
Ariana's statement made Ban confused a bit. He didn't thought that Emma was planning to recruit him to her Empire one day. If it wasn't for his superb skills, he barely have nothing to noticed at.

As for joining the Eastern Realm? Maybe he was planning to sightsee the place one day, even living there, but he will not join any forces to work for. Regarding what their motives and benefits are for recruiting him, he will still decline the offer.

Life was different from before he became a Practitioner. He has some selfish goal now that he became strong. He also considered unifying all Realms one day if he have the chance later.

Currently, forming alliance with the Eastern Realm people is the best approach in this situation. Both parties will benefit without conflict arising.

Ban especially thankful that the attitude of Eastern people were friendly or it will be catastrophic for him and his family. He has good impression with them and even willing to trade with him fairly. They are also his benefactor in a sense for helping him of his requests, he won't be so stingy when giving them what he got.


Sensing that Ban was still silent after a long while, Ariana's complexion turned cold. She asked, "Why have you gone silent? Could it be that I was right?"

Ban got stumped hearing her words. He was having chills seeing her cold eyes that were glaring at him as if she was about to eat him alive.

He was just contemplating for a bit and didn't thought that Ariana was rather impatient regarding this matter.

"No, it's not like that. I actually don't have any attachment about my master aside from bestowing to me her skills. In fact, I'm even curious about the Realm she was in and what exactly the reason why people from her Realm were being hated by the other Realms." Ban waved his hand, then continued, "That being said, can you explain it to me why do you hate the people from that Realm? To how much extent of hatred you have towards these people?"

Ban was clearly interested about it. Even though he has no plan on going to that place anytime soon, it is better knowing the place first before making another move.

Although the mysterious man gave him tasks to complete in exchange for abundant reward, he wasn't that desperate to do such impossible things like unifying all beings in the universe.

The mysterious man told Ban to protect his world since it has connection with his origin. It sounds weird, but Ban knew something was off in his world. It goes without saying that he will definitely protect his world from harm and will try to uncover it's mysteries, maybe it has something to do with the abnormalities of his body. With the current Illusory Formation on the planet, Ban already done half of the job.

After that, the mysterious man told him to take good care of the Primordial Creation Core in his body.

If Ban wasn't wrong, the mysterious man should be referring to the stone that turned into boundless space in his soul consciousness. And currently, he was having a dilemma on how to handle his transformed consciousness. Another thing is that, he discovered something that made him flustered at the center which he suspected to be the result of the Primordial Creation Core being hatched. Since he can't consult anyone so casually about it other than the mysterious man, that 'entity' will remain a mystery for Ban.

Ariana stared at Ban a couple of minutes to see if he was lying or not. The matter of Ban having an outsider of a master is big deal for her and the other Realms.

She could take it if Ban told her that his master came from tge Western Realm where Dark Practitioners resides. Even though the people from both Realm oppose one another, it is not to the point of an all out war.

Practitioners from the Eastern Realm doesn't like how the Western Dark Practitioners act. Dark Practitioners likes to spread Dark Elemental Energy in the surroundings for convenience which causes Non-Dark Practitioners to affect their field of vision as one of the reasons. This simple gesture can cause many misunderstandings and led to fight on both sides.

"If thats the case, then you don't need to know the reason why. Knowing it will get you in trouble." Ariana said icily. She paused for a second and warned, "Don't tell anyone about your master's origin. Especially when you meet powerful elders outside. 5th Realm is a taboo matter for them. They'll get easily offended if you insist this topic on them."

After saying her piece, Ariana flew back to the main building where the ladies are. From the looks of it, she's planning to pick a room for herself to reside. Apparently, this place will serve as her second home aside from the North Pole.

Ban was left standing in a daze. Never did he expected that pretending to have a master will cause him so much trouble.

"Come to think of it. She did reacted more violent when I mentioned I have a master from that Realm. I felt her mild killing intent at that moment."

Sighing, Ban decided to let the matter cool down first. Although dejected, his curiosity peaked even more. Sooner or later, he will eventually know the secret of this elusive 5th Realm.

As for whose person to seek this information, Ban smiled while staring at the fading silhoulette of Ariana.

Ban took a deep breath to calm his mind. He turned and glanced back at the stars.

'Now that my matters will settle down soon, I will have plenty of time to focus on training.'


Meanwhile, the ladies were lively chatting and having a small feast, one lady slipped out and headed towards the direction of Ban.

She was careful not to be found by others as she silently approached the giant wall.

Ban blinked for a second sensing someone was approaching him in the dark. He smiled and turned. He said that made the lady startled,

"Can't wait for our date? My little pikachu?"


A/N : I was busy last week. I owe one chapter this week.

Next Chapter is a lemonade juice.

