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"Hey you! I haven't seen you before!" And an arrogant looking rich boy appeared with a bunch of guards and servants, glaring at her face, which pulled into a frown. 'God, she hated dealing with arrogant, rich bastards.' The 'rich, arrogant bastard' was glaring at her, or more specifically, her face. He seemed to be staring at her face, but when they made eye contact, he blushed and looked away. He wasn't ugly, but wasn't handsome either, he was just above average, but definitely better looking than those poorer people from before.

"Hey, can't you tell I talking to you?" He arrogantly looked up and seemed to be looking down on her.

"What do you want?" She replied monotonously and continued putting away her map.

Seemly shocked by her tone of voice, he frowned then went back to his usual arrogant look. "What's your family name?" Luna guessed that your family name was very important, as even the commoners from before were talking about the family names. "I'm MingLong from the Minglaon family, rank 8 in nobility."

"I'm not a noble, goodbye." She said coldly and stood up to leave when the guards suddenly pointed their weapons at her.

"Your lying, you bitch, which filthy commoner family has such a pretty face and wealthy clothes? You better answer me, or I'll bring you to my father, the Lord of the town!" As he said the last bit, he gradually got more arrogant and confident.

By what he said, Luna could see that the reason he was so arrogant was because his father has the biggest position in the town, so he thinks his better than everyone. He also clearly dislikes the commoners, even calling them filthy. She guessed the reason he had stopped her was because she was a new face and didn't have any cultivation around her, which meant that she was a cripple or she was strong enough to be able to hide her cultivation, so he probably wanted to see how high her status was. Ignoring him and his guards, she took her things and left. Behind her, she could hear him telling his guards to get her, but she didn't pay him any mind and activated [Hide], disappearing from view. She could hear the confused noises from the guards, but she didn't glance back as she turned back into a dragon and flew away from the town.

'God, talking to people is so exhausting, seems like travelling along has made me a bit of an introvert. She looked at the map again, as she got rudely interrupted before, she noticed little stars on the beast territory. Squinting at the tiny text written at the bottom of the stars, she noticed that they were all beast species, for example, there was a Deer Myriad in one of the forests and a Snake Myriad. Luna guessed that they were the areas where that certain species lived, but judging by the name, only that species could easily get there easily, otherwise the myriads would have been invaded by other myriads ages ago and the balance between the beasts would have been broken.

Deciding to back to the town one last time, to learn more about certain areas on the map, she flew to a cloak shop and took a black cloak with a hood, leaving a gold coin on the table. Covering herself with the hood, she once again stepped through the city gates, this time with a lot less people staring at her. Going to a nearby information shop, she paid one gold coin, and finally got change, which consisted of 80 silver coins. She then filed out a form of the information she wanted, so she could the right informant for her questions. She then went to one of the private rooms and waited for the informant to come and hopefully answer some questions. Soon, after waiting for barely a minute, a young man came in.

"Sorry for the wait, Miss. My name is Filikin. I saw on our form that you wanted to learn more about the countries?"

"Yes," she said in a lower voice from her usual voice, "I wanted to know more about the 4 kingdoms and why the central area is unpopulated." Saying that, she laid out the map she had brought from the kind shopkeeper from before in front of her.

"Well you see, the Central Neutral Zone or CNZ for short, is not actually deserted, but barely anyone live there, it's because the flow of qi is different everywhere," He pointed to the map, "You see, the flow of qi is denser and purer the more you go away from the centre, so all the capital cities and important sects are farthest from centre and closer to the end of the world. Our village is in a very good spot, so you would see that this town is very big for just a simple village. As the CNZ has barely any qi, and is not suitable for cultivation, so the 4 countries signed an agreement that that area would be a neutral zone. Is there anything else you want to ask me?"

"Ahh, thanks, well, I wanted to know more about the uniquely named areas, like the Blood Plains and Death Valley."

"Do you seriously not know about the Blood Plains?? They're really famous!"

"Really? What happened there?"

"Well, it all started when the Kiqilons declared war against the Vieazins. As you can see on your map, the Vieazins have the most land. The Kiqilon King got greedy and leaded his troops to attack Vieazins. Our country was also affected and torn between helping the Vieazins or helping the Kiqilons. Most went to help the Vieazins and the others helped the Kiqilons. It was the bloodiest war in all history. All the human countries suffered great losses, but the Vieazins managed to win, and got some land from the Kiqilons for winning the war. That's when they established the CNZ."

"That's interesting.. What about Death Valley?"

"Death Valley used to be a beautiful valley that was full of life, however, after the big war, the whole place was covered with fog. Lightning struck down heavily at every living organism and the rain pelted down, heavily. What's worse is that most of the fog is poisonous. The thick, black fog is the only fog in the valley that is non-poisonous, but you can barely see anything, which makes it perfect for ambushes and sneak kills."

"Which type of fogs are poisonous?"

"Well, the white fog, which is conveniently the only fog you can see through, is the most poisonous, which damages your inner body and you'll die in half a hour if consumed, with no antidote. However, it appears rarely, so most people won't run into it. The other poisonous fog is the green fog, which blends in with the surroundings. The green fog is made of toxic poison that if breathed for too long, will dissolve you from the inside."

"Are there any beasts that live there?"

"Yes, the most dangerous sorts of lightning and poisonous monsters strive there. The poisonous air gives them high poison resistance and the lightning tempers their body, which gives them high lightning resistance and tougher skin and bones. The monsters at the top of the valley are the weakest, but even they can kill at least 5 monsters at the same level as them. The Immortal Sword Sect, the biggest and best sect in the land, use the weaker monsters as training for their disciples, which is how their disciples are better than the others."

"Ok, thank you, that's all my questions."

"Ok, goodbye."

And then Luna left, seeing that she got all the information she needed, she decided to head to the capital city of Tabrian, Tazerin, to see the sorts of items they sell there. Since the humanisation was only a skill, she couldn't cultivate like the humans, and her strength as a dragon was lessened by 50% when she turned into a human with the skill, she would need something to defend herself incase of an attack. So she changed back to a dragon and using the [Hide] skill, she made her way to the capital city.