With Elena Part 1*

(A/N : NSFW. R-18.)

Outer space...

Ban and Elena boarded the battleship as it traveled in the vast space outside the planet.

They held each other's hand while marveling the beauty of the stars around.

Elena's eyes glowed brightly in marvel. Her eyes shifted from one planet to another as the battleship passed through the space. Never did she expected that Ban would arrange such a wonderful date for her. This was truly an eye opener for her.

Ban smirked when he saw how moved Elena beside him. His mind wondered if he could bring his lovers all at once at space for a date, then they might give him a hot and spicy reward. Thinking about it, he almost let out a perverted drool in his mouth. Fortunately for him, Elena was too immersed to see his reaction.

Ban could tell that Elena's body was a bit stiff. He guessed she was having a hard time overcoming the bloodlust after killing multiple enemies at once. It could be said that she was having a massacre without mercy at that time.

Ban pulled Elena into his embrace. This is the least he could do to give her comfort to lessen the tension on her body.

He didn't felt much after doing a massacre at the capital a few days back. However, he knew how terrible it felt when killing someone for the first time. It leaves a bad taste in his mouth for a while.

Now that Elena was having similar trouble, he must give her assurance by staying at her side.

Meanwhile, Elena buried her face in his embrace even more, searching for a more comfortable spot. Her body felt light all of a sudden as her worries got swept away in a flash.

Her emotions last night were jumbled. Having her sixty or so comrades killed without mercy in one night made her really sad. However, after killing back those scums, her raging emotions never went down.

So she decided to torture the captured enemies to vent her anger. However, she received nothing as they were only minions by the organization. Killing them was the best way to avoid more trouble and so she did.

Last night was a sleepless night for her. She swore to eliminate every Dark Breed members everywhere. She will never show mercy to them as they are already devils in disguise. Countless people should have perished by their hands already judging how merciless they were.


After a while, Elena returned to her usual stern self. Finding herself in Ban's embrace, she blushed a little. Although embarrassed, she didn't push him back.

Maybe she found that they are the only ones that present in the space, her courage soared.

One has to know that she was once his teacher and her age was almost twice as his. She was deep down protective of her image as a teacher. If someone she knew saw her having a relationship with her student, she felt a bit ashamed. But over the period of time she was with Ban, she inevitably fall in love with him. Especially when he shows a mysterious vibe around him that she wanted to uncover at the moment.

Plus, she felt glad that Ban was helping her family in everything. Just earlier, she saw her grandfather and brother so happy after returning and she already guessed that Ban was again helped them unconditionally.

Now that they were the only ones in the space, her thoughts wandered with wild imaginations.

Ban's heart skipped a bit when his eyes met with Elena's fiery gaze. He saw her face was full of longing and love.

Ban unceremonously kissed her lips without any hesitation. A kiss full of emotion and aggresiveness. His desire to conquer this mature beauty in his embrace got peaked.

Elena took a deep breath after receiving the attack. After recovering from the surprise, she countered by hooking her hands around his back up to the back of Ban's neck.

Ban was a bit surprised to see Elena was even more aggressive than him. His shirt got ripped as she pulled it bit by bit into shreds. Not only that, she also bit his lips in excitement every now and then.

Ban smirked at her actions as if she was trying to compete with him in terms of aggressiveness. He didn't mind the little competition though.

His claws also roamed around her perfectly proportioned body until they settled on her front.

Elena blushed further when she felt the naughty claws of Ban on her melons. She let out a slight moan at this simple interaction. However, she wasn't planning on losing either. While Ban was slowly massaging her front that made her shivers in delight, her face shifted and kissed his jaw down to his neck.

And it's just the start of Elena's teasing.

Ripping Ban's shirt apart, her mouth trailed all over his body like a hungry vixen.

'That's a good one.'

Ban praised inwardly as he felt a newly found sensation. Being kissed and licked all over the body made him halt his actions. Even if he did continue, Elena already bent down which is hard for him to continue his previous action.

"Come on. Make me feel good."


Ban heard Elena's soft whisper. However, before he could do something, he was pushed down by her as she held both of his arms making him immobile. He saw Elena already settled on top of him. Her actions made him see her in a new light.

Elena's expression right now had a hint of provocation despite blushing so hard.

'Goodness! If my strength wasn't strong enough, I might be powerless to resist her advances and be like a lamb to be eaten.'

Ban guessed that this is the real Elena whose unrestrained and overbearing. He also guessed that she has a habit to control anyone using dominance.

As Elena continued to ravage Ban's body by kissing, licking and even biting, she suddenly felt her viewpoint got flipped.

Their position was now swapped. Elena now laying on the smooth carpet while Ban was on top of her.

Ban wasn't planning to be dominated just like that. This time, he will going to dominate her completely.

A single touch is enough.

[Passion Conqueror Technique]