

There was no reply as silence ensued the room.

Ban felt a bit helpless on how to persuade the twins to stop bothering him.

"Actually, my sister witnessed your might before." Kagura replied in her sister's stead.

"Oh?" Ban was enlightened when he heard Kagura. His mind worked fast and he tried to recall if he noticed Kaguya before but to no avail. He rarely used his power. When he does, few people witnessed it.

"Where?" He asked.

Kagura shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I also don't know. But my sister mentioned that she wanted to acknowledge you as her mentor." She paused and continued, "I don't know what my sister sees in you, but I always follow my sister's intuition. So if she wanted to follow you as her mentor, my intentions is also the same as hers."

"So you want me to accept you two as my disciples? Am I correct?" Ban probed. Now that he recalled Kaguya's weird action at the training room. She admitted defeat immediately because her true goal is to make her my subordinate or disciple.

Ban then cast a weird glance at Kaguya.

Kaguya's cold and indifferent face showed a tint of redness on her cheeks which made her looked adorably cute.

Kagura nodded as her eyes stared intently at Ban. They'll follow Ban wether he agrees or reject their intentions. After all, they don't have a place to go after being freed by Veronica from the bureau. Moreover, her intuition told her that Ban was not a simple young man.

Kagura trusted her sister's judgement even though the latter rarely made a suggestion, but every suggetion she had were proven effective and accurate. Now that her sister set a target to follow without hesitation, how could she let this opportunity pass?

"Alright. I'll give you two a chance to be my personal disciple." Ban saw their sincerity without prying their minds. He continued, "Once we go back to my city, I'll give you a challenge to prove yourselves to be my disciple."

Ban remembered that Clara was his disciple, but he didn't felt it so. He won a disciple because of a freaking mobile game. Plus, Clara was more powerful than him making it weird for him to call her his disciple.

Now, having a chance to have genuine disciples, he was looking forward to it when he go back.

Moreover, the twins can use Sword Intents which was rare for a Divergent. However, they can't improve to Sword Force or more if they can't achieve a body of a Profound Practitioner.

The twins' eyes light up when they heard Ban. However, they were curious as to what kind of challenge he will give to them in order to become his official disciple.


6 in the morning...

Meanwhile outside of the Capital...

The dust settles as the battle between Demon Beasts and Divergents ended.

They successfully slain those monsters, but the casualty of the Divergents was huge as many properties were devastated and most people who fought the Demon Beasts got perished in the process.

More than twenty thousand people died just to fight less than a hundred Demon Beasts which is a great loss for human Divergents.

Modern weapon also gave no effects on the tough exoskeletal armours of the insect-type Demon Beasts.

Ban this time was meeting with his sisters at the luxurious hotel after breakfast. However, with what just traspired the whole night, his sisters have no appetite in the slightest.

Behind him still the twins following him obediently while the girls didn't mind the presence of the twins and treated them as their brother's subordinate from the way they act.

Daisy already woke up long ago. Her tongue was healed as she can now speak normally. Her appearance also greatly changed as she was no longer looked like a beggar on the streets. She's now like a modern princess from a prominent family just like Lucy and the others.

Ban praised his sisters as he smiled. He knew his sisters exerted more effort on dealing those monsters. If not for them, those Demon Beasts might have entered the Capital to continue their carnage. Just that, their battle experiences was too sloppy and can't finish a Demon Beast in a short period of time.

"Brother, many people died after the battle." Wendy said in a low voice.

The emotions of the girls were on a roller coaster as they witnessed the bloody scene that transpired during the battle.

Even thought it was dark, with so many Elemental Energies Blasting around, they could see the blood of humans and Demon Beasts turned the earth crimson which made any mortal shivered in fright.

Alice hinted the girls that those Divergents who died were criminals as the girls' emotion became complicated.

After all, they knew how cruel and inhumane these people are.

Ban approached the girls and hugged them one by one to give them comfort.

"I'm very sorry. I did a little overboard by sending you to that battle and let you witnessed such a scene."

"Don't blame yourself, brother. We were prepared for this to happen. We even thought of killing those bad people for what they did to our brothers and sister, but the monsters did that for us." Lesley shook her head. The girls also agreed with their eldest sister.

Ban nodded as he knew their resolve was firm before the operation started. Moreover, he controlled those people who are worst of the bunch and sent them to the battlefield. If he didn't get rid of those people now, they might continue their evil habits in the future.

Ban told the girls to rest as they will return to Angeles City later. He also promised that he will accompany them for a shopping spree later for their rewards which made the moods of his sisters lifted to the brim.


Ban stood at the balcony with a serious expression. Even though the Capital was in total mess, his Detection roamed outside his country to the north part of the planet.

He was trying to find something that bothers him the most the whole night.

"Found it."

After an hour of searching, his eyes flickered in curiosity.