Operation Feather Fall Part 1. [Day 5]

Laying low in the woods looking towards the village I am met with an interesting site.

The village follows a circular expanding pattern with the main village expanding outwards from a centre house. Valret told me the main bandits stay in the centre house whilst the others take houses closer to the centre.

The village has a basic wooden wall around the outside and always has five guards although Valret has told me that they don't do their job most of the time. It is situated in a large open flat clearing. This means that the guards have a good vision all-around if they lookout.

Me: "Valret do you need to be back in the village before dark."

Valret: "No my mother is not expecting me until late at night as I was going to stay in the woods after I handed in my quota as I prefer to stay away from the village as much as possible. The woods are much more freeing."

Me: "All right that's good I could use your help for this."

After talking with Valret about the operation and working out any kinks and showing that Valret can place his trust in me we lay in wait for dark. Although we did leave for a bit to cook up rabbit dinner and have a nap before the operation so that we are not tired.

With the sun setting and night being cast over the village the operation begins to commence.

Valret walked up to the front of the village gate whilst I crawled through the grass surrounding the village. Once I was in position on the left of the door Valret knocked on the door.

The guard opens a small wooden slat to look out of.

Guard: "Valret." He then looks around before becoming confused.

Guard: "Where is Syco."

Valret: "Out in the forest jerking it off to some mutilated dead bodies did not want to watch that so I came back to hand in my quota."

Guard: "Of course that nutter is doing that, how am I not surprised. Alright, get in."

He then opens the door to let in Valret. Once in he tries to close the door but before he can Valret interrupts him by handing him a spare horned rabbit.

Valret: "Hey I managed to catch an extra rabbit do you want it."

With the guard distracted that is when I act. Going through the still open door I threw the dagger at the second guard who is sitting in one of the chairs behind the door. Then with the sword in my hand, I quickly stab forward towards the last guard whilst Valret ducks under the blade.

[You have killed: Race: Kobolt, Rank: G, gained: 25 EXP]

[You have killed: Race: Kobolt, Rank: G, gained: 25 EXP]

[You levelled up: 5/15 -> 6/15 ]

[Gained 2 Unassigned Stat Points.]

[Skill has levelled up: Basic Weapon Throwing 0/5 -> 1/5]

Me: "Good work Valret."

Valret: "Look who's talking."

I give a quick smile to Valret.

Valret: "Thank you Lothran, when you win, we can celebrate you can enjoy my mother's cooking."

Me: "I look forward to it."

With that Valret walks back to his house to protect his mother if anything happens.

Looking down at the guard I pick up the dagger again and see if there is anything else of use. Their equipment is nothing useful they just have wool shirts and trousers, and their weapon are just wooden clubs. I was just about to leave when I notice a slight metallic tint in the back pocket of the guard.

Crouching down to pick it up I pull it out to see that it is a small dagger.

> Iron dagger (Common)

A simple dagger made by an average blacksmith which even though he was forced to make still put his heart into his craft as his pride won't allow him to make something so shoddy.

A nice little find to say the least. It feels more balanced and much sharper this will help a lot as with this I also won't have to put my entire weight behind the throw just to be able to get the kill.

I place the Iron dagger with the flint dagger on the scabbard belt. Then head for the next guard I also turn off the notifications for EXP for now as they won't help me right now.

Moving onto the next guard who is to the west of the centre of the village which is the main bandit house and the gatehouse to the north.

Arriving towards the west I spot the guard who is standing on an extended platform from the wall with a ladder going up to it. The main problem for me is that first he is moving, and I don't know how confident I am at hitting a moving target and second is that he will most likely see me if I climb up the ladder.

Whilst thinking of a way to get the guard I see that Rex tail is wagging which gives me an idea.

Me: "Rex how good is your flying."

I then get a very confused look from Rex.

After explaining to Rex what he needs to do which was essentially to attack this guy and I will boost him. I then get close to the scaffolding making sure to stay quiet as they will also have the Basic Enhanced Senses and lock my hands together to create a small platform with my hands. Giving the signal to Rex he then sprints towards me whilst Freya lays down on the ground covering her eyes with their paw.

Once Rex places his paws on my hand I threw them up fling him into the sky directly to the guard.

This must-have terrified, confused, and most likely caused the guard to crap himself as a flying set of sharp teeth attached to a wolf flew towards him. Rex lands on top of the guard and bites down onto his neck crushing it under his powerful jaw.

With this guard dead, we move onto the south guard repeating the same move then to the east guard doing the same.

It seems that Rex has a talent for flying teeth attacks with three attempts and three kills. He also seems to know it as he holds his head high whilst Freya praise him with licks to the face.

With the other perimeter done we can move into the main house and side houses and remove the rest of the bandits.

Moving to the centre of the village I am met with a large house nearly manor made of wood and slate roofing. Off to the sides of the house is three smaller houses also made of wood but with thatch roofing with these most likely containing the 15 other bandits. They are not difficult to miss as they are the only houses that are nice and look good as the rest of the village is almost falling apart.

Heading for the first of the houses and closes to us I slowly open the door to find a dining room with a table and chairs along with a kitchen opposite it. Then a door off from the dining room and stairs leading up. Behind the door is most likely to be a bedroom so I head for it first.

Slowly opening the door, I find that there is a single bed along with a Kobolt sleeping in it. Next to the bed is a wooden club.

With such an easy kill I decide to allow Freya in on the action as she needs more EXP to level up and evolve.

Freya then quietly enters the room much better than I would and creeps up to the bed. Then with lethal precision and speed, she goes for the neck crushing it and killing the unsuspected Kobolt who gargles on his fluids.

Heading upstairs we repeat the same process as with the guy downstairs to the four other people inside allowing Freya to kill four of them before giving me the notification.

[Companion: Freya has evolutions available now]

[Due to meeting certain conditions Freya has unlocked new evolutions]

With that done I give Rex the last kill before moving onto the others.

Moving to the second House it is much the same repeat of the last house except that Rex does it this time gaining a nice juicy amount of EXP.

It is in the final house is there a bit of a change as when I got to the bottom door instead of finding a Kobolt I find something different.

[Race: Kabalt, Sex: Male, Rank: F-]

This is going to be problematic as if this guy who is a low subordinate of the bandits is of a higher race what are the main bandits going to be.