Elena's Fury

"Mistress told me this 'accident' has to be a secret. She once told me that she will deal this matter in due time." Alice carefully said. She continued, "But if young master want to know, I will naturally tell you. Anyway, this accident has something to do with mistress' family."

Ban got startled for a second before staring at Alice deeply. After contemplating for a bit, he shook his head, "My past is not that much important to me. Since mom wants to deal with it, then forget it. Just don't forget to pay close attention to mom's safety if she decided to act reckless. I will also remind Edith about this matter too for another security."

Ban paused for a second before he changed the topic,

"Tomorrow, the sect will officially accept disciples. I have put the plan in place. You, on the other hand will be going to be busy."

Alice bowed, "I will do my best, young master."

Ban nodded and gave her some instructions for the event before returning to his room.


"What an exhausting day." Ban muttered as he laid in bed. He even skipped taking a bath.

*knock! Knock!*

Ban glanced outside to see Tina standing at his doorstep with nervous expression. His eyes light up, he then sprung up approaching the door.

'What a daring woman.. I thought she went back already. Oh well..'

Ban commented on his mind as he opened the door.

"Tina? It's already late. What's up?"

Even though he put up a confused expression, Ban already held her soft waist, dragging her slowly towards his room shamelessly.

Tina blushed yet speechless. Never did she expect Ban to hook her inside his room immediately.

But just like a helpless lamb, she did not even resisted the claws of a hungry tiger.

Doned with thin silk pajamas accentuating her mature figure, Ban couldn't help but gulp a bit. Resisting the thought of eating her right away.

"Well.. It was about.. your mother. Aunty.. she." Tina's blushing face was replaced by worried expression.

This is her first time meeting the mother of Ban and it did not end well. Or the timing wasn't right.

"Oh that. Mom's fine. I've already talked to her. Ease your worry." Ban found it amusing seeing Tina so nervous when mentioning his mother. He rubbed her hand to assure her.

Tina heaved a sigh of relief before putting up a captivating smile.

"Now now. Since you're here, why not accompany me to sleep?" Ban chuckled as he dragged her to bed. His claw that was placed in her waist now slowly sliding downwards, aiming for her juicy bottom.

However, before he could do something more intimate, his action paused as he faced to a certain direction.

Tina blushed even more when she heard Ban. She longed to have a romantic moment with her lover for a long time. Unfortunately, nobody picked her interest until she met Ban.

She wholeheartedly accepted Ban the moment he healed her grandfather in the Capital, saving him from the brink of death.

Sensing the heat of Ban's palm on her waist and his enticing warm breath, Tina knew that this is the night of her life. Expectation and nervousness filled her heart.

Sadly, her expectation failed her when Ban laid on the bed with her and gave her a warm cuddle.

Minutes past...

'I- Is he for real? I- I thought he- we will be doing.. I mean what am I thinking dirty thoughts? Cuddling... This is good too..'

Tina's thoughts were jumbled as she didn't know what to feel at the moment. Tilting her head, she saw the satisfied expression of Ban with his even breathing, she heaved a sigh.

'Well, might as well enjoy this warm moment..'

Tina tightened her hug and she burrowed her head on Ban's chest before entering on her own dreamland.

The obvious thoughts of Tina was caught by Ban which made him amused a bit, but he ignored her before focusing his attention in one place far outside while his eyes closed.


Border of Angeles City...

More than twenty people were scattered on the ground, dead. They were unrecognizable as blood and uneven body parts blanketed their bodies. It was as if they were squeezed like a laundry clothes by some unknown monster, a tragic scene to behold.

Standing before the bloody scene were a group of twenty hooded people watching the play in delight.

"This is the second military post, huh."

An old voice resounded and a hooded figure crouched down. His hand formed a spear-like claw and stabbed it on a dead army's chest.

A weak beating heart was placed on the hooded man's hand. Grinning evilly, the hooded figure devoured the heart in relish.

"What an appetizing dish. Especially when it comes from a woman, Elemental one at that."

The old man commented and seconded by evil laughs of his subordinates.

Indeed, the heart came from a woman in military uniform.

"This world is getting more and more interesting. Delicious meals are everywhere." The old man chuckled before he continued, "Let's go! We need to move fast. I want you to clean the next military post in three minutes time. Move out!"


Everyone replied before dashing to another direction for a massacre.

Boom! Rumble!

But before the hooded figures could react, a huge explosion resounded in their position. They were flung back for quite a distance from the sheer impact.

The blast caused a giant crater covered by storm of dusts and debris everywhere.

"Where do you think you are going?!"

The dusts settles down and a silhoulette of a woman slowly stood up from the crater. Her expression could be said to be terrifyingly enraged. Below her was a poor random hooded figure that turned into meat paste after receiving the 'Mirage Smash' skill.

Her mood got even worse when she saw the tragic fate of the twenty military personnel laying on the ground.

Intense killing intent spread all over the place.

Just then, another figure of a woman arrived and was shocked at the scene.

They were Elena who arrived first before Eliza after responding for a distress signal made by the military post. But then they are already late.

"You madaf@#$%^ing bastards! No one shall leave this place alive!!!"

Elena's foul mouth acted due to her intense anger and bellowed.

(A/N: Her words should be in caps.)