
Even though the humanisation skill cost 25 skill points, which was about half of what she had right now, she didn't hesitate in buying it. I mean, if she could turn into a human with that skill, then she could go to towns and buy a map. But, if she was just a lonely little dragon, she won't be able to go to any towns and buy maps or learn more about the world she reincarnated in. Besides, in every cultivation book she read before, dragons were really rare or extinct, so if someone saw her, they might want to capture her, which would only bring bad stuff.

After buying the skill [Humanisation], she still had 27 skill points left, so she decided to buy some basic skills like [Hide], [Dash], [Scratch], [Greater Flight] and [Tail Whack]. After she bought those skills, Luna still had 2 skill points left, but what could you buy with 2 skill points? Nothing. So she closed the skill shop function and left the small cave she was currently in, and went to the nearby lake where she had been drinking from. Using humanisation and peering over the lake, she saw a face with pure white skin, her eyes were dark blue and she had glittery silver hair which looked white in daylight. She was wearing a dark blue dress, with silver carvings of the moon and stars along the edges of the dress.

She tied her hair up in a bun with a vine and a silver hairpin with blue gems that she had randomly found in her spatial ring (It totally did not appear out of thin air). Then she transformed back into a dragon and left. Using a combination of Hide to make her invisible so people won't see her and greater flight to make her fly faster, she began flying away from the desert area where she first arrive in. At around noon, she landed on a curved blue tree with purple leaves swaying with the breeze. A while ago, she had spotted some peaches. However, these peaches had no seeds and the whole skin including the stem was light pink.

After eating all the peaches, Luna glanced around, looking for a town. So far, she had only flew past the forest she had been living in for the last few days, and flew over a mountain range. Right now, she was on a tree in a forest full of blue trees. The only difference with these trees from each other, was that the leaves were all different colours of the rainbow. She had even seen a blue tree with blue leaves with the exact same shade of blue, which looked like the tree was camouflaging in blue. Flying a bit farther away from the blue trees, she had finally spotted a town. It was on the edge of the blue forest and was pretty big.

The houses were made of blue wood, which most likely came from the blue forest. The town was not small, actually, it was pretty big, and busting with life. Colourful lanterns were hanging from every house and to the middle of the town, there was several large houses with big courtyards. She guessed that those were the more wealthier people in the town, as the houses in the outside rings were all more or less the same with similar kinds of blue wood. Whereas in the middle, the houses were all made out of some white wood material, which might have come out of another forest, as the blue forest had no such thing.

Landing a tree on the edge of the town, Luna quickly switched to her human form, with the buns she had tied up the morning still there and walked into the town. There was a lot of people at the entrance of the town, mainly because it was in the afternoon, and it was probably busting with people buying stuff and working. She noticed that all the commoner kids that ran around all had slight imperfections on their faces, from pimples, to freckles, to tanned faces and even scars. Many of the people stopped working when they saw her and started whispering.

"Is that a noble child? Look at her face! No imperfections and it's so clean and beautiful"

"Who's that? I've never seen her before, is it a noble visiting?"

"Wow, she's so pretty, which family is she from?"

"Look at her hair! It's white! I thought that only one noble family in Kiqilon had white hair"

"Oh yes, wasn't it the Liniods? They all have white hair, but I heard they had red eyes, not blue"

Lots of people stared and looked, probably because only nobles had such pale skin, so they naturally thought she was from a noble family, and having a unique hair colour didn't help either, but at least she learned about a new country, or city called Kiqilon, and that the houses at the centre actually belonged to nobles, not wealthy people, which meant they have kings and nobility in this world. She also learned that there was a noble family called the Liniods which also have silver hair, but red eyes. She walked to a nearby map shop and asked for a map of all the kingdoms. The shop keeper blinked at her appearance, admiring her beauty, but after a few seconds, he turned around and came back with the map.

"Excuse me sir, what's the name of the town?"

"Ah, young lady, are you not from here? How come you asked for a map of all the kingdoms then asked where we are?" The shopkeeper was very puzzled, normally he sold maps to people who lived in the village and wanted to go exploring, but never had anyone asked him what the name of the town was.

"Um, yes, sir, I lived in a desert before, and just came to explore, so I don't know where everything is."

"You mean the Ohimish Desert? I didn't know that there was any towns there, but this town is called Vandivod, and incase you didn't know, we're in the kingdom of Tabrian."

"Oh, thanks, how much for the map?"

"It's 12 silver and 5 bronze"

"Oh, what's the currency here?"

"What?? How do you not know that? Didn't you guys use money in the desert town???"

"Ahh, we used sand coins, a special type of coin made of sand." She smoothly lied.

"Oh really?" The trusting shopkeeper easily believed the lie, "Well we have bronze coins, and 100 bronze coins is one silver coin, 100 silver coins is a gold coin, 10,000 gold coins is a jade sphere. Jade spheres are very rare, so they're very expensive, not even a mansion costs one jade sphere."

"Wow, thanks sir. I don't have any coins, but can I trade this mid-rank health potion?"

"A mid-rank health potion? Those are very expensive, I will gladly trade it with you, and have some gold coins!" The kind and trusting shopkeeper accepted the offer gratefully, and even handed her a small pouch of gold coins. "You can also use this pouch to store your money, good doing business with you!"

With that he handed her the map and the pouch and left to examine the health potion. After getting the information and items she needed, Luna happily skipped out the map shop and went over to a nearby bench to examine the map. According to the shopkeeper, they were in the Kingdom called Tabrian, in the town Vandivod. After looking on the map and locating Vandivod, and even finding the Blue tree forest, which was literally called Blue Oak Valley, she looked to the right and saw the desert the shopkeeper was talking about, Ohimish Desert which was probably where she first came out the egg.

Examining it farther, she found out that there was 3 human kingdoms, and a kingdom of beasts. There was also a central district called the Central Neutral Zone, which guessing by the name, was a neutral place for people to live in. She also saw several sects scattered around the 3 kingdoms with the Sky Mountain Sect, the Immortal Sword Sect and the Beast tamer Sect being the sects with the largest areas. There was also some interesting names, like Death Valley and the Blood plains, which did not sound PG friendly at all. Just when she put away the map and was about to get up, an arrogant sounding voice shouted at her, "Hey you! I haven't seen you before!" And an arrogant looking rich boy appeared with a bunch of guards and servants, glaring at her face, which pulled into a frown. 'God, she hated dealing with arrogant, rich bastards.'