The Bloodline Spring

"Well, I guess I should be thankful, but anyways, let's check the next evolution!" After checking the name of the next beast she was going to evolve in, she was shocked. "Twilight Dragon? What does that have to do with a Moon Dragon? Isn't twilight like when the sun is still up? Never mind, let's just level up first then care about the name later." There's also no requirements that I have to fulfil this time, which is nice, so she quickly evolved again.

Just like the last time she had evolved, a blinding white light flashed and she fell unconscious again. However, unlike last time, she woke up a lot sooner than before, as before, it was an extremely painful process of renewing the bones and blood, whereas this time, it was only some minor changes to the appearance and internal stuff. When she woke up, she quickly glanced behind to see if she had gotten any changes to her appearance. Surprisingly, not much has changed, except the silver that covered every part of her body was moulded into smaller, star like shapes and the background was a darker blue instead.

Spinning in circles until she got dizzy, as she admired her new look, before, it was kind of bland, as it was all entirely silver, shiny, glittery bright silver which hurt her eyes if she looked at it for too long. But now, it was just dark blue like the night sky with extremely small fragments of the silver from her Silver Dragon body. Thinking that her stats must have gotten a lot stronger, as it had when she went from a common-type beast to an uncommon-type beast, Luna wasted no more time and quickly checked them.


Species: Twilight Dragon

Type: Rare

Level: 1

Experience: 0/1000



Hp: 500/500

Strength: 75

Agility: 45

Toughness: 70


Skills: Dragon Breath (Level 3), Night Vision (Level 1), Skill Shop (Level Max)

Stat Points: 50

Skill Points: 52


"Wow! Nice! More hp, strength, agility and toughness! Though I do wish that agility wasn't lacking as much behind, they all improved a lot! I also got more stat and skill points, and since I finally have the skill shop function, I finally know what the skill points are used for! Let's check it out later, because we haven't finished checking this place out yet. We only explored the entrance, and that alone already gave me a lot of levels, I wonder what else is in this werewolf's lair?"

Exploring further, she found the table like thing shoved at the back of the cave. On top of it was some weirdly shaped vials with a pinkish liquid inside. When she appraised it, she was pleasantly surprised that what was in it was healing potions. Since her moon crystal had gotten a lot dimmer, since she used it before to heal her wounds from the werewolf, and her herbs were running out. To make it even better, they were all middle-ranked to high-ranked healing potions, which could heal internal injures and a lot faster than low-ranked ones.

They were all very expensive, which made her think that the unlucky people who meet the werewolf was some very rich folks, which made sense, as she even found a spatial ring, she knew they were very expensive, from the cultivation books she had read, and inserted a drop of blood in it. There was surprisingly nothing in it, except from some swords that she had no use for, since she was a dragon. There were more healing potions, but only 5 and some pills to help with cultivation. Since she couldn't cultivate, she also had no use for them. There were also some papers, but they seemed useless, so she didn't bother with them either. The ring was quite small, with only a 5x5 space, but she was happy to have it anyways.

As she had thought that there was nothing else left in the cave, and was about to leave. She noticed a small hole hidden behind some meat that she had not noticed before. Interested, she crawled in, and found that her body was a bit bigger, and she couldn't fit in so easily. She got a bit stuck, but quickly tumbled down after squeezing through. She was very surprised, one moment, she was still stuck with her neck and head stuck on one side, and her wings and back on the other. Looking forwards, there was a massive silverly pond in front of her. __________________________


Soak in the Bloodline Spring and get a hidden bloodline power

Rewards: 2 levels, 10 stat points, 5 skill points

Difficulty: Easy


"The bloodline Spring? What's that? It said to get a hidden bloodline power, so does it unlock something?" She then appraised the silverly pond.

"System Appraisal: Bloodline Spring, a hidden spring that is used to help unlock a bloodline. If there is no dormant bloodline, then the effect would not work."


"Wow, that did not help at all, do I even have a hidden bloodline? Maybe the Moon Dragon one might work, but in the quest menu, it said that I would unlock a hidden power, so let's soak in!" She then leaped in enthusiastically and was greeted with icy coldness, but aside from that, nothing happened. But she didn't give up and started swimming. After around half an hour of swimming, Luna was just about to get out, however, just before she left, a notification sounded in her mind.

[Skill: Moon Dance gained]

[Hidden Moon Dragon bloodline awakened]


Quest Completed:

Gained: +2 levels, +10 stat points, +5 skill points


"Yes!! Something finally happened! Guess it really was the Moon Dragon bloodline then. I wonder what Moon Dance is?" Apprising it, it turned out that it was the first basic skill of the Moon Dragon Legacy. I was used to increase speed and agility, which she needed a lot right now, and to make it seem like she was dancing while fighting. It was flawless, which made the opponent think that they were getting toyed around, basically, an awesome skill. Since she finished her quest and there was nothing left to do here, she went out, wondering if the previous owner, the werewolf had soaked here before. It made sense, as beasts normally don't have ability's until they got a beast core, so the roar attack was probably from the spring.

After checking again that there was actually nothing left in the cave, she grabbed the spatial ring, put it on a talon, stuffed all the healing potions in the spatial ring and left. She first went back to her little cave, stuffed the vine bundle in as well and decided to check the skill shop, because I mean, if you have an op skill, you should use it! As soon as she opened it, she could see millions upon millions of different skills, some just costing 5 skill points, while some were worth 50, 100 and even 150 skill points. Since she just had 52 skill points she browsed through the ones that cost less than 50 skill points. The first skill that stood out incredibly, was humanisation, which did exactly what it said. To be able to take a human form! Now she could use the swords in the spatial ring and visit towns, though she hasn't found any towns yet.