The Crown Prince

The next few days were fairly uneventful, she got her hide and greater flight skills levelled up to level 2 she ate some more wild beasts that she fried into a chicken nugget, as she had evolved and her flames got more powerful, efficiently levelling it up to level 4. Her Night Vision skill also got to level 2, as she had been flying through the night a lot. Tired, Luna found a nearby cave, and after checking that there was no other beasts in the cave, she opened her stats.


Species: Twilight Dragon

Type: Rare

Bloodline: Moon Dragon Legacy

Level: 2

Experience: 628/1000



Hp: 500/500

Strength: 75

Agility: 45

Toughness: 70


Skills: Dragon Breath (Level 4), Night Vision (Level 2), Skill Shop (Level Max), Moon Dance (Level 1), Hide (Level 2), Dash (Level 1), Scratch (Level 1), Greater Flight (Level 2), Tail Whack (Level 1)

Stat Points: 60

Skill Points: 2


It had been a couple of days since she last opened them, yet not much changed. Wincing at how far away the strength and toughness stats are away from her agility stats, she decided to use 40 of the remaining stat points to get her agility stats to at least catch up a little to her other stats. She then gave the other stats 10 points each, so now she had no more stat points. Surprisingly, she hasn't gotten a quest yet, but that might be because she hadn't found anything interesting nor had she had a fight. Feeling a bit tired, she decided to go to sleep for like the first time in days, so, after checking again that there was indeed no monsters in the cave, she found a small hole, curled up and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night. Lightning flashed down without barely a sound, and a figure came out of it. The shadow of the man flickered and flashed with the lightning, as he ascended slowly into the royal castle. This was the crown prince of Tabrian, Zadinc. The fourth son of the king, Jazind the third. Zadinc was the only mortal in all three kingdoms to achieve the first level of the Heaven Realm at the mere age of 18. The Heaven Realm was only one rank away from the Immortal Realm, where humans shed their mortality and become immortals. Many talented people were stuck on the Sky Realm forever, slowly growing old while wishing that their talent was just a bit better, but he managed to breakthrough and become the youngest cultivator at the Heaven Realm.

Long before the kingdoms had been established. Many immortals roamed the land, but when the kingdoms came, bloodshed was engraved onto the earth, and the immortals all went up into the sky and formed a city. A city of immortals, free of war. Now days, even the most talented cultivator with tons of resources, cannot go past the first level of the Heaven Realm, and so, those who are at the Heaven Realm are considered geniuses, prodigies and more. Even though the Zadinc was the fourth son, he was the crown prince for that reason, simply because he was considered a genius for being in the Heaven Realm.

Right now, Zadinc had just come home from a council meeting between the three countries, discussing about the strange phenomenon that had happened roughly a week ago. In the Ohimish Desert, the stars alined and formed into a crescent moon shape. Shooting stars were soaring across the sky, in a pattern similar to the stars. The last time something like this had happened was over a century ago, when the birth of the Sun Dragon came about. That day was the hottest day in all history. The sun was dangerously closer than normal and all the fires flew towards the peak of the Gilink Mountains and formed a gigantic form of a dragon, in the beastlands, or Foreta, which is rumoured to be where the remaining dragons live. However, it's only a rumour, as no-one can get close, even the local beasts that live near the mountain, as theres a barrier overlapping the entirety of the Gilink Mountains.

After months of farther investigation, it was revealed that the Sun Dragon, Emperor of the Sun and one of the mightiest beings alive, was born. It put a crack in the relationship between beastkind and mankind, but seeing as the barrier was there, they couldn't really do much. Since this time, the phenomenon appeared in the Ohimish Desert, which has half the land in Tabrian and the other half in Foreta, it seemed highly unlikely that it was another dragon born. The meeting that Zadinc has just attended was discussing what creature was possibly born. As for humans, if a baby is born with strong talent, the bell on the Bibliont Mountain at the centre of the CNZ would ring, depending on the level of talent, and the monks that looked after the bell would inform the three kings immediately.

If a prodigy genius able to become a Heaven Realm cultivator with enough resources, the bell would ring 10 times. If someone that was able to become a top level Sky Realm Cultivator, the bell would ring 5 times and if they were able to reach Sky Realm, but not pass the first few levels, the bell would ring 3 times, so the creature that had caused the phenomenon over the desert was clearly not human. Since it had happened in the Ohimish Desert, and part of the desert was in Tabrian, the Crown Prince had to go personally, as the king was in close door cultivation. The crown princes assistant scrambled in immediately after finding out that his boss was back, "Your highness! You're back! How did the meeting go?"

"Terrible." The crown prince sighed heavily, his voice semi-deep, laced with coldness that both held back and caused so many girls to fall in love with him, only to have their hearts shattered within mere seconds. "If I had to listen to all those old geezers from the other 2 kingdoms rant on about the phenomenon for another minute, I would have lost it. Seriously, what were they thinking? Blaming the whole thing on us and claiming that we're hiding some sort of secret weapon that we don't want them to know about! If we did have a secret weapon, Tabrian won't be the weakest out of the 3 nations, even with our beast taming sect."

The prince was mildly annoyed with all those old generals and princes from other countries shouting and pointing fingers at each other, arguing about what they should do about it and generally just pushing all the blame onto Tabrian. Sighing heavily, Zadinc handed his assistant piles of work that should've been his and went to cultivate. Meanwhile, while Zadinc was having such a bad time, Luna was still deeply asleep, dreaming of bouncing on marshmallows while zooming around the place. When she woke the next morning, any signs of the pouring rain and lightning from last night was gone, and she realised that she was actually really close to the capital, so she was like, "The heck! I could've just slept comfortably in a warm inn instead of camping out in the wild if I'd just flew a few metres forwards! Life is so unfair.."