All Out

"What's this loser up to now?" Herculez muttered in silence. In truth, he was having a hard time killing his opponent. He knew the weakness of his enemy, but the other party was so tough that he needed to lead the fight into attrition.

His original goal was to visit the Arena of Fern City and find the two new dark horses.

After receiving the news that these two rankers can basically destroy their opponent without putting an effort, he became curious and wanted to meet them.

These two were in some way a threat to his so-called 'Ascension'.

He also want to try their capabilities on a spar and give them some 'friendly advice' not to seek the top in one jump lest they provoke someone on their way.


Herculez got distracted when he heard an ear-piercing malevolent roar from his opponent.

His eyes widened to see a twenty feet tall red hulk monster staring at him with undisguised killing intent. A hint of disdain flashed in it's blood crimson eyes. It's skin got even more bloody red with additional gruisome bones spikes all over it's body.

He transformed into a real giant demon, even it's bearing became wild.

"F*ck, this monster is a total freak!"

Herculez darkened his face to feel that his opponent was way stronger than before, even stronger than himself. He could feel that his opponent was getting stronger by the second as if something terrifying got unlocked on it's body.

He wondered what kind of godly medicine his opponent consumed earlier. It was beyond his logic.



Herculez got catapulted to the other side of the city by just a whip of the giant red hulk monster, destroying more buildings along the way.

Getting up in a sorry state, Heculez let out a disbelieving look. His prided tough physique got injured in just one blow. He even got poisoned in the process.


Herculez snorted and dashed back to the monster with lightning speed. He was totally enraged at the moment.


Once again, Herculez got bounced back from the impact, destroying another line of buildings.


The giant red hulk monster growled before making it's way towards Herculez like a hurricane.

Almost an hour later...


The gian red hulk monster got a hold of Herculez' foot and it began to let loose while brandishing the latter from one building to another without letting go.

Openings it's bloody mouth, it wanted to devour the latter for nourishment.


Sensing the danger of death, Herculez turned frenzy to avoid getting swallowed.



Herculez connected his force kick in the giant red hulk's jaw making it stagger a few meters back.


Herculez bellowed angrily. He was in a sorry state. His face looked disheveled and many wounds covered his body. Many patches of purple marks all over his skin due to being poisoned for long.

He never tasted this much humiliation before tonight.

He was a seat holder of a Throne. A prestigious title only for the strongest in the world. Even peak divergents don't mess with him like this. He was unbeatable at the peak.

And now, a loser that is originally weaker than him made him looked like a punching bag. He was truly lost it.



With the eyes full of hatred, Herculez let out a battle cry that echoed a hundred kilometers wide.


Herculez suddenly broke through to the 20th Order after venting his frustration out loud.

His body exudes lightning sparks, thicker that before. His strength became ten times stronger. He felt like he was the the strongest all over the world.

'Ohh. This man is a talent.' Ban got immersed on the fight that he almost clapped his hands to cheer. He learned something by watching a fight. Especially a life and death battle. One will truly exposed their talent under the pressure of death.

He recalled his struggle during his fight with Clara back then and shook his head in dismay.

He never knew her goal in the first place. Such a pressure from an opponent much stronger than him, he will still lost his cool. He would still do the same if it happens again. He doesn't like being played deep inside. Especially when his loved ones were on the line. But in order to avoid those kinds of situation in the future is to get stronger, much stronger that will make them forever disappear in just a flick of his fingers.


Ban's train of thoughts got distracted after hearing the loud noise of collision from the two brawn heads.

This time, their power are even. No matter how hard Herculez hit, the giant red hulk recovered in an instant and countered.

The giant red hulk monster seemingly had endless supply of power. It's more and more turned into a monster in a sense as time went by. As the battle went further, it's body slowly revealed the side effects of being a transformed monster. Cracks filled its body that the healing ability are having a hard time to take effect.

Herculez wasn't in a good state either. His speed slowed down from being poisoned. There is only his will and pride that keeps going. All in all, he just want to kill his enemy if it meant causing his life.

The Fern City already got destroyed by the two with no buildings left standing. It might be a tragic sight if they really fought in the outside reality where the innocent people lives.

A battle of attrition is happening at the moment and neither sides were raising a white flag. One must die to end this battle.

'What a bloody scene.'

Ban shook his head slightly. He already knew the ending.




Herculez and the giant red hulk monster clashed for the last time.


A huge thirty meter wide crater formed from that exchange and the sign that the battle has been ended.

The giant red hulk monster layed on the ground, unconscious. It was alive, but it's battered body started to shrank as if water got squeezed out from its body. He was no less than a dead monster soon.

As for Herculez. He supported his beaten body while on his knees. Three big claw marks on his chest and blood oozed out nonstop. Despite that, he let out a satisfied expression for winning the battle. Never did he imagined that his trip to the country would end up like this. However, he never regretted it.


Herculez slumped sideways. Slowly closing his eyes. He knew this is the end of his life.

While waiting for his end, Heculez felt that someone poked his body. A sudden warmth sensation covered his whole body. It was a pleasant feeling that made him drowsy.

Before losing his consciousness, Herculez heard someone muttering.

"Get out of this country soon. Else, you'll be in deep trouble."