
Ban waved his hand to deactivate the Inverse Reality skill and the scene returned to the real world. It was as if the destruction earlier was just an illusion.

While the fight spent more than an hour in the dimension, it actually did not spent a second in reality.

In the middle of the bustling night of Fern City...

Ban glanced down at Herculez before leaving silently. As for the wilted Dark Breed man, he already turned to smoke the moment Ban left the scene.

The clashes of brawnheads was just a small episode in passing.

Ban gained a bunch of information through their thoughts. It can be said the he achieved his goal as to what those Dark Breed members aim and their disturbing connections.

As for Herculez, he only healed the man of his injuries. It saves him from unknown trouble in the future.


"Hey bro, you called?" George confused voice resounded on the other side of the phone.

"Urgent matters about Dark Breeds slowly invading nearby cities. Do you have any way to fend them off?" Ban said casually as he flew back home.

"Yeah. We are currently working on that. Actually, we already spotted some suspicious individuals and checking their motives. This happened in the north cities as you mentioned." George replied in an exhausted manner. After the attack of the Capital, his work got tripled which made his training halt from time to time.

"Alright. I'll add some relevant information as they will try to raze every City in northern part this time." Ban then narrated the Dark Breed organization's plan in liesure. By the time he finished speaking, he already arrived in the mansion backyard where the pillar located.

"Oh my lord! Are you serious, bro? This.. This is mayhem! And you seem so relaxed?" George grabbed his hair in exasperation. A newfound information made him panicked.

"Well, we still have time to counter this problem, no rush. Actually I can finish this farce in a matter of seconds, cleaning them in one go. However, I have other arrangements for these Dark Breed organization members." Said Ban as he made some hand gestures of the array of the pillar.

George had a confused look before having an enlightenment. As Ban mentioned, George guessed that these Dark Breed members will be the sharpening tools for the new sect disciples in the future.

"You said that they have a way to transform insects or animals into a Demon Beasts by feeding them demon cores? How will you solve this tricky part? I can't just let them do what they want." George said with a frown.

Ban chuckled slightly as his eyes shined for a second. His face showed never-underestimate-my-array-formation expression.

(A/N : Basically, he put up a smug look.)

George got puzzled with Ban's mysterious behavior. Still, he waited for an answer.

"Don't worry about the demon beasts part, I got that. You and your team's job is to monitor their action. If they cause trouble, apprehend them." Ban replied casually. After finishing the changes in the pillar's array, he stretched a bit, ready to have a nice dream in bed.

"Okay then." George then heaved a sigh. Since Ban assured him about it, he decided to trust him.

After a few casual conversation, the two ended the call.

George then planned to report to his grandpa about the news when he paused his steps.

"I forgot to inform Ban about Eliza's eagerness to scout the Angeles City."

George shrugged, "Oh well, she's even stronger than me. What's there to worry about? Plus, Elena's with her."

After that George headed to the General's office.


As Ban passed the dimly lit living room, he was startled when a pair of angry eyes locked at him.


Ban uttered with difficulty as he gulp at the same time. This time, he knew he was in big trouble.


An awkward silence ensued as Flora only stared daggers at Ban without doing anything.

Ban didn't know what to do as he stayed in place. Looking back at his mother again, he saw the standing Alice a distance away from his mother, assuming a respectful bow.

Alice behaved like a silent butler beside her mistress, awaiting for orders.

Others already rested on their respected place leaving the three of them have a time to have a serious conversation.

Actually, they already sensed the oddity of Flora's mood and tacitly returned to their rooms early. Even the naughty girls did the same.

"Take a seat." Flora said as she gesture Ban to take a seat in front of her as she also found a seat for herself.

Ban sheepishly walk forward and sat down silently. He was preparing mentally for what's about to come. He will surely be scolded this time seeing the fuming mother of his.

"Serve us tea." Flora said and Alice received the command.

Alice gave Ban a 'It's all on you, young master.' expression before heading towards the kitchen.

"Cough* Mom, don't you think it's... a bit dark here?" Ban said in a low voice. He can adjust his vision as clear as day if he wants, but he let it be. He just feel a little uncomfortable talking to his mother in such environment.

Seeing his mother did not reply, Ban stayed silent.

Few minutes past and Alice served the tea before returning to her post.

Flora quietly sipped the tea in relish. She was deep in thought at the moment. Her expression changes from time to time.

Ban also sipped his tea. He can read his mother's thought, but he respected her privacy.

"I'm sorry. The blame is all on me when I told my sisters to..." Ban paused for a second and continued, "Execute... the enemies."

Flora woke up from contemplation when she heard Ban. She glanced at Ban looking at her with sincere expression.


Flora let out a heavy sigh. Despite her resignation, she still remained silent. She already heard from Alice about everthing.

Starting from the grievance of a child losing a tongue up to saving orphans from the hands of evildoers. She heard it all in detail. That is why she felt complicated.

She just couldn't accept that her daughter, Lucy, was also involved in these madness.

"You can blame me, mom. I know I was in the wrong. And the girls are also young- I... am young to do these kind of things. But... sigh*" Ban paused and stayed silent while having a deep sigh.

"Sigh* I am not that narrowminded to blame my son from all these... killings." Flora said as her expression softened. She continued, "I blame myself for being a failed mothe-"

"Don't say that, mom. Even though I did not grow up in your care, I know you are a loving mother. All these years you tried your best to find me when your hands are all tied, you still insist until you found me." Ban cut her with a serious expression. He knew the struggle of his mother when she was in the Capital. She was like a prisoner in her own house without anyone to rely on to, except Sienna.

With Flora and Sienna's close bonds, they managed to search Ban's whereabout.

Flora's eyes turned moist. Her body shook a bit. This drama was all due to her fear.

Fear of losing her son again. Fear that something terrible might occur of her kids leaving her devastated.


Ban approached his mother and gave her a warm hug. He already sensed her depressed mood and the reason.

"No one is going to tear apart this family, mom. I will protect this family. Everyone around us. I will never, ever let anyone destroy our family. I promise you that." Ban assured his mother with firm determination.

Tears flowed down from Flora's eyes. She knew her son was strong, but she didn't know the dangers of the outside world. She only felt helpless for not helping her son reduce some of the burden.

As for the girls doing such deeds, she already threw the thought out of her mind. With the world getting so dangerous day by day, it is necessary to fight for survival.

All her life, she was so vulnerable. Like a flower vase in a house. So delicate.

Now that she gained power, she's still a flower vase with no real life and death experience.


Minutes past and Flora was drained from sobbing. She never felt so tired in her entire life. She wanted to have a long rest. Maybe the moment she wake up next day, a new her will reborn with new goals in life.


Ban returned to the living room after sending his mother to her room to rest.

Alice also finished tidying things up in the living room. But seeing Ban, she greeted him.

Ban waved his hand, "I want to know about this 'accident' about me before I was separated from mom."

Alice got startled.