*the next day I finally finished preparing for our departure,right now I'm wearing my usual yukata but it seems to emit simingly different vibe,it looks like mom prepared this clothing just for this day that I would arrive at our capital*

"Kyusune our ride is here!!"

(I rushed down the stairs only to see Mom and Dad wearing a royal like outfit)

'hmm it seems our little boy has grown to be quite handsome" (Sistine)

'you are right our son looks like some small king with 9 tails of some country I would think that ones you leave the carriage in the capital girls your age might blush red" (Ronald)

(they said teasingly)

"mom dad!!"

"alright alright jokes aside....shall we??"

(when I went out along with my mom that was accompanied by my father, he was acting like an adult gentleman should do, along with a man in suit bowing his head that I suspect to be the driver.

a carriage awaited us outside,it had golden wheels,with 2 horses on the front in golden and silver armor and a carpet from our door to the entrance of our carriage)

*WTF! who the hell is this guy escorting! I know that we have royal blood but still.*

"hayss mom is it really ok to travel with this kind of public transport??'

"yes... you don't need to worry dear.'

"ok "

(I answer while walking down the carpet...

the moment we started walking the butler headed towards the entrance and opened it while bowing his head, it was embarrassing yet one could see that he is a professional.

we then headed towards the capital)

*3 hours have passed and we've finally reached the castle, in the capital and it was already getting late*

(the moment I steped out of the carriage I was greeted by so many people,others were gossipping but others were shocked not because I look extremely attractive but because I have nine tails that looked extremely elegant,as mom and dad steped out and was astonished by the amount of Beastkin greeting them)

"SISTINE!! RONALD!! Over here!!!"

(they heard an old man shouting with great joy and just held there heads looking annoyed)

*hayss Father....I said to keep your manners straight always as king....*(Ronald thought inwardly)

"hmm is that my grandson??so the rumors were true my grandson having nine tails and....he is extremely he really my grandson??" (JIGOKU)

"yes dad" (holding his head even more,seeing this mom can only chuckle)

"I see Kyusune do you like to receive you present from me right now?? i know this is our first encounter but can you call me uhmm'

(he said as he carried the cute and attractive Kyusune sitting him on his shoulder)

*sheeesh for a king his acting like a child but oh well I wish it's something that I can use for combat*

"yes grandpa...can you pls show me pretty plsssss???"

(I acted as cute as I could showing my baby eyes)

*my grandson is to cute I'm gonna spoil him!!*

(Jigoku thought)

"right!! let's go inside the palace first ok??"


"thank you grandpa"

(entering the palace a glamorous hall welcomed them filled with nobles of this kingdom while the commoners were having fun outside and Kyusune's eyes can only sparkle but in reality)


"alright my dear LADIES of my kingdom as well as the gentlemen that arrive to celebrate my grandson's 5th birthday,on my shoulder here is my grandson his name is Kyusune he may look strange due to the number of his tails but let me tell you he is actually quite talented!"

*why does the ladies part emphasized!!*

(everyone who heard and saw this shouted)

*why does it sound like it is only all the girls that are shouting!!!*