History Is Changing Without Me Knowing

It was when both Itachi and I are in another playdate with mama and Mikoto-obāsan, that Minato-nii poofed into existence in front of us.

He was carrying a limp and bloody Obito, and a half-awake Kakashi who is sporting a long gash on his left eye. Both which were not present when they left for a 'mission' a few days ago. I faintly caught a sighting of what might be Rin holding onto the corners of Minato-nii's clothes.

I knew mama is the best healer - or what they call a medical-nin. So it's no surprise that Minato-nii brought them in with these levels of injuries' without going to the hospital.

While mama is emitting a bright blue light to heal the critical Obito first, I couldn't help but freeze and stare at the wounds Kakashi has on his body.

I tried my best to not make any noise, least I disturb mama and Shizune-nee from saving Obito.

I usually am a quiet child, which mama can attest from me not crying for much except when I am hungry or made a no-no.

But when the sorry state of Kakashi is all that I can see when I open my eyes, a sob crawled out of my mouth, and I started bawling.

With my eyes filled with tears, my vison started to cloud, masking the image that has brought me sadness. I felt the small hand of Itachi grasping mine, while a small lithe body which I think was Rin came forth to hold me back from tottering towards Kakashi.

Within my blurry vision came a bright green light. Something around me is emitting my favorite scent of fresh rain. The scent of grassy water and wet soil.

And with the earshot gasps of people around me, I blacked out.

Tsunade's POV

It is with great joy that Kanako was blessed upon me.

The wars were never ending, marring my life with sorrow and grief.

Families - MY family, were taken away from me. In this second great ninja war, my little brother who wasn't given the chance to grow into adulthood, and the other half of my heart, Dan, wasn't given the chance to know parenthood.

The first thing I felt when knowing I was with child was sadness. Sadness of not having Dan next to me. Of the baby not knowing him. Of the baby not having any family but her.

Then I felt hope. That there's a piece of Dan with me now. And I know that this time, I will protect and shield my child with all I have.

When my Kanako was born, Orochi couldn't help but comment how she looked like a red monkey in an onsen. While I too agree with that sentiment, I can't stop myself from wanting to smack him silly from my birthing bed. Because while a red monkey, she is my red monkey.

The first time Kanako opened her eyes, I had no choice but to hand her over to Shizune and enter my room to cry.

Her eyes are a replica of Dan's.

A mossy green, and like the night forest.

That night, I slept with Kanako in my arms, crying myself to sleep.

Months passed by, and my heart is filled with happiness and love for and from my baby.

Although I'm peeved that all her 'firsts' were taken away from me.

First word? Kachi.

First walk? Witnessed by Kakashi.

First solid food taste? Discreetly fed an edamame by Kakashi.

What next, first kiss?



I narrowed my eyes onto a silver haired figure in the distance with the duo next to him, and focused my killing intent.

The poor Kakashi shivered and tensed up, while swerving left and right in trepidation.

Heh. Still so green.

Time flips itself like a book again, and then the third great ninja war started.

Since I have a child to look after, and I have retired from active duty in the front lines, I was only requested to attend to the severe injures if I'm needed, and I acquiesced.

In one of the playdates that Kanako has with Mikoto's child, I sensed an incoming fluctuation in the air that I assume is Minato. But with Kanako here with me, I took no expense in keeping a look out, and it seems that Mikoto has the same intention.

Six seconds later, Minato appeared through his hiraishin, carrying the wounded Uchiha and Hatake brats.

Discarding all thoughts, I started to commence healing on Obito who has heavier injuries', while Mikoto starts clearing the room for more space.

Soon after while still in the midst of healing Obito, a resounding cry entered my ears.

A heart wrenching pain entered my gut - my daughter never cries.

But I had to continue healing, so I concentrated on my job and tried to ignore her.

A few moments in, the scent of fresh rain and grasses enveloped my senses, bringing me back to remembering a time when Hashi-jiji was still around.

Noticing that my healing stopped, I let out a curse and got back to it, only to discover a heavy green chakra taking over the healing at a faster pace then mine. I looked over to see the chakra coming out from my daughter, though it seems to be an unconscious response.

Within a few seconds, Kanako's body went limp and falls onto Rin's waiting arms. I looked over to see Obito's battered and broken body back to normal, with only the torn clothes' in areas to mark the life-threatening injuries' that were there once. I then turned to the Hatake brat who widened his eyes, his hand touching the now missing scar.

Well. That happened.

Kakashi's POV


A searing pain that I tried to ignore as I entered the cave with the idiot to save Rin.

Today was unlucky to the point that it wasn't just the surface of my skin that got nicked. But the cut got too deep that my left eye went out of commission as well.

The day got worse as a cave-in happened, but due to the lost sight on my left, a boulder that I missed plummets towards me. When I realized the shadow above me was a falling boulder, I was too late to move out of the way.

But the idiot just had to push me out.

Me and Rin looked back, and as the dust clouds cleared, half of Obito was now crushed under the rock.

I blanked out, and I assume Rin did as well.

While in this war, many lives come and go, our team 7 still stayed as a team - unbroken. The foreseeable loss through such a magnitude of accident, still caught us unprepared, although we all knew it would happen sooner or later when leaving the village doors every time.

The sob story Obito started to speak broke us out of our reverie, making me want to slap his head if he wasn't as damaged as a falling leaf.

By all the gods that we never prayed to, thankfully our team has spent the past year babysitting Kanako-hime. With the sannin Tsunade by her side all the time, Rin had learnt a thing or two from the slug princess herself.

Using my body to cover the exposed less injured half of Obito, Rin concentrated chakra on her fist and punched forward.




Breaking down the gigantic boulder.

Debris, small rocks, and some heavy uneven pieces fall on top of me as I tried to steadily stop and further agitating Obito's injuries.

Both Rin and I then gingerly lifted the bottom of the broken boulder up and away, to reveal a cracked and compressed, but thankfully still intact Obito.

I tried to console myself that as the greatest medical-nin, Tsunade-sama would be able to heal him up, even if it takes time.

Both of us stripped off our outer jackets, to slowly and carefully shift and place Obito onto it to carry. I hear chokes of sobs from Rin, while Obito the idiot he is consoled Rin instead of taking in his serious situation.

While all of Obito is finally onto the makeshift carrier, Rin placed him on my back and we dashed off, fearing the Iwa ninja's who might be closing in.

About a mile away from the collapsed rubble, he found a secure spot within the ground covered by shrubs, and led Rin into it.

Slowly letting Obito down with Rin's aid, he left her to pay attention to his wounds while leaving to clear any traces of this being a hidden spot, while keeping an eye out for anyone.

After an hour of silent blowing of the wind and sounds of fighting in the distance, he felt a presence making itself known behind him. He lifted up the broken jagged edge of his tantō in retaliation and defense, which was blocked by a familiar triple-pronged kunai.


He spoke up in hope.

Without waiting for a response, he dragged their sensei to the hiding spot, revealing an alert but weary Rin, and Obito who seems to be fading away. With Rin taking lead on what the issue is with Obito, we slowly placed him on on the right arm of Minato-sensei.

With Obito in good hands, and someone uninjured to protect us, my mental state slowly collapse as I felt the burn from the untended scar and dead eye, to the bruises and wounds from the falling rocks, coming back in full force. I stumbled, only to have Minato-sensei catching me with his free arm, and with Rin's help, placed me on his shoulder.

Sensei threw his kunai and the feeling of space wrapping around them made him almost disorganized due to his injuries.

Once the disconcerting feeling passed, I opened my remaining right eye to see Tsunade-sama crowding around a bloody black figure dripping blood on the light blue flooring.

I leaned my head to the left to see a familiar little figure.

With a wide eyed look, our little Kanako-hime that we cared for the past year stared at me with worry.

My head has gotten heavy as I started to comprehend the tears pooling in her dark green orbs.

A loud cry that is well known among young children, but not our Kanako-hime, nor to my despair, the Uchiha heir, resounded in the already clamoring room.

I wanted to reach forth and say that I'm okay, and that she shouldn't worry or cry.

But these dumb injuries prevented me from doing so.

Suddenly, a green light exclusive to medical-nin's, but unlike Tsunade-sama's or Rin's, shone from her body.

Considering her current sobbing figure, I would say that it is unintended.

Along with the green light was a scent of nature. Like the times when Kanako-hime stayed quiet and closed her eyes when it started raining.

The green glow extends itself to me and Obito, and unlike any other healing techniques witnessed before, our injuries started healing at a visible speed. Especially for Obito, as his broken bones went back into shape mystically, and the muscles, tendons, and flesh eerily weaved itself back together. A clean slate of skin is what Obito was brought back to, making what had happened hours before seem like a nightmare, if it weren't for the telltale signs of blood marks, and torn clothes drenched in blood retelling what had happened.

Feeling a cooling and itchy sensation on my left eye, I raised my hand to the scar and -

I blinked.

Not only was the area a smooth unmarred skin, my vision was back to normal. My fingers went to my socket and carefully touched my eye. It was back in good condition.

I couldn't form any words at this ... miracle.

So the only thing I could do was stare.

And the little figure slumps onto Rin's arms, green light dispersing.