Scorched Earth

After the council meeting was at its end the three instructors (Syrus, Magus Sheplin and Hawk) gathered the students up and informed them of their plan.

They informed them of the Eerikye, the ruthless birdman race that constantly harassed the other races that dwelled upon the planet of Scorched Earth. The Chosen were also informed that the goal would be to drive them back to their tribal lands and away from other settlements located upon the planet's surface.

Many questions ensued after Syrus had laid down the ground rules of the initial portions of his plan.

Questions like why the council doesn't just eradicate this species or do something to enclose them within some sort of prison. Why doesn't someone on the planet do something about this issue, etc etc.

Syrus took all of the questions in turn answering them as best he could. He first explained that the Eerikye were a primitive culture and where unaware of and not bound by council rule, so the council's involvement was strictly forbidden. He also explained that most of the other factions residing near the Scorched Earth Territory were also very primitive and were no match for the strength of the race of birdmen.

There was however a small group of colonists that consisted mainly of scientist. This group was utilized by the council to study all of the biological and environmental patterns of the planet. This had been an extremely beneficial endeavor up to this point as they have discovered two new herbs with magical properties and vast supplies of various other herbs like Calamus Root, Blackthorn, and Monkshood.

The downside to this endeavor is that several members of the original expedition and subsequent members added to the expedition had to be replaced. It seemed that the Eerikye were extremely put off by the expedition and its close proximity to their territory, so the encampment was often subjected to attacks by the birdmen. As a result, many of the scientists either were killed or had a change of heart and decided the money was no longer worth the risk.

As it were the news of this problem spread and the council's ability to hire competent scientist at a decent wage had all but dried up. As a result, there had been talks of scrapping the plan due to its increasing cost.

Syrus then informed the Chosen that the main reason for their being here was too get some experience on magical and hand to hand combat against the Eerikye and thus the council had approved this mission, unofficially of course.

He also had surmised that the plan of squelching the Eerikye advancement or at lease keep them in check was indeed a lucrative lure for the council and may have been the final reason for consent of the mission.

"Ooh the ironies of Economy", Syrus said with a chuckle.

Each of the Chosen spent the next few hours packing for the upcoming mission, packing spell books, armor, robes, wands, staves, swords, in addition to the normal items one would take on a trip of this magnitude and duration.

Barely three hours after the meeting with the council had ended, the three Chosen along with Syrus, Hawk, and Magus Shepplin were walking to the gateway portal in preparation for the transport down to Minlas.

Kyjus intent upon soaking up every last bit of knowledge continued practicing and memorizing his spells. He did this silently of course as he had no desire to disturb the ongoing preparations.

Skarnum silently watched the human having seen only a few in his lifetime he found them to be fascinating creatures. The few he had seen or witnessed were once again nothing like what his father had portrayed to him years ago. Except for the ugly part, he found that his father was right on the mark as these creatures were indeed not pleasant to look upon.

Yet still he watched the human child for that is what he was a boy of perhaps fifteen, not very formidable to look at from a physical perspective. Skarnum doubted it would take more than a minute to crush him.

There was something about this boy however, some hidden power within. He could sense these things in all creatures and this boy, this small pathetic excuse of a creature had a power that lay deep within him that was an almost explosive force that was just begging to culminate to the surface. How the boy could not see and feel this was literally beyond all comprehension.

The Prince smiled for the briefest of seconds as he was imagining the force this human would generate if he were able to take the primitive raw magic power that he sensed and couple that successfully with his dedication to his duties and his thirst for knowledge. Kyjus will make for a most formidable ally on the day this occurs. He could take this boy in a matter of minutes now but in the months and years to come if this boy continued down his current path Skarnum could sense this puny human would soon be beyond his abilities and that of any soldier he had ever known or seen.

He smiled at the irony of it all.

Kyjus looked up and noticed the behemoth looking upon him smiling, not knowing what to do or how to react he returned the smile and looked away. Quite an awkward situation he thought to himself his mind now not really able to return to focus upon his studies.

Lucky for Kyjus the portals curator came over the loudspeaker and diverted the attention of Skarnum to something other than himself. "Just to let everyone we will soon have the portal ready for transportation to your destination." The loudspeaker then beeped and clicked as the curator placed the speaking mechanism back upon its hook, turning off the unit.

Syrus pulled the group aside to explain where they were heading. We will be going to a land mass situated in a very large bowl located within the center of multiple mountain ranges. "In the center of the several miles of land encompassed within the mountain range is a clearing. It was circular in nature, probably some two hundred yards in diameter. The gate portal will dump us in the center of this clearing. Do not wander off once you have been transported there." The small group made their way to the portal at the end of the long narrow room.

Syrus peered back toward Kyjus and noticed that something was bothering his young upstart mage. Given their current situation he was quick to surmise the reason for the look.

The group went through the portal and exited the other gateway. They emerged in an open clearing, such as the one Syrus had described to them earlier. After they all entered the clearing and oriented themselves Syrus began to lead the group north towards a large cottage they could see in the distance.

As they walked Kyjus edged his way over towards the old mage "Syrus, I really need to talk to you for a second," Kyjus said rather hastily and softly.

"Of course, Kyjus, what can I do to help you," the old mage questioned.

"Well, it's about our plan for my parents. Have you come up with one or checked in on them? I am very worried about them and while I have done my best not to think about them it has recently become increasingly difficult," he said as he nodded toward the cottage and surrounding area.

"Ahh yes young master, I mean Kyjus. I had rather thought this might come up once we landed at Chateau Villette. Named after my grandfather it is," he said to a now curious young mage.

"Your grandfather," Kyjus responded with raised eyebrows.

"Yes lad, my grandfather. For it was he who discovered this territory some five hundred years ago. After finding this magnificent area he laid the foundations to build this place, unfortunately the Eerikye got a hold of it before he could finish and destroyed what he had built along with my grandfather and grandmother. A tragic day young master a tragic day indeed,"

"I am sorry to hear that Syrus," the young mage said wholeheartedly.

"Psh, friend that was a long time ago, revenge has been served and restitution made I can assure you of that," Syrus said as he nodded in the direction of the Chateau.

"At any rate young master, I do have much to tell you in regards to your parents situation and all or most of it rather is quite excellent news but I am thinking this conversation is best served whilst you and I are alone, so if you don't mind I would be happy to continue this discussion once we are settled in, is that an amiable solution young master," Syrus asked of the young Mage.

Kyjus nodded his agreement.

Kyjus unloaded his gear and gathered all of it out near the small building and the other Chosen. As it turns out it was a shed with an assimilation of tools and supplies for folks that came through the portal to utilize

There was a large silver container with a spout on the outside that appeared to be some sort of water container.

Syrus and the other instructors had already gathered their gear and had sat it down near the Chosen's. A small cart came through with several silver cases.

"What in the Skalaptagose is all of that stuff," Skarnum asked.

"That knowledge is masters privilege my young prince and seeing how you are not yet a master you have not yet acquired the privilege," Hawk said quite smugly and with a devilish smirk.

Both Kyjus and Princess Kelsee tried hard to concede their laughter but even given her substantial attempt to withhold laughter a small chuckle emanated from her lips.

Skarnum of course was frustrated and let out a low growl cursing Hawk silently for embarrassing him. It was all in fun the young warrior knew but still he rather hated to be the butt of any ones joke.

"Now, Now Hawk let's not be hard on the lad. It's not like were carrying top secret equipment or strategic war plans here," Syrus said to the weapon guru.

"Yeah, those are over there in the burlap satchel," Magus Shepplin said with a snicker as he nodded over toward the satchel handing on the side of the shed.

With that all of the instructors began to laugh.

"If you must know these are our components, flasks, oils, resins, waters and other things necessary to brew our potions and elixirs. It also contains the items and equipment that we will need to barter for travel on this godforsaken part of this planet," Magus replied.

"I think this place looks quite quaint," the Princess said in reply to Magus' last comment.

"Oh no doubt, this is quite beautiful," Kyjus added.

"Thanks to you both for your kind words," Syrus said with a slight bow.

The large Rock hyb simply grunted his agreement as he grabbed his packs and some of the alchemy equipment for transport.

"This chateau is beautiful I would agree but much of the territory on the other side of the mountain in that direction" Syrus said as he nodded towards the northwest, "is well let's just say it's not quite as hospitable," Syrus said as he pulled a small silver device out of his pocket.

"Here, Here I will second that," Hawk responded.

Kyjus looked back to Syrus who was now talking into the device. It resembled a large opal type gem in Kyjus opinion. "Please send us the wheel cart, yes now. Thank you," is all he heard before Syrus placed the device in a small brown sack and sat it back in his pocket.

What the device was Kyjus was not sure, but he was definitely intrigued at this point.

As Skarnum began to move out with the gear, Syrus noticed this and instructed the young prince to leave everything sit as they were not going to be hauling it the 1.2 miles to the cabin.

The Prince looked at the old mage questioningly but thought better of saying anything as he was sure that Syrus knew what he was talking about.

As if in reply to that thought a large wagon being pulled by 2 even larger horses pulled up into the open area. A rather familiar creature exited the seat of the cart.

"Deemus, is that you," Kyjus asked the figure that had just exited the vehicle.

The creature turned to face the voice. "Ahh young master Kyjus, truly a pleasure it is too see you, my friend. Your friend Ryan made it home and is doing quite well from all that I have heard. I hope that news pleases you," the small creature responded.

Kyjus nodded that it did.

"Splendid, I am glad that it does, and it is a pleasure to see you again young master." With that Deemus turned to Syrus to direct a conversation with the old mage. "Sir our visitors are asking many questions," he said in a hushed voice.

"I figured as much," was Syrus response.

"I will talk to Kyjus on our way to the house. You told them nothing since their arrival," Syrus questioned.

"I told them only what you said I could," Deemus said as he looked over to see Kyjus was very intently trying to discern what was being said.

Deemus then pulled Syrus down and around to the back of the cart. They were now out of earshot of the rest of the group.

What guests Kyjus pondered to himself. Shrugging he walked back over to Kelsee and Skarnum.

"I have a question for you Skarnum and I am hoping you can answer it for me," the young mage asked.

Skarnum nodded his consent toward Kyjus to proceed.

"You said what in a Skalaptagoat, earlier. Can you tell me what that is I have never heard of that," Kyjus asked.

The rock-hyb half laughed at the question. "Actually what I said was what in the Skalaptagose. We have a place in our realm called Skalaptagose Caverns. Long before my people became civilized not many hybs knew of this place so when you would talk about it you would always receive the proverbial question, What is Skalaptagose? Eventually as time wore on and we become more aware of our surroundings everyone became aware of these caverns but now when we don't know what something is or can't figure something out that has become our phrase. It has stuck with my people for many generations now," the rock hyb responded.

"Ahh, that makes sense, I think," the young mage responded.

Syrus and Deemus now reentered. Syrus instructed that all of the equipment and baggage be placed in the back of the cart.

Of course, Kyjus was quickly figuring out that the gear was going to take most of the back portion of the cart and there was only one additional seat available in addition to the driver so it was becoming apparent that their gear may have a ride to the cottage but they were going to have to walk.

Oh well he shrugged as he started making his way over to the path that lead to the north.

"So where do we ride," the Princess asked with feigned naivety hoping the answer was different then her recent rationalization.

"We don't," Magus Shepplin responded as he heaved the last of Kelsee's gear up onto the platform.

"I have managed to secure a ride for our clothes and equipment, but I am afraid we will have to make the journey on foot. Now if you all would be so kind and follow Hawk, I am sure he remembers the way," Syrus instructed the group.

"Except for you Kyjus, I would like a word with you. Can you wait until I get the cart loaded and then we will walk to the Chateau together," Syrus asked as he walked over toward the cart and the gateway.

Kyjus nodded that he would wait. Walking over to the shed he watched as the other Chosen and Magus Shepplin followed the very silent weapons guru out onto the forest path.

Kyjus walked over to the container and pulled back the small lever. Water began to flow into the cup that he had placed just below the rim of the valve. He lifted the cups to his lips and drank. The water was oddly cool considering the container sat in the sun all day, probably some sort of spell the young mage thought to himself.

He managed a brief smile as Syrus walked back toward his direction. As Syrus motioned for the young mage to head north from the inner planar gateway, before they were able to leave the clearing the gateway to Desmonia shut and the center of the field was now void of substance. They began the short walk back to the cottage. The young mage began to wonder what if any ill-fated news he was about to receive about his parents.

Syrus cleared his throat. "Where to begin, Where to begin," he said to no one in particular.

"Well, I would like to talk to you about your parents. They are fine and in no real immediate danger," he said quickly hoping to dispel any angst the boy may have had quelling up inside him.

He could see the immediate relief that now resided on the young mages face and immediately knew that decision to have been a good one.

"As you remember we talked a few weeks back and you brought up an interesting point about your parents and their safety due to the current situation," Syrus started managing a brief smile.

"A situation that the Minlavian Council has placed me in you mean," Kyjus said interrupting Syrus' explanation.

"Yes, yes young master. Believe me when I say the council is well aware of your situation and how you have come by it. As I was saying, based on our last conversation about your parents it got me to thinking about things and finally after a day or two I could no longer bear the burden of our what if scenario," Syrus said. Noting the look on Kyjus' face he realized that this was a saying in which his understudy was not familiar, so he decided to elaborate.

"By the 'what if' scenario, I mean what if something would happen to your parents. In essence the Minlavian Council and the prophecy that surrounds it would be partially responsible in the slaying of two innocents. I could not have this on my conscience. Does that make sense now," Syrus asked?

Kyjus nodded that it did indeed make sense and he smiled his gratitude for the sympathy Syrus had showed for his family.

"This left me deeply concerned so I decided that this situation needed to be brought to the attention of the council. Initially I was met with many of the same arguments that I presented to you in our original conversation the most auspicious of those being it would be a violation of Minlavian Laws, etc. I at first thought I was stumped but then I had an idea and I shared this with the council. I told them I was well aware of the laws regarding this, but it was my thought that these laws did not apply in this situation," Syrus paused as Kyjus gave him a look of curiosity.

"Oddly enough Kyjus', your look of curiosity was the very look that many of the council portrayed, all but the Council Leader who I believed had already figured out where I was going but I will say even though she knew in what direction I was heading with this conversation, she was bound and determined to let me get there by myself. I believe she is done with any favors for us as she is trying to not make it appear she is playing any favoritism. Luckily, she believes as do I that there are many others, in fact most of the council now supports the cause," Syrus said pausing to take a breath.

"At any rate I continued my statement and brought to their attention that all of these laws state that we do not interfere, yet we overlooked that law when we helped to procure you from the planet Earth and before I was interrupted, I held up my hand to forestall the line of questions that I was sure were to follow and I continued," Syrus continued as he reached into the confines of his robe and produced a long skinny pipe.

Lighting the pipe, he took a few short puffs and then continued. "Now where was I, oh yes I held up my hand requesting a stay on the questions, and I continued. I understand in our reasoning as to why we did what we did, and I will say that the council has always had and will continue to have my support on that matter as it was the only way to fulfill the prophecy."

Again, the old mage paused to take a few tokes of his pipe. The warm rich cinnamon aroma of the tobacco or whatever was in the pipe was making Kyjus hungry. His stomach growled as he realized he hadn't eaten in many hours.

"I see you're hungry too. Perhaps something to hold us over then," Syrus said as he nodded toward the staff that resided on the young mages back.

Pulling the staff down from the strap securing it to his back, Kyjus cleared his throat. Concentrating on a loaf of sweet-smelling Italian bread Kyjus spoke the magic words of the incantation, "Producius Whey Italiano".

Kyjus recently found out that adding certain brand types after the spell incantation helped increase the success of his getting the correct type of bread. This scenario was no different as Kyjus had managed to summon a loaf of very delicious smelling hot Italian bread.

"Mmmm that smells divine. That will do quite nicely young sir, quite nicely indeed," Syrus said to the young mage.

But Kyjus was not yet done he had another trick up his sleeve and he held out his staff again and held it out speaking the magic words for another spell with which he was familiar, "Producius Liquidicus Silgen".

Cold water and bread enough for two were now summoned floating in front of their caster. Kyjus then handed one of the waters to Syrus. Splitting the bread between the two of them he handed one piece to Syrus. He then grabbed his drink and sat back down upon a bench they crossed upon the path.

"You were saying you agreed with them summoning me as it was the only way to fulfill the prophecy," Kyjus said as he took a large bite from his part of the loaf of bread.

"Right, you are young sir," Syrus replied as he tapped the light out of his pipe making it safe to put back within the confines of his robe.

"That of course is not the part of significance in my story but rather this is; upon my agreement I then told them that I was curious if our current situation applied to the laws," and again Kyjus gave a surprised look.

And again, Syrus reiterated that look was similar to that shown by the council. "I explained further that all of our rules state no interference, but we did interfere, however none of our rules say anything about restitution towards a situation we caused. If in fact our initial interference has caused a situation in which we have placed two unsuspecting humans' lives in danger, which I believe that to be the case. They did not ask for an elaboration on this so none was given," Syrus said pausing for a bite of food and drink of water.

"This is most delicious by the way," he said as he held up his bread and water gesturing towards them.

"I can see that you have been delving into the ancient books of magic words. Using ' Silg ' the derivative for ice, very nice, very nice indeed," Syrus said with a big smile.

"At any rate I suggested that since the rules of causation to a problem are not rendered in any of our by-laws perhaps a new law should be administered or at least voted on to be heard. They then had a vote on whether they needed to vote on a new law. I know that sounds stupid but hey that's politics and if there is one thing, I have noticed is that politics is politics I don't care what planet you are on." Syrus said with a half-hearted chuckle

"I am glad to report that it was a nearly unanimous decision in that this bi-law or situation definitely needed to be ruled upon and a meeting was set forth three days after my initial inquiry, which let me tell you for the council that is quick indeed. To make a long story short after hours of deliberation that ended about a week ago the following rule was rendered," the old mage said as he pulled a small piece of parcel out of his robe.

In situations where the Minlavian council or

factions of the council caused problems

for non Minlavian worlds they could

intervene with that culture if and only if

the original action that caused the dilemma

was sanctioned by the council and if it

could be proven that the victims of the

action were most probably in mortal peril.

"The vote won 10-2 with a few absentees thrown among them," with me so far Syrus asked of Kyjus.

The young mage nodded that he was, but he still had a question. "What does the result of the vote mean to me or more importantly my family," Kyjus asked.

"An excellent question and what it means is that once I proved the probability of mortal peril, which you must promise not to ask upon how I did this as it is much better you not know. However, proving that they were in fact in peril and according to our new bi-law their extraction was approved last week," Syrus said with an elongated smile.

"That is fantastic news Syrus when and how are we going to get them to Desmonia," Kyjus asked emphatically.

"Well to answer your last question we are not going to get them to Desmonia," Syrus answered.

Kyjus was a bit confused, but he trusted the old mage, so he did not get too excited. "Well then what and when are we going to do something Syrus," Kyjus asked.

"Well, the what is transport them via a gateway to Minlas in an area that would arouse the least suspicion and cause the least interruption to our world. Of course, we also took into consideration where your parents would feel the most comfortable," Syrus said with a Cheshire grin.

"What are you not telling me," Kyjus asked with a smile knowing the old mage was up to something.

"We transported your mother and father to an area not too far from here. The only problem with my choice on this selection is that this facility is just outside of Scorched Earth. They arrived there not more than three or four days ago," he said to the young mage.

"My mother and father are here," Kyjus asked.

Syrus nodded.

"So are they in the Chateau that we are going to now or is the science facility someplace else", Kyjus asked half fearing the answer.

Syrus indicated with a shaking of his head that they were not.

"Well then where are they, come on Syrus stop making me beg for information," the young boy asked of the old mage.

Having decided he had tortured the lad long enough he came forth with the rest of the information. "They were sent to the science outpost about 90 miles northeast of here. From what I am told your father has been very instrumental in continuing some of our biology studies. He has in fact came up with a few ideas and methods of discovery that we had not yet thought of. As far as your mother goes, she has been very helpful in the preparation of meals and the general upkeep of the station."

"Yep, that sounds about right," Kyjus said with a laugh.

Syrus joined Kyjus in his laugh before assuring Kyjus of their safety. "The outpost has not had any skirmishes with the Eerikye in over a year and I have been in contact with them as late as yesterday and everything is status quo.

"When can I see them," Kyjus asked excitedly.

"Well, we are headed towards the outpost but in order to get there we are going to have to travel through all of the Eerikye land fighting them as we go. Our journey will take the remainder of our visit here so there will be little time for visitation but if I had to guess you will see them in a week," Syrus responded.

Kyjus sighed, another week he thought to himself. Well, that is better than the outcome he had thought only a week ago which was he may never see them again.

Syrus could see that while happy for their safety he longed to see or even talk to them, so he dangled one final carrot. "You can talk to them on the scrying crystals once we get to the Chateau."

Kyjus smiled brightly. "Well, what are we waiting for," he said as he got up continuing his journey north. The two of them then headed for the Chateau one of them relieved and smiling with every step.