Experience to Kill

Ban observed the battle of the girls from the rooftop.

Due to the planet gradually becoming bigger and producing more dense energies, he has no choice but to adapt the changes. That also applies to his family members.

After all, he could feel the planet slowly expanding by the second which still a mystery to him.

Alice and Lucy are placed in the south. Betty, Wendy and Helen at North. Lesley and Vivian at East. Karina, Anna and Tracy at West.

The girls were fighting vigorously at their targets. What made the girls gain pressure are the killing intents that their enemies produced. In addition, the leader of each group also transformed into a Red Hulk and their powers got muptiplied.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

A few minutes past and the fight became intense and all the Dark Breed members except for their leaders were unconscious.



"D*mn it!"

*Crack!* *Crack!*

The Red Hulk facing Alice and Lucy cursed under his breath and healed his deformed arm in an instant making it became brand new arm again. Even cuts and bruises are nowhere to be found.

"He's regeneration ability is superb!" Lucy commented while raising her guard up.

She was holding a slim sword treasure that Ban gave to her. The sword came from the spatial storage that Clara gave to him when they were at the Sect base.

"Mm." Alice nodded in agreement. She remained calm unlike Lucy whose a newbie in a fight. She continued while clenching her gaunlet treasure, "We need to subdue him by blasting his head. This is the only way to defeat him."

"B-Blasting off his head?" Lucy shivered for a second. She hesitated if she can do such a thing to her enemy.

"This man is a monster. Not different from a bloodthirsty Demon Beast. Who knows how many innocent lives he killed. I already heard the name of their organization before. They decoured human organs to get themselves stronger." Alice flashed again and gave the man a good beating that made the latter howled in pain.

"Their main goal is still unknown, but I know they are monsters in human clothing. Theres no humanity left in their soul for killing innocent people for self pleasure." She added.

Lucy felt goosebumps as she realized that she was facing a bloodthirsty maniac who killed countless innocent lives. She staggered back in fear when the crimson eyes of the man locked at her.

"Focus! Like I said! He's not a human anymore! He's a monster that we need to eradicate. Can you detect what they brought to the Capital?" Alice chided Lucy and her eyes squinted at the three container trucks that were pounded by the people. She continued, "Inside those containers were sleeping Demon Beasts. Once these monsters rampaged in the Capital, many innocent lives will suffer just like we saw the destruction this morning."

The trucks indeed contained same Demon Beast that raided the Capital last night. However this time, each container trucks hold at most five monsters making it fifteen in total in the south, same numbers with the other directions.

"I guessed young master already knew the scheme of these people before, but he stayed his hands and he wants us to face this battle to hone ourselves."

After finishing her piece, Alice dashed again and gave the red hulk a barrage of attack as if he was a punching bag.

The power of the red hulk can rival any top powerhouse of the Capital. Even Veronica will have a hard time dealing with him. Tough as the red hulk may be, but it was not enough to threaten Alice and the girls whose at Origin Profound Realm.


The red hulk howled in frustration as he swung his giant fist in a random fashion causing the earth to rumble and trees to break. He knew Alice was keeping him in place and he helplessly received all her brutal beating that made his body deformed a couple of times.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

At the same, the Demon Beasts inside the container truck were starting to awaken. Some beasts already pounded the hard wall of the container truck and were planning to do a carnage outside.

"Lucy, quick! Help me kill this monster now. After this, you stay here and deal with those beasts while I'll assist your sisters. Think of this as a way to protect your family. You once told me that you will protect your family from harm. This is your chance to eradicate the evil."

*Bap!* *Bada!* *Boom!* *Pow!*

Alice restrained the red hulk once again by pounding him to the ground, making the area sunk into a massive crater.

In fact, Alice could easily kill the red hulk by forcefully smashing his head into pulp, but she decided to let Lucy do the deed. Not only Lucy, but all the girls. This is a perfect time for her to let them have this kind of battle experience. This way, they'll mature further and won't show any mercy to those bloodthirsty killers out there.


As soon as Lucy heard Alice that this is her way to protect her family, she dashed forward and slashed down her slim sword without fear.


Sensing the danger from Lucy, the red hulk's ugly face contorted and he violently struggled to break free from Alice' restrain.


But alas, the slim sword swiftly made its way to his neck and his head got parted away from his body. His crimson eyes showed indignation and unwillingness as he was beheaded by a young, inexperienced girl.


Alice kicked the corpse of the red hulk to the side and approached Lucy.

"You've done well, young miss. I'm sure your brother saw your action and was proud of you eradicating this bloodthirsty monster."

Lucy pressed her lips as she nodded. Even though the red hulk was nothing like a human, it still gave Lucy a bitter taste in her mouth for killing someone.

"Don't think too much about this matter. You'll be alright." Alice patted Lucy's head and turned to the East.

Sge added, "For now, I need to assist your other sisters. If they still hesitate to kill those red hulk monsters, they might face a huge problem later."

"Aunty, I'll come with you too." Lucy got worried for her sisters when she recalled the horrifying stare of the red hulk earlier. She knew the red hulk was strong. If not for her Aunty Alice' battle experience which pinned the red hulk to the ground, things might go in a dangerous way. Since her sisters were also newbies, they might be in danger right at this moment.

Alice shook her head and pointed at the rampaging Demon Beasts nearby, "Help these people to slay those monsters. They will have a higher chance of winning with you accompanying them." She smiled faintly and continued, "Don't worry with your sisters too much. They are much experienced than you think. After all, they once lived in a difficult life before. This battle is easy as pie for them. Just that, their last hurdle is also that red hulk there.. eh?"

Alice noticed the changes of the corpse of the red hulk.

Lucy tilted her head and glanced at the corpse and was surprised.

"Yeah. He's a monster alright. He became like a dried corpse because he killed too many innocent people." Alice squinted her eyes at Lucy and continued, "Clear your conscience, young miss. They are different than humans."

Lucy nodded while she made a thoughtful expression.

Soon, Alice tied those unconscious Dark Breed members and placed them on one side. After bidding goodbyes and giving cautions to Lucy, she dashed towards the East with her maximum speed.


Lucy breath a mouthful of air as she closed her eyes. She then saw more than a dozen Demon Beasts nearby, rampaging around mercilessly.

She clenched her slim sword and her figure flashed towards the battle.