Offer Declined

Ban returned to the living room after half an hour. He then sat on the sofa and watched the TV for the latest news.

Most tagged news are the missing members of the prominent families last night while sleeping.

The Prime Minister declared a total lockdown of the Capital with strict screening policy in the Capital Walls who tries to enter and exit. He also declared a martial law during the night and so on.

Ban watched the news calmly.

With how powerful the Prime Minister was with his authority, he can't even solve the unending poverty in the slums.

Meanwhile, Alice and the twins only observed Ban's action while remaining silent.

Sitting beside Alice was Daisy who also refused to sleep.

"How is your body now?" Alice whispered to Daisy as she peeled a lemon for a snack.

"I- I'm feeling... different that before. I-In a good way." Daisy didn't hide anything and explained to Alice the changes of her body.

She was stunned that her elemental power disappeared. However, she was having a hunch that her body was even more amazing than before.

"Oh? So you are an Elemental before.. No wonder your body healed so fast during the blessing. You have an affinity of wood element." Alice nodded in understanding. She continued, "Wood element specializes on healing. You should have healed your tongue before by controlling your energy on your injured spot. It will heal faster when you do that."

"I can heal myself?" Daisy never thought about that feature before. She only knew is that, she can use her power to let the plants to remain fresh just like the flowers she sold on the streets.

The twins became interested in their topic and leaned closer to Alice to listen.

Alice didn't mind the twins and explained the use of the wood element to Daisy. While she's at it, she also explained the might of a Profound Practitioner.

"Impossible..." Kagura almost blurted out, but she resisted and let out a whisper. What she heard from Alice was that, a person can fly if he or she is powerful enough.

Kaguya only listened quietly and her eyes flickered with brilliance while recalling something magical on her mind.

"Since you're the first disciple of young master's Sect, your future will be unlimited that you can change your fate if you word hard enough to achieve your goal."

Alice smiled and as she patted Daisy's head.

"Yeah. I-I heard umm.. young master said that to me. B-But the token he gave me was nowhere to be found." Daisy felt a little loss. She didn't even know what is a Sect too.

"Your token did not disappear, you'll know why soon. You have to wait for young master to explain to you more details about your role in the Sect." Alice said.


"What's a Sect?"

While Alice and Daisy were chatting in a low voice, Kagura couldn't helped but joined in after introducing herself and her twin sister.



Ban received five guests in the living room of the suite.

He was familiar with the three people, they were Tina, Paul Davies, and Old Max who resumed his youthful appearance.

He was not associated with the other two, but he could guess they were doctors with high authority and were here to ask him for another miraculous water that can purify ones body.

"Haha! I never expect my grand daughter to find such fine young man to be her partner." Max laughed as he approached Ban and patted the latter's shoulder happily.

Tina felt ashamed hearing her grandpa pointing about Ban being so young. She wanted to argue, but seeing the knowing look of Max, she stayed silence for fear he will tease her even more.

Ban showed a modest attitude the whole conversation. After a while, he asked as he let out a weird expression, "Are you not unhappy that your power restarted?"

Anyone would feel sad if they knew that their power restarted. However, Old Max was so optimistic that even Ban got affected by him.

"Hah! Don't worry about it, kid. My power will restore in time eventually. What made me happy is that, my youthful appearance got restored and I felt so refereshed than ever before. Moreover, you saved my life. I wouldn't mind having no powers in echange of returning to my younger self." Old Max laughed loudly as if the matter of his dispersed power wasn't his concern.

"That's good to hear then." Ban chuckled slightly.

While Ban and Old Max are having a good chats, a middle-aged doctor suddenly cut in and passed a golden badge to Ban. They already received the miraculous water they needed, but decided to stay a little longer.

Ban raised his brow and received the golden badge with interest. The golden badge was the size of a coin and their was a symbol of cross and some other words embedded to it.

"What is this?"

"Ahem!* My humble name is Julian Penny. Association Head of Health Protectors Association." He paused and continued, "We would like this Sir to be our distinguished..."

His words was immediately cut by Ban.

"I decline your offer." Ban said camly as he waved his hand as the golden badge flew towards Julian. He already knew the purpose of the man, but he didn't have time to be a physician of some hospital. Not his forte in the slightest.

Julian was speechless as he received the badge and was about to persuade Ban when the latter waved his hand again.

"Still no. However, you can send one or two to learn my way of healing." Ban sipped a tea brought by Alice and continued, "You should know that our current modern way of healing practice isn't so effective anymore. With all of the people gaining powers, you guys will encounter something unknown and needed to study the problem first which was quite a hassle for yiu and the patients.

Julian nodded as he knew that this problem was rising by the day. People nowadays have unknown deceases that made their medical equipments unable to determine the cause of the illness. Just like yesterday, many people got inflicted by a powerful unknown poison and they were on a rush on how to create an cure. Without Ban's miraculous water, many would have died while they were so helpless against it.

"I-Is there a way we can send more trainees to you, Sir? After all, more trainees means more people can be saved." Julian tried to negotiate.

Ban smiled faintly as he shook his head. He said, "I only accept two person at most. However, they must be people with no knowledge of medicine. Also, they should be young just like me with eager to learn medicine despite no knowledge to it."

Julian was stunned as he was puzzled why Ban would asked such a demand.

"My medical term and yours are different. I just don't like someone bugging me with questions all day long while I teach different medicine practice." Ban shrugged his shoulder.

"Can I learn too? I'm young just like you." Old Max smirked as he flaunted his fair skin to everybody in the room.

Tina was speechless and dragged her grandpa out of the room.