoy of three big container trucks heading towards the capital.

"It's the same from the East too!" Wendy curiously pointed at the East.

"West and South too." Lesley pointed at both directions.

Ban smiled and nodded. He said, "Try to use your Detection and see what's inside those container trucks."

Their eyes light up and tried to discern what's inside those containers.

"My Detection skill barely reached that area. I can't see what's inside those container vans." Lucy blushed in shame as she said.

"Mine too."

The rest chimed in while sticking their tongues out.

Ban raised his brow before nodding his head in understanding. His Detection skill was indeed at the girls' range when he was at Origin Profound Realm. Just that, his Detection was expanding faster every second back then making it more wider than the girls.

"You'll know soon."

Ban's eyes flickered and the people he controlled suddenly attacked the trucks in a frenzied way.

*Bap!* *Bada!* *Booom!* *Pow!*

"What happened? Why are they attacking those trucks?" Vivian asked in confusion.

At the four directions, all of the people controlled by Ban were attacking those container trucks ceaselessly.


South gate...

*Bap!* *Bada!* *Booom!* *Pow!*

"Argh! F*ck! Why did these freaking people suddenly attacked our trucks!?" A black hooded driver cursed under his breath as he prepared to escape from the barrage of elemental attacks from every direction.

His other companion was also puzzled, but he didn't think much. All he cared about is to save his life from the attacks of Divergents from all sides.

"We gotta escape. Somebody might have already got a whiff at our movements." The driver dashed back, planning to head to the area where many trees were located.

Their other four black hooded men from the other trucks followed behind.

After they distanced themselves, the six black hooded men stopped escaping and glanced at their backs as the let out a puzzled look.

"They're not chasing us?"

The group saw the people circled around and began demolishing the trucks as if they were trying see what's inside the containers.

"How did they know!? This operation was confidential." A black hooded man clenched his fist hard in anger.

*Baam!* *Crack!*


After the black hooded man said those words, he was suddenly got flung by an unstoppable force and smashed to a nearby tree. Then, he limped to the ground, motionless.


The other black hooded men got startled and raised the guard up. They looked back at the culprit and saw two masked individuals standing silently in the dark.

"D-Did I killed the man?" A frightened voice of a girl resounded. Her body was shaking all over.

The one who's talking was Lucy. Beside her was Alice.

"No. He's fine, just unconscious." Alice replied with a calm voice as she eyed the remaining five black hooded men nearby.

"Thank goodness." Lucy patted her chest in relief. She almost had a mental breakdown for killing someone.

"B*tch! Who are you!? Why did attack my subordinate?!" The leader of the black hooded man glowered at Lucy and Alice.

"Dark Breed."

Alice indifferently said the words that made the men turned silent.

The leader of the men knew that these two unknown individuals were here to subdue their group. However, his expression became savage. He knew these girls were very powerful with just how he dealth with his strong subordinate.


"Since you know about our organization, then there's no need for further talks!" The leader of the black hooded men dashed at the two with great speed.

Behind him are the four remaining black hooded men who also initiated their attacks with dense killing intent.