It all blends into one. [Month 2 Day 6]

Stressful would be how I would describe the past four days. Most of the nights have been the same waves of attacks with similar levels of intensity. Even though the nights were meant to get less intense they stay the same.

It must be due to the large increase in mana that happens every night when the guards evolve creating a bigger target for us and so attracting more Guja and in some cases Gija towards us.

But with it comes much to gain with all the guards now being E- or higher rank and their skills have all benefited from these days of fighting. Even the emergency guards that have filled in have benefited. Valret who has done a large portion of fighting has even said that some of his skills have gotten to rank 3.

Once I was healed up, I got straight back into the fight and fought with as much vigour and power as possible pushing myself to the max. I think my stats show this.

Name: Lothran

Race: Amoxler

Sex: Male

Rank: E- -> E

Class: Great Sword Apprentice Warrior (Rank 1: 4/5 -> 5/5)

Level: 7/30 -> 15/30

Health: 62/62

Stamina: 80/80

Mana: 261/261

STR: 40

VIT: 25

AGI: 40

INT: 87

WILL: 17

Unassigned Stat Points: 16 -> 34

Magic skills:

> Basic Fire Control (Rank 1: 4/5 -> 5/5)


Weapon skills:

> Great Sword feet control (Rank 2: 0/15 -> 2/15)

> Great Sword weapon control (Rank 2: 0/15 -> 2/15)

> Knife Throwing (Rank 2: 0/15)

Personal skills:

> Enhanced Senses (Rank 2: 2/15 -> 3/15)


> flint dagger (Basic), Iron dagger (Common), Horn (Basic), Backpack (Common), Shirt (Common), Trousers (Common), Iron Forged Great Sword (Uncommon), Great Sword Scabbard (Uncommon) with wet stone, linin cloth, scouring pad,


Magic core rank E- x 3 -> 5

I have not done any of the unassigned stats because I want to train them and gain the free points from training. I felt that if I put more points in now it will become more difficult to gain those free points because I will already have a massive amount of strength for example.

For the battles, the tank traps did what we intended and were at the places where we had time to put them in. The Guja just ran straight past them dodge and weaving under them with ease whilst the large less agile Gija had to destroy them or get rid of them which gave us enough warning that they were there.

More existing for me though was that finally tonight my class levelled up and is ready to evolve. It seems that the final level of your class requires much more time and energy spent on it than the rest of the levels before it.

[Class evolutions are now available.]

[Conditions met to unlock new and different class]

> Great Sword Novice Warrior (Rank 2: 0/15), +12 STR, +8 AGI.

The larger the weapon the more power it can provide it with its swing. And what better to do with all that power than to cleave through your opponents like death wings on wars night.

> Apprentice Fire Mage (Rank 1: 0/5), +16 INT (cancel)

[No stat bonus due to already having a current rank bonus.]

Through fire we cleanse. Through fire, we heal. Through fire, we burn. For in the great fire and bellows that we create, something new arises.

> Apprentice Fire Battle Mage (Rank 1: 0/5), +6 STR, +10 INT (cancel)

[No stat bonus due to already having a current rank bonus.]

Fire and battle go hand in hand skipping through the destitute destruction that it causes. Will you be the one to follow in its footsteps and down its burning path?

> Remove Current Class (Rank 0: 0/0)

If this path that you have chosen does not suit you then you must take another journey to find yourself but by doing so you will lose all that you have gained on this path.

Now we've got some choice. First Great Sword Novice Warrior just seems to be a better version of the current class. It has an interesting description but I'm more interested in the other classes.

The Fire Mage seems to be just based upon me unlocking fire magic, but the description is what is interesting for that. First, it says cleanse, that kind of implies that you need to clean something in the future. Not too sure about that one.

Then it says heal which means that the fire mage will unlock some fire healing magic. Or more likely it can unlock the potential for you to be able to do that. Then it just has the normal can burn which is unanimous with fire magic.

It also says cancel which I assume is related to the other notification of no stat bonus. Imagine if that was not there you could just keep switching classes and gain all the stat bonuses.

Fire Battle Mage seems like the obvious choice for me. It combines everything that I have wanted with keeping and using my weapon skills and having magic. I think this is my obvious choice.

But what is also interesting is the ability to remove your class. It also says you lose the gains that you currently have on the path. I think that means that you lose all the bonuses that you have from your current class. Clever girl. If that was not there you could lose your class, then gain it back and keep on doing it to get constant free stat points. Shame that would have been fun.

Looks like the system is somewhat robust and does not allow you to go glitch it. Though I need to remember the system is just information, not an advantage so it why would you be able to glitch it. I'm thinking too much that it is like a game system in video games. This is real life.

But enough thinking I already know which one I am going to be choosing.

[Class Great Sword Apprentice Warrior Rank 1 has evolved into Apprentice Fire Battle Mage Rank 1]

Name: Lothran

Race: Amoxler

Sex: Male

Rank: E

Class: Great Sword Apprentice Warrior (Rank 1: 5/5) -> Apprentice Fire Battle Mage (Rank 1: 0/5)

Level: 15/30

Health: 62/62

Stamina: 80/80

Mana: 261/261

STR: 40

VIT: 25

AGI: 40

INT: 87

WILL: 17

Unassigned Stat Points: 34

Magic skills:

> Basic Fire Control (Rank 1: 5/5)


Weapon skills:

> Great Sword feet control (Rank 2: 2/15)

> Great Sword weapon control (Rank 2: 2/15)

> Knife Throwing (Rank 2: 0/15)

Personal skills:

> Enhanced Senses (Rank 2: 3/15)


> flint dagger (Basic), Iron dagger (Common), Horn (Basic), Backpack (Common), Shirt (Common), Trousers (Common), Iron Forged Great Sword (Uncommon), Great Sword Scabbard (Uncommon) with wet stone, linin cloth, scouring pad,


Magic core rank E- x 5

Looking nice.