Three Wishes of Vernard Part 2

"What do you know, stinky brat? It's for the best interest to our country." Vernard lightly kicked George' bottom as he reprimand. He continued, "Even if it's not an honorable act by controlling them, it's still better than doing nothing. Those braindead fools are so stupid that they openly allied those Exiles who have unknown motives towards the world. I will stop their careless action today."

Ban nodded in silence. Now that he has the ability to protect his country against invaders, why not declare the country as independent? Worst comes to worst, he'll cripple the other country's forces as warning.

As for Exiles, he will have to identify their nature first before making a decent plan. Just that, he might destroy these people soon since Dark Breeds seems to have connections with them.

"So how about it, kid? Is it a feasible for a wish?" Vernard turned to Ban as his were filled with expectation.

Ban rubbed his chin and asked, "If you pass an order, who will execute it? I need names at least so that I can make arrangements."

"The government have three major parties within namely Judiciary, Senate and Executive. We need to control at least two parties for a command or a law to be executed..." Vernard explained further how the politic works on Ban in simpliest terms.

After explaining, Vernard enlisted five political positions to be controlled. He also explained their traits in politics, wether they are good or bad, their achievements and political scandals.

Ban also knew these individuals so he will be able to easily find them while searching.

"Five huh.. Alright." Ban pondered for a while before he agreed. Although he disdained using Soul Catcher skill on anyone, he wasn't good either for this skill not to be casted especially for his selfish act. Once this skill casted on a target, it's basically over. The target is as good as dead, they'll become like wooden puppets. There is no way to revert the effect, but he can still issue a command on the target to act anything he wishes.

"Great! With this, we can control any major plans of the country." Vernard laughed loudly. Though he was clueless how Ban shall execute this plan of his, it should be real since he trusted the latter's ability.

If Vernard knew that Ban will use such an unconventional skill to their target, he might feel at a loss.

"These five people including the president, will contact you in private any minute now. They will execute your command without fail." Ban nodded slightly. He already casted the Soul Catcher to these individuals without sweat after finding them.

"Really? That fast?"

Vernard and George were startled how things progressed so smoothly and easily. They did not told Ban the problem beforehand so everything happened was on the spot.

"I'm a genie, remember?" Ban crossed his arms as he acted like one while chuckling.

Beep!* Beep!*

Vernard and George stared at one another after receiving an unfamiliar number on the former's phone.

Vernard excused himself to answer the call.

"...Presidential Advisor?"


Vernard returned while being speechless. He glanced at Ban who resumed on the Array Inscriptions of the Tower.

Beep!* Beep!*

Just as Vernard was about to talk, his phone rung once again.


Even George noticed this change so he eyed Ban in a new light.

"Go on. Attend your matters first gramps. Return here later for the remaining two wishes." Ban nodded at Vernard as he smiled. He was still pondering on how he can bring some interesting challenges in Kagura and Kaguya's trial.

"Oh, right. I'll be back later, kid. Save those two wishes for me." Vernard recovered his composure as he laughed loudly. He went back with George to organize some important matters.

Seeing Vernard as if he just received his favorite toy to play, Ban shook his head as he chuckled slightly. He didn't felt any remorse controlling those people in actuality. In politics, everything is like a battlefield. One need to decisively destroy any competitors no matter what it takes. Especially in the higher positions. Those politicians showed angelic smiles, yet deep inside theres a laughing devil successfully achieving their greed, and searching for more opportunities to gain for more.

Not long before Vernard and George returned to where Ban was located.

Vernard especially got excited after settling some matters at hand.

"Is everything alright now?" Ban closed the Array Inscription tab as he faced the duo. He just finished creating the trial for the twins.

"Heh! Almost. I need your assistance for my actions, kid." Vernard rubbed his hands in anticipation.

"Sure. What is it, gramps?" Ban nodded. He knew Vernard must have issued some extreme commands to these controlled individuals that might affect the country's other sub leads.

"I can't believe you can accomplish such a move, kid." Vernard said as he appreciated the young man in front of him. Wether it is a capability of the young man in front of him or not, he was not in position to know. Everyone has a secret and he knew his boundary not to pry further.

He continued with a serious face, "Problem will rise sooner than later since I pulled back all the forces outside, including those top elites from our country. Any day from now, other country forces will probe our country to know if we have a strong backing from outside. You mentioned before that I can rely on you about outsiders right? I need that information now."

"That's your second wish now, gramps?" Ban chuckled as he squinted his eyes at Vernard.

"Yes." Vernard rolled his eyes. This kid in front of him seems to be enjoying being a powerful genie.

"I do have counter measures against those aggressive invaders, but it is not complete yet." Ban nodded slightly. Those five Array Pillars have significant help on his country, wether placing a concealment array, defensive, offensive array or all at once. He only need to do is to activate it in the main pillar in his mansion.

Just that, doing it will complicate other things. For example, if he activate a defensive array, wether if outsiders or fellow countrymen as long as they enter the country, certain actions within the defensive array will be activated.

That is why he needed some assistance. He need some watchers which Vernard can deploy since he now has the control of the commands of the country. After all, a country-scale array will be activate soon.

Ban then explained his plan to Vernard. This is a grand move of his country so he will need some key information regarding ports. These area will serve as entry and exit point of his array, so there will be massive changes in the country soon.

"Are you serious, kid? You have a way to banish anyone with unauthorize entry?" Vernard gawked at the idea. His shining eyes are getting brighter by the second.

George helplessly glanced at his grandpa. He could tell that his old guy was planning something a villain will do.

Vernard coughed as he regained his composure. Still, his hands were shaking in excitement. He can't wait to let this action to be excuted soon.

"Yes. If a person tried to sneak in, he or she will be teleported to a certain place which I don't know where yet, we can arrange a place for that. Plus, any treasures they carry will be left behind, be it guns or money- even a chopper is possible, just anything. It can also stop any incoming attacks like weapons for mass destruction and more." Ban listed some advantages of his plan.

Vernard and George listened in excitement. They were like kids watching their favorite show on TV.

"Still.. This is not a perfect counter measure." Ban shook his head. He continued, "If he or she enters the country with an 'authorized' tag or those who are already in the country, I can't do anything all about it. They are naturally tagged as tourists."

Ban recalled a certain brawnhead that almost destroyed one of the cities that night.

'If I see that guy again, I'll let him experience a good flight lesson heading to his country.' Ban remembered how Ariana did this move at him, he helplessly shook his head.