A new group. [Day 5]

A new day a new adventure. After hunting in the woods, we manage to catch some rabbits and by "we" I mean Freya decided she was energetic today and so caught most of them. We then eat for breakfast and then head on our way to explore.

Whilst on the way to the rive through I do my stats that I have left.

> STR: 19 -> 21 & AGI 20 -> 23 & VIT 13 -> 15

Going down the same path we went before except when we find the bucket, we don't head towards the village instead we continue to head down the river.

As typical with this area we are often attacked by Eiri and horned rabbits, but they don't pose much of a threat for the three of us working together. Seeing how Freya is at the lowest level I decided to let her get all the kills to work her way to evolve.

Continuing our walk with the sun shining overhead managing to breach through the canopy and reflect on the crystal-clear water from the river. Not too shabby of a day.

???(1): "Will you shut up or the boss is going to get annoyed when we don't bring back anything to eat."

???(2): "Maybe if you weren't such bad company I would not irritate you so much."

Voices are coming up from further down the river. Quickly I grab both Rex and Freya beside me and drag them into the woods with me before getting down.

Me: "Rex, Freya stay close and do not stray from me." Hearing me they then lower their heads and stick to my legs.

Slowly creeping forward, I stick to the forest line and continue down.

???(1): "I am not here to entertain you; I just want to get the food so we can go back."

???(2) " "I just want to get the food and go back", why don't you just lighten up a bit." He says in a mocking voice.

???(1) "Why am I always put with annoying shits like you."

???(2) "Cus I always make sure we are put together. You are so much fun to play with."

Getting closer and closer to the voices I eventually can see through the forest so look upon the two of them. They are both crouched down in the forest looking out into the river.

(1) [Race: Kobolt, Sex: Male, Rank: G]

The first is a brown-furred Kobalt with green eyes.

(2) [Race: Kobolt, Sex: Male, Rank: G]

The second was a dirt gold furred Kobalt with brown eyes.

It was only inevitable that I would find more people and that they would also be of the same race. Although thinking about it there could be a chance that these are native people to this world. I will just have to find out later.

I continue to wait in the woods to see what the two of them will do.

???(1): "There look a pair of rabbits that should be enough to fill the quota."

???(2): "You go do it I can't be bothered." He says while laying down on the ground.

I can then see that the other guy ground his teeth. He then ignores him and goes to attack the two horned rabbits. I see him grab a club made of wood from the ground and stalk up to the two rabbits. He then quickly smashes the first rabbit in the head whilst the other reacts and dives at him which he blocks with the club. He then quick smashes the other rabbit.

Once he does this the guy who was laying in the woods comes right behind him and takes the two dead rabbits.

???(2): "Thanks for the kills Valret the boss is going to be pleased. God is gets me going that you gain no EXP for this ha." He says whilst getting in his face.

I can see that Valret is getting pissed off. I have a feeling that I know what is going on, so I decided to take a risk.

Grabbing my flint dagger from the scabbard belt and get into throwing position. With all my strength I flung the dagger as hard as I can at the second guy. Whilst the dagger flies, I also draw my great sword and move quickly in case the dagger misses.

It does not and goes straight into the side of the second guy head killing him instantly.

[You have killed: Race: Kobolt, Rank: G, gained: 22 EXP]

Me: "Rex, Freya do not let Valret go yet." Once I say this the wolves go from attacking Valret to circling him to stop him from escaping.

Valret doesn't know what is going on stays rooted in the place and is quickly surrounded by us.

Once he realises what is going on he puts his hands up.

Valret: "Hey, I don't want any trouble I got nothing."

Me: "I am not robbing you Valret. I just have some questions. First, this guy was a bandit, right?" I say this while pointing to the guy I just killed.

Valret: "He was but how the hell did you know that."

Me: "In the wild, only bandits would call their leader boss; he liked that fact that he was causing you to harm and making you do work whilst he lazed around meaning he had control over you. Seeing how you were the same rank it meant he had someone to back him up most likely to also be just as bad as him as he allowed him to do this. He also carried himself like a bandit, he took from you with no remorse and then gloated in the fact he could. He then got in your face to make you react so he could torment you further. This leads me to the next question what was he talking about when he said that you got no EXP."

Valret looks shocked for a second before answering the question.

Valret: "Um, well that is due to the system. It has a sort of party function where if you and another person accept you can take a part of the EXP a person gain. The bandit controlling my village has done this forcing everyone into it but made it, so all the EXP goes to him. He and his group of bandits now control the village."

Me: "How many bandits are there."

Valret: "Including the boss, there are 6 main bandits and then around 15 village bandits who help them but were originally from the village but joined them like this dead guy. They also control all the good weapons of the village whilst the rest are just stuck with clubs and rocks essential."

I want to take out these bandits for the loot and EXP and if I can help some people on the way then all the better.

Me: "Alright lead me to your village Valret. Rex, Freya let him go." The wolves then back off from him and come back to stand next to me whilst I grab the flint dagger for the body.

Valret looks towards them whilst they walk to me.

Valret: "That is awesome." He says whilst pointing.

Me: "I know, they are good buds." I say whilst scratching their ears.

Valret: "Where are you from by the way, ah I also didn't get your name."

This is a good chance to check my previous through.

Me: "I am from Earth."

Valret: "I don't think I have heard of Earth must be quite far away then."

Me: "Yes, it is, also this is rude of me my name is Lothran."

Lothran was the name that I would always give my characters when I played video games as a kid. With this new world, I decided to ditch my old name as it reminds me of nothing good.

More importantly, though is that there are native sentient races. Looks like the original human race is going to have competition now.