Three Major Departments

"Now.. Mission Hall is yet operational since disciples are not yet qualified to do missions and exchange. However, the Sect Elders managing the Mission Hall are already set."

Ban called three personnel of Annie's colleague in the army. They are ladies namely Rozane, Sam and Arianne. He knew how taxing it is to receive all disciple's missions and exchange daily, so he will leave it to these capable personnel. Though transactions will be relatively easy since disciples will do it using disciple badges or formally called Sect Insignia.

Ban also introduced old Sven as the Library keeper. Since he knew the old man was too lazy to present himself, he decided to leave it that way.

His introduction about old Sven was relatively easy since most of the disciples knew him. Though baffled, they didn't mind it as well.

"We have three major departments that you will be focusing later on."

"First one is Combat Department."

"Everyone is required to have combat lessons. Although this is not mandatory, majority of Sect's events like Tower of Challenge, Missions, Battle Competition or Challenge have something to do with combat or fighting. You will gain treasures, money, points and more using combat."

"As for who will represent this department, there are three Sect Elders."

Ban's announcement picked the interest of the masses. They began to anticipate who will be going to represent this department.

"They will be in the Combat Department building tomorrow. As for their names, it will be a surprise for now."

"Those who are interested, go to Combat Department tomorrow to enlist."

"They are responsible on teaching you everything thats related on fighting."

"They also take personal disciples for those who are talented."

Ban made a slight paused then he continued to another department.

"The Second is Alchemy Department."

"The Sect Elder who will be managing the Alchemy Department will be Sect Elder Penelope."

Penelope then arrived beside Ban as she smiled at the crowd.

"Unlike Combat Department, Alchemy Department have light physical workout. However, these two department have the same weight when it comes on gaining profits."

"Explaining this department won't give you any benefit since you are yet transformed like us. So we will wait tomorrow for Sect Elder Penelope to describe this course."

Ban paused for a second then he resumed the last department.

"The last one is the Array Inscription Department. Just like Alchemy Department, explaining this department won't change a thing in your stead."

"Now, the Sect Elder who will represent this department will also be introduced for tomorrow."

"Aside from him, I will also be teaching in Array Inscription Department."


"These three major departments have the same weight. So don't take them lightly."

"Since everyone is at starting stage, we will only teaching you the basic knowldge in a few meetings before teaching the real deal."

The disciples listened while contemplating. Although most of them don't cope up with whatever Ban announced especially in departments, but they knew he was giving them a path. A path that will determine their future growth.

And whatever this transformation thing is, it will be the start of their journey on achieving their dreams.

After Ban breathe everything to the disciples, he inwardly heaved a sigh.

Although it was a simple ceremony, this is after all, one of the major thing he made in life.

His family and friends also gave their support on him wholeheartedly.

Ban knew that his real purpose on creating the Sect is to build an army on future events. Still, he will do his best on protecting them at all cost from any harm.

Alice took over the remaining process of the ceremomy which is giving disciples the badges or token and then giving them blessing for the last part.

She explained the use of the badges. Once the disciples received their token, it will transformed into a tattoo.

A coin-sized icon of a Golden Dragon imbedded on the back of the right hand of male. While a coin-sized icon of a Flaming Phoenix imbedded on the back of the left hand of female.

Badges or rather Sect Insignia have many fuctions that revolves every transactions inside the sect. Without Sect Insignia, one cannot be a part of the Sect or any transaction within.

It's like a smart watch of the disciples. It basically displayed everything that disciples gained with personal privacy upon using their profound sense.

It also has space within that can store items.

Alice also explained the contribution points system. This will be the most essential currency of every disciples and elders within the sect.

Contribution points can be gained by missions, trades, rewards and more.

For starters, disciples gained 3 contribution points.

A point can exchange to one million sect dollars or digital money thats only accepted within the sect. Wether using it for canteen for premium food or sect market trade, disciples can do anything they want with it.

If they want skills, pills and other valuable treasures, they might need a few dozens more contribution points for that.


While Alice was getting busy with the disciples, Ban pulled Kaguya and Kaguya to a distance for a private talk.

"Since you want to be my personal disciples, you will face a certain challenge for me"

Ban pointed at the Tower of Challenge in the distance.

Kaguya and Kagura looked over with determined expressions. After knowing how formidable Ban's domain, they knew this is their chance on grabbing his thigh for support.

As Ban could read their gestures, he didn't mind it as he continued, "This is the Tower of Challenge."

He explained the basic introduction of the certain tower for the twins to understand.

"I will give you one try. One try to determine if you are qualified to be my personal disciples."

This time, the twins slightly changed their expressions a bit. They knew the tower wasn't something ordinary. If they recklessly stormed in without knowing it's depths, they might ultimately fail.

"I will redirect you to a certail floor. Finish that one floor successfully and you will be my personal disciples in no time."

Kagura hesitated. Failing once will spell their disqualification. She wasn't as confident knowing how unique everything in the sect was.

Ban smiled slightly, he knew how terrible the challenges of the tower. That is why he will give these proud sisters a timeout. He will turn them into Practitioners and become sect disciples first before taking the challenge. With that, they might get proper skills and strategies before taking the challenge in the future.

"I accept."

Before Ban could even say something, Kaguya broke his initiation.