The little things. [Month 2 Day 2]

I wake up to the sound of clattering and conversation. Opening my eyes I'm meeting with the bright sun in my eyes, the chirping of birds and a very dry mouth.

Looking around the room I see that most people are sitting up in their beds eating from bowls with some people having to be fed by the helpers.

Ila: "Good morning my beautiful babs. How do you feel."

Looking to my right I can see Ila sitting on a stool.

Me: "I feel good." I say in a slightly croaky voice.

The hot pain in my chest has gone and it feels normal though still very sore and aching. In still a bit tired but from what I felt from yesterday today I feel amazing.

Ila: "That's good but I still need to do a bit more of a check-up. Let's get you up."

Grabbing my shoulders, she helps to prop me up against the wall. She then places her head against my chest and asks me to breathe in and out.

Ila: "Sounds good. Any pains or such."

Me: "No I feel good. Lots better than yesterday. Thank you."

Ila: "Good. Momma bear is always here to help." She responds with a large grin and warm welcoming eyes.

Ila: "Alright let's get you something to eat and drink your body is going to need it after last night. After that, it should be safe for me to let you go."

Me: "Thanks a bunch for everything Ila."

Ila: "That's what mamas are for."

She leaves my bed and goes outside of the house and looking through the window I can see that she goes to a large crockpot and scoops out a stew from it into a bowl.

She then grabs a leather satchel and comes back inside towards me.

Ila: "Rabbit stew and water. Should fill up my big boy."

Not complaining about getting food. I waffle it down quickly. It is quite creamy and a bit salty, but I like the salty taste I always have after exercise. I then wash it down with some cool water.

After finishing the meal Ila takes it away.

Ila: "Alright your good to go. But I don't want you coming back here injured alright."

Me: "I thought that you loved me but you're already kicking me out. How could you."

Ila looks shocked for a moment before getting a face splitting grin.

Ila: "Since when did you get sassy mister."

I just shrug my shoulders.

Me: "I always have been just I have had to always be curious all the time, so I didn't show you before."

Ila: "Well I hope to see more of it, I love this kind of stuff."

Me: "Maybe if you're lucky you might get to see more."

Ila: "Mmm, let's hope for both of our sakes."

Getting out of bed I head out the door to feel the fresh breeze of the wind of my fur which sends a small shiver down my spine.

First, I head towards Horst to see if we can get these tank traps made.

Arrive at this house I can see that his apprentices and himself are all working. Some of the guards are here getting weapons repaired, new arrows are being forged using casting.

Constant sounds of ringing and happening echoes around the place live everyone is playing a game of who can make the most noise.

I wait a few moments for once Horst to be done with his current work and then quickly talk to him.

Me: "Sorry to take up your time here but I just have a quick enquiry. Could you talk to the carpenters to make something for me it will hopefully help in the defences of the village?"

Horst: "If your quick about it sure. I've got lots to do."

Me: "Can you see if they can make wooden beams that make an X with a third beam at the back to hold it up when it is placed in the ground."

Horst: "That doesn't seem difficult. Don't know how quickly they can get it done but I'll do what I can. Now I've got work to do so scram."

Not wanting to get in the way of his important work I get out of there and head off to find Valret.

I went to his house to find no one there; I then go teach each defensive point around the village and it was just my luck that he was at the last on which was to the south.

Arriving there I can see a large group of the repair team fixing a small hole that has appeared in the wall. It's only about the size of a small person and so will be a quick fix but looking around I can see a large amount of dead Guja around. I can also see a body that has been covered by a sheet with Valret standing next to it. Even from far away, I can see that he is down about it with his shoulders slumped and his head down.

I walk up to him and place a hand on his shoulder.

Me: "You need to continue for him."

Valret: "What?"

Me: "He died defending our village, he put his life on the line for the village because he wanted to protect everyone in it from the demons. We need to continue on this mission for him so that he did not die in vain."

Valret: "But did he need to die."

Me: "We never want our soldiers to die which is why we can always do better to make sure that they don't. But if they do fall, we carry on because they are still always with us."

He stays quiet after that, so I leave him to think it over.

From going to each of the points I know that three guards have died. Three men who now watched over us.

At each place I assign need guards to each squad to fill in the ranks.

Of the original 45, four are still seriously injured, two came back from injury, and three died. The dead have been filled in by the emergency guards which were around 16 guards.

So, to sum up we have our 45 guards with 7 from emergency guards which are now down to 9. I also told 10 guards to evolve again as even though the attack was more intense the benefits out way the downsides. Many of the guards that I talked to are levelling quickly and their skills are going through the roof.

Even though we suffer we become stronger for it.