The Councils Decision

The next ten days were hard on each of the chosen as they worked diligently to try and hone their skills. In all honesty the training for Kyjus was the most intense as he studied and practiced hard for extended periods of time.

He felt the immense pressure as he pushed his mind too its limits. He too felt the rejuvenation of his mind from several of the elixirs he was taught to make from Magus Shepplin. It would appear that Herbology and Alchemy were very beneficial in helping him achieve his spell casting goals.

He had only touched the tip of the barrel in alchemy, but he knew several potions and elixirs that were sure to help him on his journeys. He had just learned this art last week when he accidentally stumbled in upon Syrus and Martimus while they were brewing some of the concoctions.

He had overheard Syrus saying that we will need many firepower enhancement elixirs and many more of the thought flowing potions and thought reduction elixirs. It all sounded like gibberish to him, fascinating gibberish but still gibberish, nonetheless.

The two quieted as he entered the room. "So, what are you two up too," he asked.

"We are making potions and elixirs. It's called Alchemy. It's when you take plants and combine them with other ingredients like water, salve, oil, and the like. The flowers and plants are dried and then pummeled with that bludgeon and bowl called a pestle and crucible," Syrus said as he indicated toward a brown bowl and a white almost ivory looking device that had a handle on one end and a rounded and flattened enclosed curved sort of mallet on the other.

Syrus paused for a second for Kyjus to reflect on the devices and then continued. "These are then melted down into a beaker, once cooled they are strained of debris by three different types of filters before they are poured into the proper dosage flask and a stopper is placed within the flasks opening."

"What do you use the potions for", Kyjus asked.

"My boy the uses are limitless, but the ones we are making will help with the headaches you are getting while practicing and will make the fire spells you cast more volatile," Syrus responded as he turned to Martimus and smiled.

Martimus returned that smile as he too understood the boys curious nature and knew immediately what Syrus was up too.

"So can I help", Kyjus asked.

"Well, I am not really sure you have time, you have your studies, and we are on a pretty tight schedule. There have been changes made yet again by the council, although this may actually be for the best. At any rate you need to continue your studies. Don't you think that wise, Martimus," Syrus asked of the instructor.

Kyjus noted the comment changes made by the council, but he was so caught up in the potential of learning Alchemy that he subverted that thought to the back of his mind.

"Well, his studies are of the utmost importance but he is going to have to utilize and drink these potions and elixirs so we are going to have to train him on what's what so he might as well know how to make them. We can teach him when he is done with his daily training and only for a short time so that it will not distract his studies," the Magus responded.

So, for an hour each of the next few days, after his spell casting training was completed Syrus taught Kyjus a bit about alchemy and the mixing of herbs and solutions.

He learned that elixirs were more of a miniscule advancement of power but that they lasted for longer periods of time, which were usually measured in hours or sometimes days. These potions were typically made with herbs, salves, and oil.

He then learned that potions had a more immediate and dramatic effect on the body but that the effect quickly wore off. These potions were made with dried herbs (very critical that the herbs were dried), purified water and sometimes a salve.

To start out Kyjus was only permitted to make elixirs as they were the much less volatile of the two, but eventually he would be allowed to move onto potions and even complex potions. However, this would have to wait as they had a quest to complete and a world to save.


It was ten days from the day that Syrus, Hawk and Martimus met with the council. It was time to put their well thought out plan together. There was no doubt this was going to be a risky mission but the experience they would learn would be beyond value.

Kyjus, Kelsee and Skarnum thought they were to awake and proceed with their day much the way they had each day over the last three weeks. Each were surprised however, that today would begin with them meeting with the council leaders, so they headed to the council chambers.

As Kyjus walked with his escorts he wondered if this meeting had anything to do with the changes the council had made, changes that Syrus had let slip a little more than a week earlier.

He would soon find out; he admittedly was quite nervous as he entered the council room as it always had a certain air of mystery a kind of uncertainty that left his emotions on edge.

Entering the council chambers, he was not surprised to see both Syrus and Magus Shepplin. He was somewhat surprised however, to see both of the other chosen as for whatever reason he had figured this meeting would only involve him. It would appear that this change in plans encompassed a much larger scope then he had originally thought.

The council leader waited for everyone to sit down and then she walked to the podium. "I would like to thank you all for coming," she began.

Kyjus of course thought to himself, we had a choice. To which he almost chuckled. He managed to stifle the laughter and redirect his attention back to the council leader. Hopefully no one had noticed that he thought again to himself.

"I know the council has asked a lot of you in recent weeks and we will continue to ask and expect even more from you in the weeks and months to come. However, several weeks ago you were informed of your initial mission, the Mylok's from Mylokar," the council leader paused sorting out her next phrases carefully.

"In our original assessment of the situation we knew this course of action to be risky. It will be risky, but it is necessary or rather we feel it is essential that this mission be completed quickly and as thoroughly as possible. Originally, we thought this course of action to be the only way, hence the redirection of your specialty to that of fire Master Kyjus. Thanks again for agreeing to that young master, that was indeed most noble," the council leader said as she nodded her appreciation towards the young mage.

Kyjus returned an appreciatory your welcome nod, not really knowing what else to say or do.

The council leader continued. "You must trust me when I say the council is fully aware of the risks involved in regards to the Chosen and their facing of the Mylokar as their savagery is all too known to us. Unfortunately, without the council's direct violation of multiple treaties there is no other course of action. We can't directly involve our armies and we technically cannot sanction or be a part of any of these attacks. So, without getting into the politics of it all which could take months or even years you are our best and only option, since violating treaties is not something this council is willing to do. However, to not act on this and to not quell the alliance between the Dylonian's and the Mylokar could be far worse than taking a wrong action so here we are with our plan for the chosen. Am I clear in my explanation so far," she questioned all in the room but more specifically this was directed towards the Chosen?

Receiving nods from all that attended the council leader again continued. "We have determined the best course of action to accomplish this goal, but that matter is classified and thus is not part of our meeting today," with that statement Kyjus and the other Chosen glanced at Syrus and the other instructors for some sort of explanation even though they had pretty much surmised none would be forthcoming at this time.

Kyjus merely shrugged and turned his attention back to council leader Czelak.

"There is a concern that having the Mylokar as your first encounter might be a catastrophic nay scratch that, shall we say this is a deep concern of the council and others in attendance. It was however, originally believed to be the only way considering our timelines. Recently a proposal was given to the council that will allow the Chosen some practical combat experience and help the greater good of all goodly races that dwell near the Scorched Earth Region," the council leader paused as she sorted through the paperwork that lay in front of her.

"Ahh here it is. The details for the Chosen's mission upon Mylokar, it is everything that they need to know about upcoming mission. You have no more than 10 days to take care of the affairs within Scorched Earth region. On the eve of the 10th day, you may crack the seal of that envelope and read its contents to the chosen and the instructors that are located upon the planet's surface. Once you understand your objectives there are locator beacons stashed within the envelope, place this upon all six of your wrists and teleport to your next destination. We are sending soldiers to the Mylok territories in three days they will get the transporter matter array devices prepped and ready for your arrival. Is that clear Syrus," Council Leader Czelak asked of the wizened old mage.

He nodded his understanding. "And the details of our", Syrus paused to think of the right words. "training on Scorched Earth," he asked of Czelak.

"I think the less we know of that the better. The success or failure of the Scorched Earth Campaign is not our, nor is it to be your main concern. Any help you can give is great, but I implore you not to put any of the chosen in any unnecessarily risky situations. Your trip to Scorched Earth is a training exercise only. Are we clear on that matter," the council leader asked of Syrus?

He again nodded his understanding.

"Then we are adjourned," the Council leader said as she returned to her desk and banged her gavel upon it indicating the meeting was at end.