So, it finally happened. [Month 2 Day 2]

Oh, it tingles.

I think the block herb is taking effect. It's tingling in my chest. At first, it was kind of nice but after a while, it is starting to feel like I have an itch on my heart that I can't even scratch.

I will just have to block it out.

It's starting to spread, and I can feel it going around my chest and down my back. God, it feels like Vicks rub on my chest. With the burning feeling but at the same time soothing.

???: "Ila come quick."

I'm quickly woken from my thinking when I hear one of the helpers calling out.

Some helpers are rushing into the hut from the door carrying a guard based upon his equipment.

They quickly move in the direction of one of the available beds. Once they get further in, I can get a better look at him.

Scratches cover his chest going all the way down to his legs with blood flowing down staining his brown fur. His jaw hangs low, free from the rest of his head and swings lose as he is moved.

Dried tears cover his checks and looking further up I am greeted by his soulless eyes begging for his end. I can only imagine the pain that he is in.

Listening closely, I can hear the conversation between one of the helpers and Ila.

???: "He's from the south side of the village. There was a large Guja attacked that nearly overran them. They said that they repelled the attack, but the squad took a bit of damage. One was already dead when we got there and the rest, we heal there but this one was looking more serious than the rest and so we need to bring him here."

Ila: "Good work, now let's see what we can do."

It's the first time that I have heard Ila sound so serious and not her happy personality.

They place him down on the bed sideways and I can get a look at his back which is covered in scratches especially a large gash that runs from his shoulder to his lower back.

Some more helpers come along and wipe him down with water whilst another brings a bowl of pink liquid. I didn't get a look at the pain relief medicine before, but I would assume that is it.

They work franticly to try and clean him and make sure that they don't do more damage, but I don't see the guy move much other than the occasional twitch. While they clean him the helper with the pain relief herb pours it down his throat.

I then look to Ila who is getting a heart rate from the neck this time but is looking worried.

After a moment she stops doing that and places her head at the back of the guy cupping her hands around the back of the guy. Enhanced senses are also useful for hearing heart rate. Interesting.

Eventually, she stands back up and stops the other helpers.

Ila: "There is no need to continue. He's dead."

Fuck man. I might not have known the guy, but it still sucks to lose him. I don't know if it is my injury, but it hurts my chest that we lost him. I think that he was one of the new ones because I don't remember his face from the original guards. Doesn't matter though.

Ila: "We need this bed for other patients. Someone find his family and relatives and inform them. Get some sheets and wrap him in them and take him outside. The family can take him away."

Some parents won't see their child return home today.

But I imagine that they all knew that this could happen. But your son died for our village, and we won't forget that.

I always like it in the army where we would honour our fallen brethren and carry on our mission for them. So, they didn't die in vain.

Ila sees that I am looking towards them and walks over.

Ila: "How are you feeling now babs, has the Taron taken effect?"

Me: "You mean the blue block herb?"

Ila: "That's the one babs, but its proper name is Taron."

Me: "Oh, yep it's working, I thinking there is still a tingling in my chest next to my heart."

Ila: "Then it is working, the tingling is your magic core feeding your blood the mana that your body generates. Now that it's taken effect you going to get drowsy, your body is having to do a lot of work to heal you and it can also be quite painful depending on your injury. Yours will probably hurt so when you start to feel tired just let it and fall asleep."

Me: "I feel fine."

Ila: "Don't worry babs, you will feel the effect soon."

She then leaves going to another patient.

Looking back towards the dead guard I can see that he is now wrapped in some sheets and being carried by two helpers outside. As they go by a bit of the sheet becomes loose and shows his head. Again, I can see his empty, sad, lowly eyes.

I can't look away as his devoid eyes just stare into me. The only reason I stop looking is that he is taken outside.

I've seen death before, but this feels personal. I trained that man and I bore the responsibility of him.

I can do better.

I need to train the soldiers to be the best of the best. So that they always come back home.

Everyone eventually dies. But I can give the soldiers the choice of how they die. They can pick and choose how they die. For that is what they deserve if they are putting their lives on the line for us.

Looking outside the window it's starting to get blurry, but I can see the two helpers who were carrying the body talking to a man and a woman.

I can't see their faces, but I can assume that they are crying.

I start to close my eyes as the drowsiness takes over.

I will do better, and you will not be forgotten, soldier.