"say Kyusune since when did you awakened your amplitude??" (Sistine)

*err I should lie to on that part? Shi* i think Fu**ked up*

'2 months ago??' (while showing an innocent and puzzled look in his face tilting his head a little)

both Sistine and Ronald couldn't help but have a cold sweat, they were happy that their son was genius but terrified at the same time

"uhm mom dad?? are you there??"

"oh sorry son...let's go inside...we need some talking to do" (Ronald)

"ehhhhh is something wrong?? did something happen dad??"

"no let's just...go inside" (Ronald)

"yes I agree with your dad Kyusune we need some talking to do" (Sistine)

*shit...what have I done did I do something wrong system??*


*what is it??*



after they've settled down on a sofa

" are truly very strange and talented

having multiple tails is already strange but having this kind of talent is unparalleled".(Ronald)

"what do you mean dad??"

"Your father means that a Beastkin can never have multiple amplitude in magic till you came and prove that wrong".(Sistine)

"you already know about the differences of every race right??" (Ronald)

Father asked as i nod my head to answer

"Beastkin having features of animals makes us strong but most of our race never gained an amplitude in magic Wich makes us balanced" (Ronald)

"those Beastkins that can use magic are fox ones but only had an amplitude of fire but you...2 intermediate elements at the age of 2....we are truly..".(Sistine)

*gulp....I'm getting nervous*

"PROUD!!!!!" (Ronald & Sistine)

*eh?? why did you made the atmosphere so dense when your actually proud you damn parents!!* (thought Kyusune inwardly)

"you see Son as the crown prince of this Beastkin kingdom I am proud to be your father!!"

(puffing out his chest in a prideful manner)

"wait what did you say father?? your... the crown prince??"

"a yes we never mentioned this to you have we??" Sistine chuckled

"no you haven't mom,dad!!"

(both chuckled)

"mom!!! dad why didn't you tell me!!

does that mean I'm a prince!!"

"yes~" (both Sistine and Ronald)

"well you see your grandfather is the current king and I'm next hahhaha 3 years from now well be going to the capital to meet you Grand parents ok??" (Ronald)



*I can't believe it's been 3 years already...

during this time I've only been reading and training with mom and dad I limited my strength though because my strength actually can already be compared to 20 dragons!! I've also mastered a katana (well using my master of all skill heheh)*

*I've also read about royalty in the Beastkin race apparently there are 6 kingdoms

-Ark which is also known as the kingdom of Illusions where fox Beastkin reside

-Serpent also known as Kingdom of lies

this is where reptalian Beastkin reside

-Aqua also known as the kingdom of beautiful songs this is where mermaids or fish like Beastkin reside(it is located under water)

-Liones also known as the kingdom of Pride

this is where tigers lions and other Various cat like beast kin reside

-Omni also known as the kingdom of Herbs

this is where any vegetarian Beastkin reside*

*this five kingdoms ruler has their own known name in my grandfather's case is the king of hellish flames*

"Kyusune you better get ready tomorrow is your 5th birthday and will be going to the castle" (Sistine)

"yes mom!!"

*better get prepared*


(in the capital)

"hmm my grandson's birthday is tomorrow...and they'll be coming today!! what do I do what do I do...what gift should I give him what what...."

'your highness I think you have the most fitting gift"

"hmm state it"

"I hear he is very talented in magic and has high physical abilities so maybe he would like a weapon"

"oh yes!! great idea Shin as always you are my most reliable freind."

"oh please your highness Jigoku stop your bluffing" (Shin)

"hahaha as shy as ever ok...what weapon would it be I hear he practices swords with his father and if it is his father then that means a katana!! yes yes...that's it" (Jigoku)

"shin order the most talented blacksmith to

upgrade the katana that can boost physical and magical capabilities and skill effects that I found in the forest."