Skills Classifications and Gathering of Guests

The next day...

A/N : Seriously, I already forgot the dates!

Ban and his family had a sumptuous breakfast before doing their daily activity.

Flora resumed her amiable mood as she took care of the needs of the girls. It was as if the talk with her and Ban last night didn't exist.

As for Tina, she went back to tend to her company. She also promised Ban that she will return as soon as possible later.

Alice also went to the sect to check and ready the preparations of ceremony in place.

Today is the day the Invincible Sect accept disciples. Ban announced the ceremony will happen in the afternoon. He invited everyone he knew for the event through call, text or any form of communication.

Surprisingly, he couldn't contact Clara and his best buddy Mark. Ariana answered with a positive response which made him appreciate her a bit.

Some even asked Ban if they could bring their family to the sect and Ban just wave it off saying they could bring anyone they want.


Ban went to the training room beside the mansion. He was piling some treasured items he will use to the sect.

Skill books or scrolls, Cultivation technique books or scrolls, Weapons and Defensive treasures, Array Formation Artefacts, Pills and other miscellaneous items.

There are various of skill books and their tiers.

Tier 1 is equivalent to Mortal Profound Realm Practitioners. Tier 2 is equivalent to Origin Profound Realm Practitioners and so on.

Basically, any Mortal Profound Realm Practitioners cannot use Tier 2 skills or higher Tiers easily. It was a restriction from the combination of Profound Energy, Spirit Energy and Elemental Energy. Not to mention the user also exhaust their mental focus on the skill.

The higher the Tier, the higher the Energies needed.

However, if one was genius enough, they could modify any skills they want. But it is very hard and almost impossible to achieve since it depends on how profound the skill was.

Dark Practitioners also have their own kind of skills since their Profound Energy was mixed with Dark Energy.

Weapon wielders can mix their intent in skills too.

Clara only gave him the skills exclusive to Profound Practitioners.

Lastly, the skills have divided into four categories. There are Normal Skills, Forbidden Skills, Special Skills and Mysterious Skills.

Normal Skills refers to any skills that are commonly used by Practitioners such as movement skills, Illusion skills, appraisal skills, attacking skills, defensive skills and many more.

Forbidden Skills could be said to be a dangerous types of skills. It is a type of skill that feared and loathed by many. Especially their uniqueness.

There are some forbidden skills that can make anyone stronger, in fact much stronger that the user could easily defeat any opponent, but there are heavy prices to be paid such as left crippled for life, left in coma state or even death.

Special skills are like the name itself. These skills are rare and Ban only had one in possession, a skill called Colossus Titan - the user can freely control the size of his/her body parts or overall size and their power will be doubled once the skill is activated. This fascinating skill can infinitely grow alongside with the user.

That is the wonder of special skills, it disregarded the graded Tiers.

Specials skills can be anything with extraordinary attributes. For example, a skill that gives invulnerability, X-Ray vision or even resurrection.

Mysterious skills is as the name itself. Even Ban never had the information of such a skill. Of all the piled books and scrolls before him, no mysterious skills are present. However, it is said that a mysterious skill can defy anything, it was like a 'Law Breaker' skill. As for what that means, Ban didn't found any further information.

Ban stared at the cultivation technique books and scrolls. He knew that any Practitioners aren't complete if they don't practice these skills. But one need to be careful on choosing what cultivation technique to practice. There are many cultivation techniques that aren't suited for a Practitioners too.

As for the grade, there are Earth, Heavenly and Saint. Each grade is divided into Low Tier, Mid Tier and Top Tier.

Most of the piled cultivation techniques Ban collected are Earth Grades. Though he didn't know how much a Practitioner can grow with these grades.

Anyways, he has a good cultivation technique called Myriad Elements Divine Body. As for the grade? Ban guessed it to be at least in Heavenly Tier. With how powerful that cultivation technique was, it shouldn't be that low in grade.

His Myriad Elements Divine body have some reserve skill too. The cultivation technique of his works like a wonder. First off, he was immune to any Elemental attacks - any direct contact of elemental energies will be absorbed by him in no time. Second is that, his body gains affinity to any elements around him and absorbed it almost immediately - No matter what, no matter where. Any kind of place that has elemental energies in it will be his food to devour. Another one is the cultivation technique shielded the user from those prying eyes, making them unable to know his elemental energies. Those details and more to discover about the cultivation technique.

The Myriad Elements Divine Body has a complementary skill too called Elemental Manipulation Cannon. This skill was like a pair of wings to a deadly tiger.

This complementary skill's use is to help his cultivation technique amplify the elemental energies during release. It's can maximize the current level of an elemental skill into another level, even multiplying it a couple of times is not impossible. This complementary skill also help Ban creates elemental skills on a whim. Imagination is the limits of this skill.

Anyway, Ban felt that none of his current skills are low tiers. Especially his cultivation technique and it's complementary skill. That is why he only gave it to the closest ones he knew of.

He wasn't that stingy on giving skills to anyone he knew. On the contrary, he was giving those skills on purpose. The reason is quite debatable and kept within him.


Ban noticed something peculiar about the piled cultivation techniques.

Picking a cultivation technique book, Ban raised his brows in confusion.

'Heavenly Grade, Top Tier - Unbreakable Body : Heavenly Iron Physique Only'

"Heavenly Iron Physique? What is that? Some type of talent? Maybe those type of special body that I read from novels?" Ban muttered in silence as he contemplated. He continued."If this cultivation technique can be mastered, one should have the unbreakable body as it says. Amazing technique indeed.."

In fact there are few exclusive cultivation techniques around. And their grades are high too.

Ban decided to keep those exclusive skills and ask Clara about that later.

Ban was planning to put those Normal skills to the sect library. As for the forbidden skills and that one special skill, he already imprinted their details on the Tower of Challenge before as a reward on several floors.

Of course he wouldn't be so naive to reward those skills in lower floors. With how unique those skills were, they should be at least in 50th floor.

Other treasured items will be stored in treasury for exchange or rewards.


Noon Time...

After Ban finished sorting the treasured items and some preparations, he exited the training room.

"They are are a bit early." Ban made a wry expression when he saw familiar faces inside the mansion. He was surprised to see everyone was present.

( A/N : I will be including their surnames for formality. )

There are ladies such as Elena Mist, Eliza Mist, Sally Swift (Previously known as Sally Black - though not mentioned in any chapter. It was her surname before when she was married.), Nancy Young, Sophia Rocks, Penelope Connor, Candy Moore, Sienna Smith and Tina Davies. They especially dressed glamorously for today's event. Each of them have their own charm enough to cause a downfall of a nation. With their presence, many men would salivate in greed and women to feel extreme jealousy.

The newly arrived Charlotte Dendra, Nana Jackson who was entertained by Sophia who was having great time with their reunion.

Rosie Lawrence was also present and she was conversing with Tina. As for what they were chatting about, it's was business topics.

Ban was surprised that Ariana Walker was also in his mansion with her otherworldly cold aura. However, he didn't notice Clara around. And Ban also noticed that she changed the feature of her face too. It was as if she was in disguise. As for the reason, it should be because she didn't want to face Nana too soon.

Bella Connor, Eva Connor, Megan Connor and their kids are also around especially Cedrick Connor who eyed Lesley and her sisters with shining eyes.

Bella and co was fascinated by the vibe of the mansion. They never imagined a mansion could be so beautiful. Especially the colorful elemental crystals in the wide backyard. Also, they were entertained by Flora Watson together with Lily Smith, Sienna's mother and Lisa Rocks, Sophia's mother.

Men have their own region too in the bar section as they were laughing and drinking wine.

They were Vernard Mist, George Mist, Peter Rocks, Oscar Smith.

"Brother!" Ban was first spotted by Lucy. She approached him happily.

Immediately, everyone turned their attention to Ban.