With Elena Part 2*

( A/N : NSFW * R-18)

Being restrained by Ban, Elena squirmed in protest as she stared at him with puzzled look. Her hands were pinned above her head, not too tight to make her felt pain, but enough to give her a sense of resignation.

Ban didn't say anything. His other free hand grabbed her elegant night gown and pulled it in one go making a ripping sound. In just a second, her upper body was fully exposed.

Ban's eyes grew hot at the sight before him. Elena was too enticing that his dragon got even harder from stimulant.

"Ahh!!.." An overwhelming moan escaped from Elena's lips as Ban devoured one of her cherries without restraint. Her mind turned white and her body spasmed all of a sudden. Her eyes even rolled upwards while expressing a pleased face as if she just reached the highest heavens.

Ban paused in surprise to see Elena climaxed just like that. He wondered if he overdid his job. He was a bit dazed to know just how terrifying the Passion Conqueror Technique once it activates. It's as if this technique is the bane of all tough women out there.

Seeing Elena twiching hard under him, Ban regretted a bit for fully utilizing the techniques' power.

With no other choice, Ban waited a few minutes for Elena to catch her breath to normal.

"W-What was that just now? I felt like my soul just escaped my body." Elena face was still crimson red while asking Ban what he did. She felt one of her cherries became so sensitive that a touch can make her climax again.

"It's like a massage skill of mine. You like it?" Ban chuckled as his drive rose once again seeing her inviting look.

"I-I love it... B-But it's too much that my body can't handle by just one touch." Elena was too embarrassed after being subdued by one touch. Her competitive nature earlier got lowered to the point that she got humbled. She now was a meek as pikachu in front of Ban.

"Heh.. Don't worry. I will lessen the use of that skill from now on." Ban laughed as his naughty claws roamed around her sensitive body. He will never stop until he gets a homerun tonight with Elena.

"Ah... D-Dont.. I'm still recovering.." Elena protested coquetishly, but she remained still, showing that she liked it. Her body trembled in delight from time to time while receiving Ban's advances.

Ban resumed his action on Elena's beautiful cherries, but the terrifying technique wasn't active this time. He could tell that Elena was getting aroused, but not as exaggerated like earlier. His other hand removed her remaining dress making her soaked cave finally revealed in front of him.

Elena stared at Ban with intense surge of passion. Her eyes were making hints that she wanted to do the main course real quick.

Ban smiled slightly in response. Although he wanted to enjoy the moment slowly since he could tell this is Elena's first time, he agreed to her request readily. He then removed all his clothes leaving him fully naked.

Elena took a deep breath seeing the perfect body of Ban. Her thighs unconsciously clenched when she saw the fully awakened dragon of Ban. Feeling confused and a little bit afraid as to how such a thing be so long and huge.

Ban slipped his two fingers between Elena's thigh, reaching her moist cave while starting to rub it gently.

"Mmmm.." Elena let out a muffled moan as Ban suddenly kissed her.

Ban forced his tongue in and was searching for hers as if playing hide and seek. While doing that, he positioned his raging dragon in front of her soaking cave, rubbing it from time to time for lubrication.

Elena continued to enjoy the incoming pleasure as she let Ban do as he likes. She felt so lightheaded as if she was drunk. Suddenly, her body jolted in shock when something incomprehensibly huge hot thing entered her cave ever so slowly.

"Mmmmnnn..." Knowing what entered her cave, Elena tilted her head while moaning. Her fingers unconsciously clenched the back of Ban. She felt her little cave got searing hot as if burning and she let out tears of pain. What baffled her was that, the hot dragon of Ban was only halfway in and still moving even deeper inside of her cave. She felt the process was like taking forever but she also don't want it to stop either.

Ban groaned in excitement. He could feel his raging dragon was tightly clenched by Elena's little cave.

He could swear that this is one of the best feeling of his life. Having intimate interaction on his former teacher and now his lover.

Without further ado, Ban slammed the deepest part of Elena's cave in one go.

"Ohhh my... gawwd! So deep..." Elena shifted her face to the side as she gasped for air. Her body trembled from delight and pain after being pierced by Ban with his raging dragon.

Ban saw the changes of expression from Elena and smiled gently. Although he wanted to pause for a while to let the latter get accustomed to it, he changes his mind. He pulled out his raging thing slowly and pushed it inside again.

"Ahh...." Elena bit her lower lips. The inner walls of her cave twitched from time to time which gave her pain and pleasure.

"Ahh... more..." Elena whispered in embarrassment after a while. The pain completely faded away and only the euphoric sensation remains. Her little cave now was throbbing and massaging Ban's raging thing.

Ban's eyes light up as he gripped her waist and gave an unrestrained thrust towards her deepest cave. The euphoria coming from his raging dragon quickly spread throughout his body. He wanted more.

"AHHH..." Elena moaned loudly. The sudden thrust made her climax a bit due to the intense pleasure. Her face flushed in embarrassment for moaning so loud. But then, she realized that she and Ban were the only person in the battleship so her moan became unrestrained too.

Ban thrust deeply and shook his hips back and forth. His pace accelerated further which made him reached the highest stairs of ecstasy all the time.

Elena moan got even more wilder. During their love making session, she was like a little boat under the giant waves of a storm. She couldn't tell how many she have climaxed after more than an hour of nonstop assault of Ban. Now she realized that she couldn't handle Ban alone no matter how passionate she was. Ban was like an unstoppable machine and made her do various embarrassing poses that made her ashamed. Right now, she was having a hard time catching her breathe while her voice became coarse.

Ban could feel that his first load was coming. He bent his back backward and groaned as he released a sigh in pleasure. His hot seed gushed fiercely and mixed with hers. It filled her cave walls with warmth.


Elena moaned loudly while rolled her eyes from pleasure. Her body turned jelly as her strength left her body and ended up unconscious. Her body had a tint of pink in colour while covered in sweat.

Ban was far from over. After he removed his raging dragon from her cave, it still stand tall as if it wanted more. However, after seeing the fast asleep Elena, he hesitated for a bit before giving up the idea of continuing. Since it's her first time, he shouldn't give her a hard time for it.

While Ban was deep in thought, he suddenly felt another presence in the battleship. Turning his head, he saw Eliza standing behind him while covering her mouth from shock.

Eliza's beautiful eyes turned wide from disbelief while her face got red up to her neck and ears.

Ban's lips visibly twitched. His mind went blank as he thought,

'How did she get in here without my permission?'