Before the meeting. [Day 10]

It was the next day and I had much to do. I need to meet with the other to discuss meeting the other villages and potentially them making me the leader. I also want to get some more training in and levelling up.

So, I head downstairs where Valret is waiting for me.

Valret: "We are going to meet this afternoon to talk about everything that needs to happen for the meeting. So, you have the morning to be an unburdened man."

Me: "I will enjoy it while I can."

Heading out into the forest I continue like I have every other day and hunted monsters again. I only had time to do this for the morning, but I did get some improvements.

[You levelled up: 11/15 -> 12/15]

[Gained 2 Unassigned Stat Points.]

I had lunch in the forest then headed back to the village for the meeting. Again, we would meet at my house as it could hold us all.

Inside was Franz (Head Farmer), Walfried (Head Builder), Horst (Head Blacksmith) and Valret (Head Guard). We also had Alssa who was sort of speaking for the general people and then Arnol because he could not be left alone at the house. He was now playing with the wolves again.

The rest of us had gathered around the table in the dining room.

Horst: "Let's not beat around the bush we want to elect Lothran as the head of the village. Everyone here has decided that Lothran is the best suited for the leader. With the impending problems that seem to arise, you have managed to make active decisions to help everyone. You also have the strength to fight for us. No one better in our opinions."

Me: "Thank you for the vote of confidence it won't be misplaced. I will make sure to always do my best for the village and everyone in it. With that we done, we need to talk about our new problem. In two to three days, the other village leaders will arrive and gather to talk about how we are going to deal with the bandit problem in the other villages. Without knowing the strength of the bandits and the strength of the villages it is difficult to see how this will go."

Franz: "What are the chances that the other bandits were the same strength as the one you faced."

Me: "I really can't say, they could be anything, but the chances are relatively high that they will be the same or higher strength. If he was weaker than the other bandits, the chances are that they would have just attacked him and taken over this village. But we need to prepare for anything so Valret I need you to rank up the guard's squad as fast as you can."

Valret: "I can do that."

Me: "Horst I need you to start making iron weapons as fast as you can and the best quality you can as we need uncommon rank so that we can start learning classes."

Horst: "I will see what I can do but my original projections for the time was a week to start making the weapons and it could take me a long time before I can become a better blacksmith to be able to make uncommon weapons."

Me: "If you can get it any faster that would be best but don't kill yourself over it. I sadly can't help you improve your skills as I know nothing about it. Maybe once we have helped the other villages talk to the other blacksmiths there and see if you can all gather your knowledge and help each other improve. Competition often leads to improvement."

Horst: "Leave it to me, I was made to do this."

Me: "Walfried if you can speed up the defences that would be amazing as well, but I also want you to start something else. I want you to start building more houses. They don't need to be now but, in the future, with the bandits and demon attack on the horizon the chances are that people are going to rush here for safety are high as the other villages fail to defend themselves, so we are going to need more housing."

Walfried: "I can expand the village to the west as the wall there is practically non-existent and build the houses there. If the other villages are going to join, we will need quite a few houses to be safe probably enough for 200 people or more. With the other projects going on that could take a whilst and I am unsure if we could get that done before the demon attack."

Me: "Just prioritise the defences first then when you get to the west expansion part just build quick houses, they don't need to last a long time just to temporary housing for people. Once the area is secure from demon attacks, we can build better permanent homes. Another way would be to make the house like the ones outside where five people stay in a house and it just has a small kitchen/dining room. Whatever you think it best I will trust your judgment."

Walfried: "Ok."

Me: "Franz I also want you to work with Walfried and start planning out fields areas for after the demon attack which will be enough to feed the village plus the increase in population."

Franz: "I can do that but what would be best is if we can get me some livestock that can massively increase our food and they keep."

Me: "During the meeting, I will see what I can get but I doubt many will be willing to give us any due to the bandits. I can ask in the rewards after helping them if possible. Instead, we can prepare the fields for the seasons. I want you to do crop rotations where you spit the field in four and every harvest you rotate the crop over one field and leave one field black. This will reduce the chance of disease and the field becoming dry. For the land itself, we can create fertiliser where you mix any excrement with dirt and mix it with the land that you are going to use to grow the crop. Also, on the empty field every harvest you can add a bit of extra fertiliser to help it recover."

Franz: "So you do the crop rotation to stop draught as well as the field can recover the nutrients in the ground. Although I am unsure how the fertiliser works."

Me: "The fertiliser has nutrients vital for plant growth and so makes the most ground very fertile."

Franz: "Interesting I will try it out then. Where did you come to learn this?"

Me: "Where I used to live, they had advanced techniques for many things, I used to use this to grow my gardens when I was a kid with my grandmother. It should increase the growth and production by a lot."

Franz: "I look forward to trying it."

Me: "Alssa when or if the other villages join us, I want you to help the people settle in and help them if you can, when problems arise, I want to hear about it from you so that we can put out the inevitable preverbal fires that will appear."

Alssa: "After having two boys that will be easy."

Me: "Alright I think that is everything if anything comes up to come to me, I don't want to hear about problems that could have been fixed if you came to me after they spiralled out of control there is no shame in asking for help."

With that, the meeting ended, and everyone left to prepare for what was going to be a difficult and stressful two months.