Chateau Villette

Kyjus entered the crystal sequence on the piece of paper written by Syrus. The bowl got hazy, and a voice said, "acquiring contact". Kyjus waited patiently.

A few moments later there were three beeps, seconds after the beeps a grey very long snouted creature appeared in the crystal bowl. The creature talked in a very nasally voice. "Scorched Earth Scientific Outpost, this is Melvlovian speaking but my friends call me Melvin. To whom am I speaking and seeing," the odd-looking creature responded.

"My name is Kyjus Mcfadden can I please speak to", was all he could get out before he was interrupted.

"One moment sir and I will fetch your mother, but she is in the middle of fixing her most delicious Chocolate chip muffins so don't keep her too long as I am very hungry," Melvin said as he laughed.

At least Kyjus figured it was a laugh but in all honesty, it sounded more like a trumpet being blown, and poorly at that.

The bowl again went blue and had the words "on hold" flashing in white letters across it.

In a few moments the words on hold disappeared but it was not replaced by the picture of his mother but instead a darkened crystal was all the young mage could see.

"Hello," Kyjus said hoping there was someone at the other end.

"Hello, Kyjus is that you," was the response in a voice that sounded exactly like his mothers.

"Mom, Mom, yes it's me. I can here you, but I can't see you," Kyjus responded.

"I can hear him, but I can't see him", his mother's voice said, sounding somewhat faded. Clearly, she was not talking to Kyjus but rather to someone at the outpost about the difficulty she was having with the scrying crystals.

"Yes, dear you hit the red crystal which is audio now you need to hit the blue one if you wish to see the picture on the scrying bowl," a voice in the distant background said.

"Oh, the blue crystal too, here let me try that," his mom's voice said somewhat louder as she was now talking back toward the crystal receiver.

His mother must have hit the blue crystal as Kyjus could now make out her image in the scrying bowl. "Mom, hey I can see you now, how are you doing," Kyjus asked of his mother?

"Yes, that did it thanks," his mother said to that same someone out of the vicinity of the scrying device.

Turning around she became very excited as she was seeing her boy for the first time in just near two months.

"I am doing quite well thank you. I am very sorry we had to leave without your knowing our situation, but Syrus gave us no real choice in the matter. He said it was a matter of national security that we leave the country immediately and that you were safe within the facility you had been housed over the last almost two months. And let me tell you son I am not sure what is going on, but I am not liking them abducting you from your boy scout trip and I really don't understand how all of this can be related to Tyler's older brother," his mom said all very curiously and cautiously.

Probably trying to get information from him, it was obvious from what information that his mother had divulged to him in the beginning minutes of this conversation that she had no idea in regards to what was actually happening. How much information should he divulge back? Little he finally decided. He felt could keep the charade going as long as he was not openly lying to his parents.

"Mom I am not really sure how to tell you this but as it turns out Mark was not Tyler's older brother. In fact, Tyler has no older brother," Kyjus said with a smile.

His mom had a blank look on her face.

"So, they took you boys into custody until they could find Mark," his mom questioned.

"Something like that I guess," Kyjus responded not wanting to openly lie to his mother.

"That was nearly two months ago and although we have seen Syrus on a few occasions he has been less than forthcoming with any real information. So naturally we have become increasingly worried in regards to your wellbeing and safety. We had actually thought of contacting the FBI," his mother said with a slight smile.

"I am glad to hear Syrus found you and gladder that I can see and talk to you. Not that I didn't trust Syrus, but you know have always been a see it to believe type. Syrus did find you and he is bringing you to us isn't that right son," his mother asked him almost wishing it to be.

Just then Syrus entered the room somewhat concerned. He walked over to the device and hit the red crystal which muted the audio portion of the conversation.

"I am sorry Kyjus but there is much your parents do not know. We feared telling them without you being there," Syrus said very seriously.

"I gathered this when they said they were taken as a matter of national security," the young mage said with a slight chuckle. "At any rate, when you say there is much, they do not know can you be a little more detailed. Exactly how much do they not know," Kyjus asked already guessing the answer.

"Well to be honest they don't know any of the truth," Syrus said as he fidgeted with the papers in front of him. He had guessed that Kyjus would be somewhat upset at the most profound way in which his parents were basically kidnapped.

Actually, he could not have been further from the truth. "You did the right thing Syrus," Kyjus said smiling and patting his friend on the shoulder.

Out of the corner of his eye he could see his mother and now father trying to get his attention. Turning his head, he held up his finger indicating that he needed just a minute.

Both his parents nodded their understanding. Kyjus smiled at his father indicating that he was happy to see him and then turned his attention back toward Syrus.

"As I said you were right to not tell them, I think my dad would have adopted to the idea, but my mom would have totally freaked out at the entire situation. The question we now face is what to tell them when we see them at the science facility. Of course, I have a few other questions also like how in the world could they not know with the different species roaming and working at that facility but that is more a curiosity then an actual concern," Kyjus said with a halfhearted laugh.

"We will talk young master, but for now your parents are waiting," Syrus said nodding toward the scrying bowl.

"Kyjus turned back towards his parents as Syrus left the picture, pressing the red crystal prior to exiting the room.

"Hello, father I hope all is well. Mother has indicated that you are enjoying your stay at the Hummerdell Science Facility", (which was also known as the Scorched Earth Scientific Outpost) he said to his father with a boisterous smile.

"It has been a real treat son. I am not really sure where we are, but it is a very neat science facility. They do a lot of experiments on herbs and plant life some of which I have never even seen before. Although we are still not sure how we are involved in national security crises I am so excited by the surroundings and the comings and goings of this place," his father said to his son.

"I would say, to be honest with you I am convinced that he could care less if we ever go home," his mom commented with a slight laugh and a smile.

"We do think it's great here too, do your mother and I. We were a little put off by our removal and the lack of explanation or any real one I should say but well we can go into that later. We truly miss you son. Do you have any idea when we are going to see you," his father asked?

"Precisely the question that I wanted answered," his mother said as she leaned toward the scrying bowl.

"I was recently told that we will be at the science center in a week to one ten-day," Kyjus said to his parents.

"In ten days, that is just crazy why is it going to be so long? Do you have any idea where you are? I want to talk to whoever is in charge over there," Kyjus' mother said quite angrily.

"Things are complicated here, mother. There are things you have not been told and most frankly, I am not sure you would understand. When I get there, I will reveal to you what I can but you have to promise not to freak out about the situation," Kyjus replied to his parents but in all honesty he was mainly mentioning this for his mother's benefits.

"I really do not like being away from you this long son. The government has had you for nearly two months without reason or at least one they have given us. I know we have little choice in the matter, but your mom and I are getting frustrated with the situation. I am sure you can understand," Kyjus father said to him.

"I can understand but, well I guess you're going to have to trust me and believe me when I say it was necessary," his son responded.

"They are treating you well at least," his mother piped in.

"They are treating me fantastically, I am having the best time that I can ever recall having if truth be told of the matter," Kyjus said responding to his mother's question.

"Well, that is a good thing. We want to trust in you and this situation son and to be honest our trust in you is about all that has gotten us through this. We have talked to your friend Syrus on several occasions, and he has shown us clips of you so that we could know that you are ok but actually seeing that you are ok is much more satisfying for both me and your mother," his father said as he nudged his head toward his wife.

"It certainly has been, but it will be even more satisfying to me when I can wrap my arms around you and give you a great big hug," his mother said to him with her hands held out towards the monitor.

"Mom, don't smother," halfheartedly. "Well guys it's been fun, but it is time for a meeting here at the cottage. I promise I will explain all that I can on our next visit. I look forward to seeing you both."

"And we you," his father replied.

"I love you Kyjus" his mom said adding this as Kyjus moved toward the scrying crystals in front of him.

"And I you mom, dad," he said as he nodded to both of them.

Kyjus then pushed both the blue and then the red crystals thereby deactivating the device.

"And what a conversation we will have," Kyjus whispered to himself half smiling, half dreading what was to come.

Attacking the Eerikye seemed a trifle thing compared to telling his parents what was actually going on here. Kyjus almost laughed at the precariousness of it all.

The young mage then began to survey the cottage. It was a hodgepodge of several different art décors, from what appeared to be Earth's Renaissance era. There were paintings on the wall of famous mages and wizards, some of whom Kyjus was familiar and a few he was not.

There were several small ivory statues, small spiral staircases but not many luxuries to speak of, in fact most of the rooms were quite small and cozy. Several of the rooms had fireplaces which immediately clued Kyjus in on the need for the large pile of wood stacked upon the left side of the yard.

In the back Kyjus saw a large fountain that sat directly in front of a small waterfall that fell down upon the rock face wall, it was remarkably beautiful. There was a foyer that opened into a large room with a high ceiling and large rectangular table sitting in its middle.

A large chandelier hung from the vaulted ceiling above. To the left of the table was a large fireplace and around it were several plush comfortable armchairs.

In these chairs were the rest of his party. "Well, it's about time Kyjus we have been waiting for you, the Magus said we needed to have a meeting almost fifteen minutes ago", the princess said to him somewhat smugly.

Kyjus just shook his head he was unsure how to respond. Luckily for him, the Magus took care of the upstart elf.

"Young master Kyjus was handling another delicate situation that Syrus had requested of him, so his delay was anticipated," he replied to everyone but mostly this was directed toward Kelsee.

All nodded their understanding of the situation or perhaps they were nodding to the inconsequential nature of the conversation, Kyjus could not be sure nor in all honesty did he really care.

He merely smiled as the whole discussion passed him by since he was not sure what Kelsee meant by her comments, nor could he even be sure if she was being serious or just giving him a hard time. Her use of sarcasm left a lot to be desired. He realized that it mattered little, so he tore his attention from his thoughts and brought it back to Syrus who was now speaking.

"The purpose of this meeting is in discussing the first stages of our trip. We will plot a course as best we can with only an overall objective guiding the latter stages of our journey. Please understand that we are in no way anticipating a victory in the time that is allowed to us but if we can somehow cause some problems and concerns for the Eerikye; that will perhaps afford us some months of peace before they can be properly dealt with by those that can afford to be doing the dealing. As I talk if you have any questions, you can feel free to ask them, understood."

Syrus paused waiting to make sure all did, before continuing on "We will hike for nearly a day through a cave passageway that starts a few miles to the north of Château Villete. The distance we will cover in this time will not be significant as the area we will cover is treacherous as it is full of traps, ghosts and other things unspeakable."

Seeing the looks on the Chosen's face (mainly Kelsee and Kyjus as the look on Skarnum's face was one of glee) Syrus took a moment to further explain. "Fear not my young friends as we needn't worry about these things, as most of them were placed there by my family to keep the Eerikye back. There are creatures of darkness present within the cave however, that we will need to watch out for but alas I am confident there is nothing that this group cannot handle" seeing the somewhat more relaxed look on his young friends (except Skarnum who was now almost frowning) faces he continued.

"After we exit the cave somewhat late on our first day, we will enter the foothills of the Blavadik Mountains we will continue our descent down a well concealed pathway until darkness overtakes the skies above. This will occur most likely at a point near the base of the mountain, it is here that we will make our camp, is all understood so far" Syrus asked.

All nodded that it was so he continued.

"The following morning, we will hike down the hillside and out into the open plains towards our first city. We will be able to pack plenty of food for that short day and a half journey from here to Borensa. We of course will not need to pack water as well we have three mages so I am guessing water will not be a problem." Those in attendance readily agreed with Syrus in regards to that issue.

"We will then secure passage across the Bornese river from one of the local trolley's in the area. Once across the river, this will be where it will start proving quite tricky for our expedition. There are about fifteen known sects of Eerikye. Some of these sects are not hostile and will most likely allow us to cross their land without hindering our progress. This is unfortunately not good enough as these tribes will sometime war on the peoples of this planet if the Black Lotus faction of the Eerikye demand it."

Syrus paused as he could see the confused looks on the faces of many of the younger faces in the room.

"You see the Black Lotus is the largest and most fierce all of the Eerikye tribes. In fact, this tribe is so large it nearly outnumbers all of the other tribes combined and truth be told is probably twice as fierce. If we are too secure loyalty from the non-violent tribes and find any hope of securing any slight success with this plan, we will have to destroy certain members of the Black Lotus clan. Once destroyed many of those taken prisoner by the clan will wander off and head back from whence, they came."

Again, the looks on most in attendance bordered confusion so Syrus decided it was necessary to elaborate.

"The Black Lotus Clan became powerful by dominating smaller sects of clans and forcing them to join them. At first it was a few here and there, mainly shamans. When the Black Lotus Clan heard wind of shamans or warriors worthy of being members of the their clan they assimilated them into their culture. On several occasions they assimilated many of the smaller clans which is one of the reasons why we are down to about fifteen clans," Syrus paused for questions.

With none forthcoming, he continued.

"Many of the smaller sects that were strictly against the Black Lotus Clan and the violence they stood for decided to merge as one. They are known as the White Stallion Clan most of these are Elders and the smartest or most brilliant of their species."

Magus Sheplin quickly interrupted "My apologies for the interruption Syrus but I think we should be clear on this point and that is even though they are said to be the most brilliant of their species most would be hard pressed to even compare to that of an earth adolescent teenager," finished he nodded for Syrus to continue.

"A most excellent point Martimus but we have agreed that this is our best chance of securing a pact within the Eerikye." The Magus quickly nodded his agreement with Syrus.

"And unfortunately, the only way to gain their trust will be to help overthrow the current Black Lotus Clan empowerment structure and bring them the head of the clan, Chieftain Macaw Featherhold. This of course will be no easy task since he is always accompanied by many of his warrior sons and several of his most fierce and trusted shamans. Any questions," Syrus asked those in attendance.

"So, we're not going to destroy them all then," Skarnum said trying but failing to hide his disdain for the plan.

Hawk chuckled at the thought.

"I appreciate your lust for battle young prince but as all of the Eerikye are not evil it would not behoove us to take that course of action and if truth be told I am not sure we have the time to properly complete our plan let alone the plan of total destruction of the Eerikye people. We have but one week if you take out time spent on miscellaneous travel to find and defeat key members of the Black Lotus Clan and then to get word to the White Stallion Chieftain thereby hopefully securing their support," Syrus said glancing around the room for more questions.

None were forthcoming.

"Great we leave at dawn's first light. You may wander the house, feel free to look around and read from the library, eat, and do whatever your heart desires. Make sure your things are packed prior to falling asleep as there will be little time to pack in the morning. Enjoy."

After the meeting was at end both Syrus and Magus accompanied Hawk to the front dining hall where Hawk had already taken the liberty of laying out maps of the area and undoubtedly all of the intel, he could gather on the Eerikye peoples. He did not seem like one to leave things to chance.

Kyjus was intrigued by the actions of the three masters but as intrigued as he was by their actions, he was far hungrier, so he decided to head toward the kitchen. After all, between the three masters they had hundreds of years of practical battle applications, while he had none other then what he had read in books so what could he possibly provide that they have not already planned for.

That thought of course sparked another thought in him and that was too read whilst he waited for the night to end and their journey to begin. He did not even have to give a thought as to what to read as he had already arrived at that conclusion. The only thing left to do was to prepare a sandwich, find the book and head to his room. That is if he had a room and if he could find it.

Kyjus entered the kitchen only to be startled by a small figure out of the corner of his eye. "Weemus, when did you get here," the young lad said in a pleasantly surprised tone.

"Well young master I arrived several hours before you did, I arrived with my brother Deemus. I believe you have met him yes," Weemus said as more of a statement than a question.

Kyjus nodded that he had indeed met Deemus on several occasions and was about to say more but Weemus continued on with his conversation.

"He cared for your friend Ryan I believe, did he not," Weemus asked of the young mage.

Again, Kyjus nodded.

"I thought as much. When my brother and I heard of this expedition we decided to approach the council and request they let us and our vast skills and knowledge of the Eerikye help this expedition. You see the prophecy states only six are to enter the mission of the prophecy, but since this is a prelude to it, we would not be in violation of it. The council readily agreed and here we are," it was obvious that Weemus had more to discuss but it was Kyjus' turn to cut him off.

"It's weird that Syrus did not mention this to anyone," the young mage responded.

"He does not yet know, Deemus is informing him of that very thing. I am not sure of his reaction, but we will see soon enough," the little gnome said with a slight smile as he walked over to the table and picked up a plate full of food and a book.

"I took the liberties young sir, knowing that you would be hungry," he said as he handed him the plate.

"Thanks Weemus I am famished all I have had since we left Desmonia is some bread and water that I had conjured for Syrus and I," Kyjus said as he took the plate of food.

"I also took the liberty knowing your thirst for knowledge," Weemus said as handing the young mage a book.

Kyjus hesitated.

Weemus noticed the hesitation and somewhat displaced its meaning. "You did not intend on reading this evening", he asked of the young human.

"Well, I was but I had a specific topic I wanted to read about, something that may help me in our upcoming encounters," Kyjus responded.

"Ahh, you want a book about the Eerikye," Weemus said a matter of factly.

Kyjus nodded.

"There are not many written about them I can assure you of that, but I think this book will quench your need for knowledge of the birdmen," Weemus said smiling as he handed the young mage the book that rested in his hands.

The title of the book was "Trapped within the Eerikye". That was perfect Kyjus thought to himself.

"Wow this is exactly what I needed thanks Weemus," the young human said to a now bowing and retreating gnome.

"To get to your room turn left at the top of the stairs, it will then third door on the right. You have a private bath in your room, might I suggest you use it as you will not be privy to many more over the next few weeks," the Gnome said with a chuckle.

Kyjus hollered back his thanks and headed up the appropriate stairway book and food in hand. He entered his room, noticing that his bags were neatly stacked and in the corner. A new set of pajamas laid, draped across the bed, courtesy of Weemus he gathered.

He tossed the book gently upon his bed and entered the door on the far side of the room.

Just as he had thought, it was his private bathroom which now was now filled with hot steaming water. This too was no doubt courtesy of his small gnomish friend.

He backed out of the bathroom and sat his meal upon a plush chair that sat deep within the far corner. (The corner that was now closest to where he was standing in the doorway of the bathroom)

Taking off his garments he placed his cloak and spellbook upon the bed, the rest he placed neatly into a bag laid in the chair. He then walked into the bathroom and immerged himself into the steaming water. He literally felt what seemed like days of fatigue wash from his body. He sat there for the better part of an hour and the tub never lost its heat or its soothing powers he was not sure what kind of bath salts they used on this planet, but he had to make sure to commandeer some should he ever return to earth. That thought brought about mixed emotions within the young mage. He pushed them down as best he could as he had much to do before you lay to sleep.

Finally, with his body clean he rose from the bath, wrapping himself up in a towel that sat on a stand just within arm's reach of the tub.

He pulled the plug on the tub and gathered up his dirty clothes bag throwing it in the hamper in the corner. Weemus would see that these were cleaned and returned to Desmonia he thought, and if he couldn't then he was out nothing anyway as these clothes had been provided to him by the council.

He quickly dressed, getting into his pajamas. The wet towel was also tossed within the hamper. His stomach growled intensely as he turned back to the bed.

Looking into the chair in the corner he noticed his plate now looked even better with the contents upon it begging for him to devour it. He quickly gathered it up and perused the contents.

The two sandwiches Weemus had made were of pulled sweet molasses pork, stacked to the left of the sandwiches were salt and vinegar chips. He sat in the chair devouring all that sat upon his plate. It was all quite delicious he thought as he wiped his mouth and hands with the napkin the Weemus had provided him.

He had forgotten a drink, so he was quite thirsty at this point, but he was also tired. The question at this point was he more thirsty than tired or vice a versa. In the end his thirst won out, so he headed to the kitchen (which was to his delight empty) and poured himself a glass of milk and made his way back to the bedroom. He vowed that milk was to be the next drink he would learn to conjure.

Yawning and stretching he slipped into the confines of the bed, draping the warm blankets upon his chest. He was in for the night he thought to himself as he would need all of the rest, he could get for his long trip he was about to embark. First, he would learn some important information of the Eerikye though as his thirst for knowledge and curiosity of the birdmen outweighed his desire for sleep.