With Eliza Part 1*

(A/N : NSFW. R-18)

Ban stood up to face the flustered Eliza. He wondered how the latter boarded the battleship and how long she stayed in place.

Soon, he got the answer when he saw a ruby necklace near Eliza. Turned out the necklace got thrown away after he ripped Elena's dress at the moment of heat earlier.

A/N : I already forgot if it is a bracelet or a necklace. I'll call it necklace for the time being.

'She must have used the teleportation function of the ruby necklace to find her sister.'

Ban sweated realizing if his close relative use this teleportation at such a wrong timing. It would be so awkward if that happens.

Fortunately, only Eliza is the first person to used such a function since she has the strong curiosity for every bizarre things.

Now, Ban was thinking if he should remove the teleportation function and if not, he should revise how it works. After all, it's still useful for convenience and to avoid potential dangers.

"Cough* Eliza.."

"Ah.. AH! S-Sorry for disturbing. I-I gotta go.." Eliza got woken up being dazed and said in a fluster. Her action was fast, but she became anxious knowing that her necklace' teleportation function didn't activate. Her plan was to teleport back to Sienna to escape the situation, but the necklace wasn't responding to her commands.

Ban knew that the necklace of Eliza was in a state of recharging energies. After all, she just did a long distance teleportation. Her location was a few dozens of light years away from their planet. The necklace was at the limit and got exhausted of every bit of it's energy reserves. It will take some time for her to refill the energy reserves of the necklace and during that time, she will remain in the battleship.

"Now now. Calm down for a bit. We're just playing around." Ban approached Eliza as he explained.

'Who would believe you?'

Eliza rolled her eyes that she almost facepalmed. However, her nerves indeed relaxed quite a bit.

A deep blush plastered all over her face seeing the fully naked body of Ban. The stimulation earlier from watching the intense sexual intercourse of the couple didn't calm down. Especially the man was her lover and the other was her beloved sister. A strange feeling was budding inside her if she and her sister share a man in bed at the same time. Thinking of this, she almost let out a nosebleed. The wild imagination gets the best of her right now and her body was starting to get hot.

Ban was still in the heat and his raging thing stood still. Now that Eliza was here, he will try to take her as well.

Eliza was in a daze again. She didn't know what to say. She didn't even know that behind her reveals the magnificent beauty of the universe. If she knew, she might be in for another wave of surprise.

Unfortunately for Eliza, Ban's naked self was already within reach and pulled her to his embrace without any warning.

"Yahhhhh! W-What?" Eliza shrieked in surprise. Anticipation and fear mixed within her eyes as she stared at Ban. Afraid that her sister might wake up and excitement knowing that she can also have intimate moments with Ban beside her sleeping sister.

Ban chuckled as his claws started roaming around Eliza's dress.

"N-No, n-not here." Eliza was getting melted from the caresses. "Mmmmmnn..."

Soon, Ban covered Eliza's mouth by giving her a wet kiss. Their tongues intertwined to one another, battling to know who's going to be the victor.

Eliza was familiar with Ban's advancements. After all, the couple did this kind of flirting a couple of times when they were alone. She was wondering if Ban will go all the way this time.


Eliza moaned loudly when Ban suddenly pinched one of her protruding cherries underneath her sexy night gown. Her knees shuddered as electric sensation coursed her body. She could tell that Ban was rougher than usual. Wondering if he was punishing her for sneaking in and disturb their moment.

"I was planning to take you for a date in this area later, but I guess I need to arrange another place just for you." Ban smiled as his action did not slowed down a bit. Instead, he was getting rougher. His lips trailed from her lips up to her ears, nibbling it from time to time.

"Ohhh... Haaa... W-What...? Aaaahn...!" Eliza was too occupied from the lust that Ban gave her. She couldn't figured out what he meant.

"Here, let me show you..." Ban grinned and controlled Eliza's body to face the view of the universe.

Eliza was puzzled at first, but after seeing the view, she became petrified in wonder.


Ban, who's behind her, ripped her dress leaving her bare naked in full glory.

Eliza's face was full of surprise. Not because of the action of Ban, but she was still marveling the wonderful view of the universe.

Ban, who's still behind, inserted his slippery thing between Eliza's thicc thigh, rubbing her slightly moist little cave. His claws didn't stop. One was rubbing her bountiful melons, and the other was rubbing her cave while his lips are kissing her nape and lightly biting it from time to time.

Ban was taking advantage of Eliza's dazing stupor and he was enjoying every bit of it. His eyes light up as he placed the tip of his raging dragon in front of the entrance of her little virgin cave.

"Aaaahnnnn....! W-What....? Ooooh my gooooodness..!"

A wave of pain and intense pleasure covered Eliza's whole being as she yelped while having a hard time catching her breath. Her eyes rolled upwards as she was having euphoria. The intense pleasure made her climaxed.

The gripping pressure of Eliza's little cave made also Ban hissed in pain and pleasure.

"Aaahnn... N-Not f-fair..! Ooooh!" Eliza whined coquetishly as she slightly recovered a bit after reaching her first orgasm. Still, her body turned jelly as most of her strength left her body.

"Heh.. Let's just say I'm giving you a little punishment for intruding. I don't mind since you're my lover, but what about your sister? So I'm giving you a lesson in stead for your sister." Ban chuckled as he started to piston her behind in a slow pace. A wave of pleasure immediately enveloped his body.

"Mmmmnn... M-My sister won't s-scold me. Ahhh..! Y-You're taking advantage of me.. N-Not fair.. AAAHHhhnn...!!" Eliza tried to reason with an aggrieved blushing look, but all of it was ignored by Ban as he thrusted even faster.



"Sooo bheeeeeg...!


Eliza was trying to suppress her moan, but every time Ban impaled the deepest part of her little cave, she moaned uncontrollably. She just can't stop the intense pleasure as Ban was like an unstoppable machine, ravaging her like a beast in heat.






The Bridge style and ten more positions...

Ban tried everything he knew from the experience and watching videos at home before for educational purposes in the future.

To Ban's surprise, Eliza was still keeping up even though she was having uncountable orgasm in the hours of non-stop love-making.

'Wonder if she can withstand the Passion Conqueror Technique?'

Ban thought as he was anticipating the idea. He skimmed the details of the technique before and a noticeable detail made him want to do it with Eliza.

♡♡♡ 2nd effect : Aside from the extreme pleasure received, a mysterious connection will form for both parties after the technique is fully executed.