For our fallen brothers. [Month 2 Day 6]

I walk over to Horst whilst he still has his manic grin on his face.

Me: "Congratulations Horst you've evolved your class and made an uncommon weapon."

Horst: "Ha, yes, I, have. It took me a long time to finally get here but I've made it. I already know what you are going to ask, and I should be able to start making the weapons quickly especially when I evolve my apprentices to rank 2 as well. Then we can start to pup out weapons."

Me: "That's the best news that I have heard all month."

Horst: "My only regret is that-"

Me: "Don't finish that sentence there is no point thinking about that kind of stuff just focus on now and do better."

Horst: "Right, I should be able to get another few swords done before the night as I have already made a few this morning. I should be able to get around five done."

Me: "I can work with that; I can get one of the guards' squads' some classes then. I will send them around before the start of the night to pick up their weapons."

Horst: "Will do."

This is getting me excited I love this kind of stuff. The upgrading and improving.

Me: "I don't want to distract you from important work so I will get out of your way. Again, Horst, I don't know how useful it is to hear from me, but I am proud of what you have accomplished."

Horst: "Thanks Lothran. I'm proud of myself as well. But there is always better, and I can't wait to see what I got." He says whilst looking lovely at his new sword.

He seems to already be getting distracted when looking at his swords again, so I leave him to his sword.

The first people to get their new weapons will be Valret and then go down the chain of command. It might not be fair, but it is the most organised way to do it otherwise it might just cause unnecessary infighting.

So, I head to find Valret. After asking a few of the guards that are around they point me in the direction of the Healer Hut where I find Valret and a group of soldiers around a body covered by a white sheet talking to each other.

Me: "Valret what happened here?"

He turns around and even though I can see that sad look on his face he is not as distraught as the last time that I talked to him about this kind of stuff.

Valret: "We are unsure what to do Sir." He says whilst looking back at the body.

Whilst he talks again, I go to stand next to them.

Valret: "His name was Arthur, and he died a few nights ago and no one has come to claim his body. We only found out recently that he has no family as they were murdered by some bandits for their entertainment. We don't know what to do, we feel like we should bury him, but we aren't his family, so it feels inappropriate to do it for them. We are also unsure how we so post to bury him as everyone does it differently in their families."

Me: "What do you mean you weren't family, you're his brothers in arms, brothers in all but blood. The second that he joined us in battle he became our brother and so made us his family. Four of you carry this man on your shoulders and follow me. We are going to give Arthur the respect that he deserves."

The guards each take a corner of Arthur and making sure that the cloth stays wrapped around him they pick him up and place him on their shoulders.

There is still some spare space in the southern part of the village which was originally going to be made into more housing in the future. But I think that we can use that area for our fallen brethren.

With the four guards behind us and Valret and I leading them we march through the village towards the south.

Going through the village we get some confused looks from people, but we are not bothering them, so they continue with their work. Through as we do go further some of the other guards see what we are doing a join in following at the back.

Eventually, we arrive at an open spot in the southern part of the village. It is a small mound with green grass, crystal white dandelions, and a beautiful pick Hyacinth.

To do this properly we need a few things, so we place Arthur down and we grab a few things. First, one of the guards goes to Arthur's house and picks up his wooden training sword, I go with Valret to pick up some shovels.

We then dig a rectangular hole the size of Arthur but a bit big than him, to give him his deserved space and so that we can stand in it to place his body in it.

Me: "Arthur, our friend, our comrade, our brother. We were with you at the beginning, and we are with you at the end, and although we cannot see you where you have gone, we know that you will always be with us. We will always carry you with us wherever we go and carry on what you helped us start. For brothers never truly die, they just carry on within us."

Delicately we place his body in the ground and then one at a time take the shovel and place some of the dirt back onto him.

Me: "May this be your symbol to show to the world what you have accomplished, what you carried, and where you began."

I then place his wooden training sword at his head so that the pommel is sticking up.

Me: "We salute our fallen brothers, so they know we acknowledge what you have done for us. SOLDIERS SALUTE!"

All the guards still standing in a line salute at once. With small tears in their eyes, we remember our brothers.



Nice touch Valret. We Always remember and never forget.