Grand Entrance

Ban had a small episode of chatting and entertaining his guests during lunch time.

The visitors were quite curious about the newly built organization of Ban. They bombarded him with series of questions.

As the host, Ban explained the general information about a sect and their functions to everybody as well as answered their questions.

Some don't understand much why Ban would go to such extent to rescue those orphans all over the country and gathered them in one place to train.

However, Practitioners like Vernard, Nana and Ariana knew that Ban was going to create a freaking powerful army of kids that could rule any country with ease.

Ban also had a few private chats with his lovers. Especially Elena and Eliza who experienced battle with Dark Breeds last night. Despite having a sleepless night, they insisted on coming for the ceremony even though Ban told them to have a good rest. The sisters wanted to support him on establishing of his sect. Ban could only agree since the sister seems refreshed even without resting for a day. Their small gesture made him smile warmly to them.


In the afternoon, Ban received a call from Alice that everything was ready and the sect master is the only one missing which is him. Ban affirmed before ending the call.

Ban then announced to everyone in the mansion that they will now head to the sect. He was looking forward on what will be the future of his sect.

Ban returned to his room to get dressed when Ariana followed him from behind.

Arriving at the doorstep of his room, Ban turned at Ariana who faced him with indifference.

"Miss Ariana? Is there anything I can help you with?" Ban asked softly.

Examining Ariana closely, Ban admired her new looks in his heart. Her disguise doesn't have any difference from her original face under the white veil. Both are astoundingly mesmerizing, especially her cold countenance. In fact, Ariana was the most beautiful woman he met so far. Not even her sister, Emma could compare to her.

He recovered from his daze for a second and changed his question, "Oh right, do you know where Clara is?"

"She went back and will return here later." Ariana replied with her usual cold voice. She fetched a toy-like object and threw it to him. She continued, "Anyway, this is my gift to congratulate you for establishing your sect. Inject your profound energy in it and you'll receive a manual on how to use it."

Ban was surprised. The cold woman in front of him actually gave him a gift.

After examining, he was again surprised by the familiarity of the item.

"Isn't this the flying object that caused a commotion in the outer space a while ago? From what I know, this thing destroyed several planets nearby.."

Ban stared back at Ariana and found out she already went back to the group. As for the matters of Clara, he found it a bit sus but acknowledged it in the end. Although he was a bit disappointed not seeing her, they will eventually meet someday.

"I'll thank this cold woman later. Not bad though, she's actually warm on the inside. Rather cute.." Ban commented unconsciously which accidentally heard by Ariana not far from him, but she ignored him. However, her ears reddened a little.

Ban entered his room as he examined the treasure battleship further. The more he checked, the brighter his expression became. That's because, he was familiar with the mechanics of the ship since he has Blacksmith Job.


"Everyone, lets go to the backyard. I have a way to transport us to the sect with ease." Ban smiled as he headed outside. He already dressed up in a casual clothes. He wouldn't want those kids to look down on him if he wear expensive clothing.

But, he will also going to show a bit of authority to them.

Everyone got curious and followed Ban to the backyard.

The backyard of the mansion was quite spacious. Everyone wander around with marvel plastered on their faces. It was filled with rare minerals and herbs that worth lifetime of wealth to anyone.

Ban threw something in the air and a sudden blinding light enveloped the yard causing them to closed their eyes for a brief second.

When everyone opened their eyes, a floating luxurious giant spaceship-like object greeted everyone.

The flying giant spaceship was decorated with gold and emerald jade ingravings making it look so noble to the eyes of everyone.

However, Ban knew this thing is a battleship that could destroy a planet in seconds with the hardest and expensive materials as it's parts. It was like a terrifying dragon in a cute dog's clothing.

Although it's current size was a few dozens of meters like a titanic, it's maximum size can rival a size of a moon.

"Dang! This is... a ride?" George couldn't believe what he saw.

Not only him, but almost everyone was shocked. Expectation filled their eyes as they waited to be on board.

"Alright, hop in." Ban waved his hand and the battleship constructed a golden floating stairs for everyone to enter.

"Wow! Let's go! Let's go!"

Lucy and the girls exclaimed in marvel as they excitedly ran towards the stairs happily.

Soon, everyone followed and boarded the ship.

Cries of amazement and exclamation was heard from time to time as everyone examined the interior of the battleship.

The interior was even more luxurious as it filled with several decorations and treasures that came from the various kingdoms of Eastern Realm.

"Off we go."

Ban manipulated the battleship through his Profound Sense. He can fully control the battleship through a separate object in his hand. It was like a remote control for it's overall function.

Before taking off, Ban already activated the invisible function of the battleship to avoid any commotion on the city. Thinking the world is going to be enslaved by the aliens or something.

Ban then controlled the flying speed into minimum for everyone to enjoy the scenery.


Meanwhile, the sect was bustling with the kids lined in place. They were chatting with one another about the current occasion.

Most of the kids are now gradually relaxed. They were already oriented for today's event.

Although all of them were kids, their bearings had long since matured. They knew the dwellings of the society pretty well and wether they liked it or not, they needed to cope with it or else terrible tragedy will befall into them.

That is why they seemed to be relaxed and obedient, but deep inside, they were as cautious as hell. So if they see something amiss, they will back out without hesitation.

"Everyone, the sect master and the sect elders are here."

Alice who was in the newly built stage for the ceremony, announced the arrival of Ban and others. Although puzzled as to why Ban told her that his arrival will be from the sky above, her expression returned to normal, even had a bit of expectation on her face. After all, she once experienced it before at the capital and it felt rather unique for such an entrance.

"W-Woah! Look! Look!"

A child pointed at the sky in amazement. His expression was in disbelief.

Everyone gathered their attention and saw a giant luxurious battleship from a distance heading towards the sect in a grand fashion.