Ariana Loves Flattery

Ban and Ariana stood at the top of the sect wall admiring the brilliance of the stars above.

The two remained silent for quite a good while.

Ban was in a dazed state. He was still contemplating about the bizarre situation where he met that mysterious woman.

'Come to think of it. I happened to utter something before I blanked out. Miner was it?'

'But I don't sound like that. My voice seems deep and mature.'

'I somehow remember that voice like a deja vu... Or maybe it's all my imagination.'

Shaking his head, Ban was trying to forget that unusual scene. Especially that kiss which still gave lingers all over his body.

Ariana who noticed that Ban was deep in thought, she asked, "What's your purpose on creating a sect? You're still young. You should be spending your youth on adventure and studying."

"Hmm?" Ban glanced back at her. This sudden question made him confused for a bit.

"Generally, only people with much experience in life established this kind of organization. You, on the otherhand have no experience about this matter." Ariana squinted her eyes with suspicion. She continued, "Was it because of your master? Also that master of yours, was he that old guy in the library? I can't see through him one bit, but I know he's very powerful. Can't be right? You said your master was a woman before."

Ariana began her interrogation. Being bored for hundreds of years living in the planet, she finally found something for a distraction.

"Err. I have personal reasons for creating a sect. To rescue those orphans are one of them. As for my master, I don't have any contacts with her whereabout." Ban scratched his head. He was surprised though after knowing Old Sven is indeed much stronger than her.

"By the way, thank you for the subordinates you sent to work for my sect. I am currently in need of capable helpers." Ban changed the topic seeing her thoughtful look.

Ban was having suspicion. He wasn't so blind about their hidden action. He knew they are trying to uncover his secrets from the beginning.

Clara suddenly approached him one time. And Ban began his suspicion that he was being investigated at the same time protected.

Who was he? A mere mortal with unknown future prospect. Why would they suddenly approach him for no reason?

Ban indeed saved a little girl back then, but in turn, he became a practitioner. It was already a great profit for him with that exchange. And later he was told that the little girl was actually strong enough to destroy a small planet of his.

Him having a master is a good reason to cover any suspicion from him. Especially how good his Array and combat skills. They are top notch compared to them.

However, he made a mistake. He once told that his master came from the elusive 5th Realm which actually the nemesis of other four Realms.

Ban clearly noticed the alienation of Ariana towards him. She didn't form any trust from him even until today which is a bad thing. After all, Ariana is the Sovereign of his Planet. His major movement in the future might be halted by her if she decided so, just like Nancy warned.

That is why, he needed to erase his non-existent master for good to form a good alliance with Ariana and the people from Eastern Realm.

"Oh that? It's nothing much. It's a win-win situation. They are eager to absorb the energies for a long time now. Because of you, they can now appreciate fresh breeze in the morning." Ariana smiled slightly which is a rare thing. She was truely happy for her subordinates. This problem also bugs her for years and the solution presented in front of her just like that.

Initially, due to the unusual restriction of the world, she thought it might be good idea to train ones mental fortitude. However, after hundreds of years, it becomes a burden instead. It is more like a torture than training.

"Yeah. Their assistance will improve the progress of the sect quite smoothly this time." Ban got entranced by her smile. It's been a while seen he saw her smile again and it's quite refreshing to see.


During the welcoming ceremony, he mentioned that some elders will appear the next day. That's because Ariana offered capable subordinates to represent as Elders of the sect.

Two for the Combat Department and one for Array Inscription Department.

Ban agreed with open arms of the offer readily. This will lessen his work load in the sect.

As for their wages, Ban issued inscripted tokens that will enable them to absorb Profound Energies without restriction.

One has to know that Ariana and her subordinates are outsiders. Due to unknown reasons, outsiders cannot absorb the Profound Energy of the world. This phenomenon made them a bit frustrated for a long time now.

With Ban's ingenius Array Inscriptions, they can now enjoy the benefits of the world.


Ariana didn't notice the peculiar gaze of Ban. Her mood lifted after hearing Ban praising her subordinates.

These people are her loyal followers.

When Ariana settled to a god forsaken planet, they also followed her without hesitation. They are like family to her. And after so many years, they still treated her as their leader.

"Anyways, did you approach me just to ask those questions?" Ban smiled at her. In fact, he will be satisfied if she accompanied him all night doing nothing.

He was also glad that Clara went back and let Ariana monitor him in her stead. Having interaction with this cold beauty made his mood got brighter.

"Why? You don't like my presence in your side? How about another flight lesson?" Ariana's tone turned cold. She stared at Ban with agressive look.

Ban raised his hands in defeat and wryly replied, "Well, I don't mind being with a great beauty by my side."

He knew that, to tickle this cold beauty, he needed to flatter her all the time.

And his reason was right, Ariana seemed to calm down after hearing his praise.

Ariana snorted but didn't rebuke him. She said, "We had an agreement earlier. I answered all your inquiries about cultivation. Now, it's my turn to ask."

"We did?" Ban pretended to be confused. In fact, he and her did have an agreement. However, he didn't think that she was serious about it.

"Fine. We did not." Ariana squinted her cold eyes.

Before Ban could relax, he heard Ariana talk again.

"However, answer this one question of mine. I won't bother you later after this."


"My question is related to our so-called alliance." Ariana paused before continuing,

"My sister, Emma, have high hopes on your potential. She initially wanted to recruit you to her Empire later when you get strong enough, but I can tell that it's not the case on your side.

You acknowledge someone as your master. She imparted you those precious skills and powerful techniques.

However, the problem is that, her origin Realm is our enemy."

Ariana paused again and faced Ban with a serious look.

"Tell me honestly, will you turn against us one day because of your master?"

Ban "..."


A/N : These are just some fillers I needed to complete (Sorry for that). We'll reach to the battle scene soon with the MC in the lead. A looong battle is expected so stay tuned.

Also, special mention to Kr4n4. Dude! Thanks for giving your power stones, I really appreciated your support. I don't actually need those stones since this novel is not premium and NEVER will be, but thanks anyway.

Happy New Year!

Cheers everyone!~
