The Announcement

[Chapter 12] —Trevor- The Announcement

Today is the big announcement. I will tell everyone that Shana is my mate. Before I announce it, I have to meet with the guys, since I had already told them that Shana was not my mate. Today is going to be a good day. It's Friday. Tomorrow is the big party. I believe my dad will pass down the title to me tomorrow since they will see that I have met. Everything will be perfect. I sent a group text to all the boys, so we can meet before class today. I usually ride to school with Ben and Nathan, but I need everyone together. Ben, Nathan, and I arrive at the school. Sam, Eli, and Drew are waiting for us in the front of the building.

"Hi, guys, so I know you all are wondering why I asked you to meet with me before school. As you know, tomorrow is the big party for the 10 of us. As we will all be turning 18, I fully expect my father to pass the alpha title to me at the party."

"Um Trev, aren't you forgetting something?" Ben asked, "I thought you had to have your mate before getting the title?"

"Well, I'm going to announce Shana as my mate today. She and I discussed it last night, and she agreed to be my mate."

"What if you meet your true mate? Then what?" Nathan asked.

"I know who she is. I rejected her, and she accepted, so that will not be an issue. I just wanted to make sure you all knew the plan."

All of them looked shocked and upset.

"You mean to tell us you rejected our true Luna and you expect us to accept this fraud as our Luna?" Eli asked

"She is not a fraud, she is my chosen mate."

"Then why not just tell Alpha Collins that you have a chosen mate? Why the lie?" Nathan asked.

"Because he knows that Alpha Collins would not go for this and neither will I," Ben says. "I can't believe you would do something like that. Have you thought about the consequences of your actions? Have you thought about the impact this will have on your wolf and the rest of the pack?"

"What consequences? I made a choice that I thought was the best for the pack. Everything I am doing is for the pack."

"Wait, you really think this is just about you making a choice?" Drew asks.

"That's exactly what this is; my choice."

The boys all look disappointed. One by one, they all walk away. I don't care if they don't approve. I know they won't say anything to my dad about me rejecting my true mate. Anyway, I don't know what the big deal is. They are still getting a good Luna. It is my choice of who I spend my life with and I choose not to be with a warrior. They will have to get over it.

"The sad thing about this dumb human is that you actually don't realize what you have done and the harm you are causing the pack. I would feel sorry for you, but I tried to warn you and you didn't listen." Covel said.

"Well, that's the first thing you have said to me since last night."

"And it's the last thing I'll say unless you do more stupid stuff."

I still don't know what everyone is so upset about. It is my life. I walk into the school and see Shana standing there waiting for me. I walk up to her and give her a kiss on the mouth in front of the whole school. I can see shocked expressions.

"How was your night mate?" I say to her, "Did you sleep well last night?'

She just looks at me and smiles. Shana is so cute. She does not need to say anything. Everyone heard me call her mate. I put my arms around her and walked her to her first class. I can hear the other students talking about us. It surprised everyone that we are mates. It has been a long time since an alpha wolf has been mated to a regular she-wolf in our pack. Not that there's anything wrong with a ranked wolf mating with an unranked wolf, it is just not common in the Blue Moon pack. The students are calling our story a Cinderella story. I like that. This should make my parents excited. We are giving all wolves hope of finding their mate.

Everyone is glad that their future alpha has found his mate; every one that is except my friends. Every time I try to go around them with Shana, they glare at me and walk away. It is going to take more time for them to accept her and my mate and their Luna. If I did not tell them she was my chosen mate, they would have accepted her with open arms, but since they know I rejected their "true" Luna, they are angry. In time, they will see that I did the best thing for them. My mom will teach Shana to behave more Luna like and then she will demand the respect she deserves.

At lunch, I noticed that all 9 of my friends were sitting together. Usually, the bays sit with me and the girls sit with Seleste, but today, they are all together. I thought about joining them, but the look they gave me as I approached them with Shana let me know they did not want to eat lunch with me today. That hurt a little, but it is ok for now. As long as this does not continue for an extended time, I'll let it slide, but they will have to get their act together before the other students notice and think something is wrong.

"Trevor, I'm sorry that our being together is causing problems between you and your friends. I did not think they were snobs."

"They are not snobs. They know you are not my true mate. I had already told them before the fireworks that I had not found my mate and was disappointed that it was not you. They are not mad at you, they are mad at me for rejecting my true mate and choosing someone else to be Luna. They would feel this way no matter who I chose."

"Ok. I understand. It surprised me when you called me and asked me to be your chosen mate. I thought alpha wolves needed their mates. I'm sure you know what you are doing and found a way around the bond. I will try to live up to your expectations."

'You will be the perfect Luna for me. Don't worry."

I wonder what she means by alpha wolves needing their mate. Does everyone else know something I don't?

"Yep, and they have been trying to tell your dumb butt, but you are too stubborn to listen. Although I will pay for this with you, it will be worth seeing you suffer when you realize what exactly you have done to me, yourself, and our pack." Convel says.

"Whatever. I have done the best thing for our pack. I gave them the Luna that they need. Not some warrior princess."

"You are an idiot," Convel says. I close our link before he gets the chance. It seems like lately, the only time he talks to me is to tell me I am wrong and hint that I've done something bad. Everyone will see that I have done the best thing possible for our pack.