Roasted Dark Breed Elder

While Elena does her training seriously with lethal skills that Ban gave her, Eliza has a different way to train.

They are total opposite to one another.

Elena was like a war angel, dealing on enemies face to face whilst Eliza was more like a mischievous demoness who tends to 'torture' the enemies using a series of skill combos in the distance.


Eliza observed the red hulk for a bit before waving her hand.

Terra Prison!

Terra Prison!

Terra Prison!

Almost immediately, new earth bars criss-crossed to one another to reinforced the previous cage, making it more sturdier than ever.

The red hulk noticed the changes and almost pulled his old hair in despair.

'How could this happen?! This...This is so unfair!'

"I don't know what you are, but you're dangerous. I will stop you from causing more commotion." Eliza decided to let the matter to her own hands. Plus, she wanted to help her big sister dealing dangerous enemies and not be a burden.

She waved her hand again and the surroundings changed.

The cage suddenly got surrounded by countless of Flame Needles floating in the air.

"Little bitch! What are you trying to do?!"

The red hulk felt a bad premonition thinking he was in a deep shit. Things won't be good if he can't escape the cage. But, faced with many dangers and tribulations all his life, the red hulk waited. How could those tiny Flame Needles harm his transformed self?

"Feel it yourself.." Eliza waved her hand.

Then, a single Flame Needle shot to the red hulk's direction with lightning speed.

The red hulk instinctively blocked it with his palm.

Swish! Psssh!


The red hulk howled in pain to see his palm that blocked the Flame Needle instantly disintegrated. What baffles him was that, he could feel the tearing pain of the flame. He normally wouldn't budge even if his body got severed in two.

Terror immediately plastered on his face. Looking at the countless Flame Needles aiming at his direction, his knees felt weak.

'Damn! I need to get out of here!! This is suicide!'

Alarm bells rang through the red hulk's mind. He wasn't going to take revenge anymore. With such a freaky woman in front of him, how could he have the time to stay around?

Break the cage and escape!

A new palm regenerated within seconds. However, instead of sighing in relief, only panick remains.

Booom! Bang! Bang! Bang! Rumble!! Rumble!!

"Let me out!!"

The red hulk roared as he smashed the cage faster than before. No matter how hard he smashed the cage, it wouldn't budge at all. His power is enough to pulvurize a towering building in one smash, yet he was powerless against these seemingly thin earth bars.

Swish! Swish! Swish!! Pssssssh!!!

Three flame needles pierced the red hulk's arm and the arm immediately turned to dust.

"Aaargh!!! Damn it hurts!!" The red hulk's face was full of sweat. His red face turned into white when he saw the countless needles descending towards him.

With no other choice, the red hulk searched for the demon beast core to consume.

If he consume the core, he will lost his sanity for a long period of time. He won't be able to recognize any friend or foe. One thing will remain in mind, destroy everything.

What choice does he have? Unless he wants to die. Better gamble for his trump card than doing nothing.

"Damn it! Where's that fucking stone!?"

Rummaging his pockets, the red hulk realized that his demon beast core was lost.


Light flashed before the red hulk's eyes and he got incenerated by the raging flames in the next second.

The terrifying heat of the flame even melted the sturdy earth cage into molting lava in seconds. Only dust remains after the red hulk got burned without mercy.

Eliza on the other hand had her eyes shining. She knew her opponent was truly strong, but the power of her skills was so overpowered to the point that it was so unfair.

She wanted to find Ban for another set of skills similar to Flame Needles' caliber later. After all, having an overpowered skill is... fun.


A few minutes passed and Elena returned with two tied unconscious men.

"These bastards made their way to the city center. Fortunately, I could still sense their presence using Spirit Detection, subduing them before they could do something stupid."

Then, she felt something amiss.

"What happened here?"

Elena asked as she pointed at the melted cage with a frown.

"I fought with a humanoid monster. He's really scary with red coloured skin all over. Our battle was so intense that I have no other choice but to use my ultimate skill in the end."

Eliza explained with a dead serious face that was hard to discern if she was lying or not.

Elena frowned for a bit and looked at her little sister worriedly. Seeing her sister was alright, she heaved a sigh in relief.

"You said humanoid red monster?" Elena pondered for a second before her expression changed. She exclaimed, "That old man I kicked earlier!"

Elena used her senses and found out that the old man was missing. She was sure that her little sister fought with the old man.

"Let's go back first. The back up personnel will clean this place later. We need to see grandfather to personally report this accident."

Elena grabbed the tied men and glanced back at her fallen comrades one last time. Her eyes flashed with sadness before she dashed away.

Eliza did the same before following her sister back to the camp.


Sensing the sisters are fine, Ban relaxed.

He scanned the nearby cities and found out that no Dark Breed members are initiating any commotion. Some even retreated to whence they came from.

That was because, Ban confiscated their demon beast cores through array formation of the pillar, preventing them from transforming any insect or animal into a demon beast.

As for the demon cores he confiscated, it was in his backyard for the trio ant kings to consume since it was like a meal to them.

Now his country had the time of silence. The trouble had temporarily solved.

Even if they come again, their demon beast core will be confiscated once Ban activated the array formation.

If they want a trouble, they have to do it themselves.

'Well then, tomorrow will be a big day.'

With that, Ban entered his own dreamland.