Its starting to end. [Month 2 Day 6]

On the battlefront, the village has done well, and all directions of the village have held out. The north still took the brunt of the attacks during most of the nights, but we held our defences and suck out. This was also where we placed the bulk of the tank traps once they were made. Specifically at the hole.

This was so we could stop a Gija from rushing into the hole like before and breathing our defences as no matter what they would have made it through if we did not know that it was there.

If they decided to attack another point of the wall the wall would have held as they attacked which would have given us time to prepare a counterattack on it. They would have also had to break down the wall to get through which is a big giveaway.

What did happen was there was another Gija that attacked but rather on the opposite side of the gate.

Once it started to attack the wall, we instantly noticed it and had the guards moved into position and then we through any ranged attack we could at it to take it down.

At the other positions in the village, the attacks did increase in intensity when the guards at those positions increased in rank, but they held out. Sadly, though there was an increase in guard casualties and forced us to get more volunteers from the village.

Most came from the influx of new villagers from Flugl village. What I had found from the new ones was that eventually Flugl won the battle for control of the village but was soon overrun with demons and the village fell. Most of the village died and the few that escaped run towards us. In total there were around 58 villagers of the original 400 or so villagers managed to make it here.

So much wasted potential but such is the way that it goes.

The night was just ending, and it was easier than the previous nights, the main difference was the number of Guja was significantly less and that weakened the Guja quite a lot.

I'm currently watching Valret finish off the last Guja that is here. Over the past few nights, Valret has been quite active. He's always at the front leading everyone, he always makes sure that everyone tried to come back alive, that anyone that is struggling in their battle he is the first to jump straight into it to help. Quite heroic of him but also incredibly dumb.

In the beginning, he was the worst he would make sure that he was in every battle constantly fighting through the Guja and doing his best to help everywhere.

I had ripped into him after the fighting was done telling him how stupid it was to be doing that. I made sure to get the point across that he can't help anyone if he is dead, not everyone wants to be saved, people need to be able to make their way in life otherwise they are dead weight. You can't and won't save everyone as there is no point in believing that you can. People must sort out their own problems and deal with their own lives it is not your job to do so.

I tried to make it clear that a leader gives the platform and foundation for their men so that they may better themselves. Strength comes from within and is best if the person had made and done it themselves.

After that he toned it down drastically, he still made sure that he was in the fights but not every fight. He stayed with his squad working dynamically to help every other squad if need be.

Other than that, everything else has been smooth. Well except for the bash that Freya got to the side of her head.

She was punched by a Guja. Rex and I ripped that Gija in half and used his body to beat the other Guja around to death. Quite a natural response, I think.

But right now, I was just giving her head a massage and feeding her some food to help her recover. Rex was also giving lots of licks and face rubs to show his love to her.

Me: "Feeling better baby girl."


With her head resting on my leg and her eyes closed, I can tell that she likes it.

Valret: "Sir everything has been cleared up and the rest of the helper squads are already getting to work. We are in the clear to get some rest now."

Me: "All righty then, good work Valret see you tomorrow."

Valret: "Night sir."

Me: "Night Valret."

On the way home I managed to pick up some soup that had been made for a quick dinner and gave Rex and Freya some treats.

I then had another lovely blissful night sleep. Sadly, though I was woken by loud banging on my door.

???: "Sir, Sir? I have some news for you."

Me: "Just one sec."

Getting up from bed I can see that Rex and Freya are already out of bed. So, I quickly get dressed and open the door.

???: "Sir I was told to tell you that Horst wants to see you and that he has a surprise for you."

Me: "Alright I'll meet him in a bit."

The man quickly leaves allowing me to go downstairs to find Rex and Freya in the living room resting next to each other.

After a hearty breakfast, I make my way towards Horst workshop. Which again I am meet with loud echoing sounds of work and people having equipment repaired.

Though this time I can see that Horst is in the back of the workshop working on something else and not repairing equipment.

He appears to be making the finishing touches to his sword that he is making before putting on a massive grin.

Looking up he searches around before looking directly towards me and raising his sword whilst pointing at it.

Looking at the sword I identify it.

> Iron Sword (Uncommon)

The accumulation of research, failures and time has resulted in the first Uncommon sword of this blacksmith. Time will tell though if they can become something even greater.

Well, he's only gone and bloody done it. What a legend.