What to do. [Day 9]

It was coming too late in the evening, so we decided to head back to the village.

On the way back we encountered another group of Eira except this one was much smaller in number so did not grant any levels or anything. Making it back to the village I can see that the guards are not back yet, so I decide to wait for them.

Playing around with Rex and Freya is probably one of the best past times. They are just so energetic and seem to love to play, be it chasing a stick or messing around in the grass around the village.

Rex and Freya suddenly jump up and I was about to ask what it was when I can hear what they were alerted to. I can hear the heavy breathing and running of feet. I can hear only one, so it must be a lone person.

As he draws closer to the village he seems to slow down before stopping at the forest line. Curious about what he is doing I head to the trees to my left as he is in front of me. I then make my way around to behind him where I can see that he is inspecting the village. I draw my sword and try to come up behind him, but he hears me then looks towards me.

Me: "Can I help you? You seem to have taken a keen interest in the village."

???: "Well guess this means I am dead, you're not likely to allow me to escape."

Me: "Why would I kill you; you haven't done something to try and harm me have you."

???: "Well, uh, won't your boss be annoyed at you for allowing me to escape, I don't think he would take kindly to me spying on you."

Me: "What boss?" I say whilst making a confused face.

???: "Are you just dumb or acting. The bandit boss that runs this village."

Me: "Mate, I killed the bandits who were controlling this place a while ago."

???: "…. Um, cool."

We then just seem to stare at each other.

???: "How do I know that you aren't a bandit who is just controlling this place."

Me: "Well if I was, you would be dead but you seem tired so you can come into the village and see for yourself."

He gives me a quick stick eye before he seems to come to a decision.

???: "Alright let's see this "village" of yours."

We exit the forest and head for the village. At the same time, I can see that some of the guards' squads are back including the mining expedition.

Valret seeing me approaching and walks over to meet me.

Valret: "Lothran, everything was smooth on my part with no problems."

Me: "Good work Valret, also meet. Um. A random dude who showed up. Not quite sure why he is here but he seems ok."

Valret: "Nice to meet you." He then sticks out his hand to shake his.

The random dude is taken back by this but seems to recover quickly and shakes his hand.

???: "You guys are not bandits. With me not being dead, you seem to act cordially with one another, and I can see that you are rebuilding the village. Guess that makes this easier for me. We are trying to gather all the local villages to help with the bandit problem. You are currently the only village that has seemed to not be under bandit rule whilst rest of the villages are going to gather to join to deal with the bandits."

Me: "How many villages are there?"

???: "There are 5 other villages not including yours that are under the bandit rule. Once all the villages have gotten a message of what each other plan to do we were going to set a meeting place."

I think I hear the words, opportunity for juicy EXP bandit farming. This could also be a good opportunity to link with the other villagers as trade is a much-needed opportunity to grow. I also don't want these bandits to realise that we are bandit free and think that they have free territory for the taking.

Me: "I will help you guys out. Once you go back tell them to meet here as we can safely meet and plan our actions."

He seems to wait a moment before speaking again.

???: "Why are you so quick to help most people would not help?"

Me: "EXP, bandit loot, and because I don't want any bandits rocking up at my village thinking they have a free property waiting for them. So, I am removing the problem whilst I can." I say this whilst counting off the list on my fingers.

He seems to think about it looking around the village and inside the open door where he can see some people rebuild one of the houses that fell.

???: "Fine. I think we will most likely be here in around three days to four days."

Me: "I will prepare for your party then. Stay safe out there." I then extend my hand for a shake which he returns.

He then quickly turns and runs off back into the forest.

Valret: "With the guard squad and you, together we don't need to worry with the bandits so much so why were you going to help them."

I quickly look at Valret and smile.

Me: "Trade Valret, worlds are made on the trading industry and if we can get something going with all of the villagers in this area it can massively help us. It also doesn't hurt to make connections with the other villagers as you never know when you might need them. I also don't like bandits, reminds them of someone from back home, they just take and don't give back."

Valret: "I will talk to the others and tell them what is happening. Be prepared as well as there is a chance everyone is going to make you the leader of the village."

Me: "What, I know that I have helped and everything and taken a kind of leadership role, but don't you want someone else."

Valret: "Not really I mean we care more about the fact that you get the job done and are willing to help rather than if you came from the village. After dealing with the bandits, you stayed to help further if it was someone else, they could have just left us to fend for ourselves."

Me: "I am prepared for the chance I will become the leader of the village; I am fine with that."

He then walks away back into the village. I always felt like I wanted to lead something, but I never got the chance. I suppose a trial by fire is the best way to find out if I am cut for it.