Raven sighed, she wasn't sure how to feel about his request. Her assessment of his security and the possibility of expansion weren't great. Although it was a beautiful property, in a fantasy world, realistically it had no potential for development and little potential for it to be fortified.
She didn't want to disappoint him by explaining all of this, clearly, he really liked his home, but there wasn't much she could do.
She could improve the systems around and give him a bit more of a sense of security, but in the real world, and according to her own standards, it wasn't enough. She did take into account that this was not the real world, and perhaps the book wouldn't portray the dangers that existed in the world they both came from, but since the characters in the story seemed to have some form of agency, there were dangers.
She couldn't assess how much agency the characters had, and how far they could take the threats, but their existence in the story could have altered that. Her ability to access some form of a criminal underworld was also a confirmation that there was more to this fantasy world than met the eye.
"Mr. Li…" He frowned at her calling his name like that so she adjusted "Rene, I don't want to disappoint but realistically your home is not suitable for my purposes, and if my assessment of the possibilities in this world is correct, it's not safe enough for you either."
He took in her words calmly. His assessment was similar when he first got pulled into the world, but his situation never really changed so he accepted that these were the standards.
"Why do you say that?" he asked, calm but with a sense of urgency in his voice.
"I cannot be sure, but it seems like people here – for a lack of a better word- have some level of agency. The existence of crime is also an indication that this world has been altered. It could very well be caused by my arrival, or other factors, but if we were to expect the worst case scenario, which would be a replica of the real world, then your security and ability to improve it here, is close to zero."
He considered her words carefully. He did agree, but he hadn't built himself any networks here beyond those of the story he had to follow.
"What do you propose then?" he was going to listen. He was not a fool. If they were in danger, he would make damn sure they would have the best protection. He was mostly considering her own safety, but he wasn't willing to part with his life either.
"If you are able to accept this, then you need to relocate. I will make arrangements."
His perfectly manicured eyebrows raised in surprise. Not sure where she was going with this, he waited for her to continue.
"I'm not saying you shouldn't consider this, and agree straight away but…" she paused, not sure if she should continue. From the moment she stepped on the property and hacked into the security system she decided this was not suitable.
During their ten minute conversation, she had already secured a different property, more suitable for changes and will create a virtual assistant to help her organise it all. The time she calculated would be approximately two days for all the arrangements to be made, and for the full furnishings to arrive would probably another week. A total of nine days for creating the environment she considered to be adequately safe for her research and for him too.
"Go on Raven, I am listening." He decided to interrupt her train of thought. Realising she hadn't finished her sentence Raven just laid it out straight for him.
"I have just secured a property that is more suitable for my purposes, and I think you should move in with me. "
He stiffened. She said it such a matter of fact and with no inflexions what so ever. He realised there was no hidden reason behind her decision, like he had, but he still couldn't believe she invited him to live with her just like that.
"Are you sure you're saying what I think you're saying?" He really needed to confirm. Was this woman entirely oblivious to what it meant to live together with a man, or was he really so insignificant to her? Whether it was naivety or just lack of care, he could feel his determination growing. He would chase this woman to the ends of the earth to make her his. Whatever her reasons, she was, in a very strange way, looking after him. Rene had never felt that before. No woman he has ever met, not even his own mother, had ever shown him such consideration. He was sure no woman before ever could, but Raven, he trusted.
"I don't understand your question. It is the logical conclusion of my assessment. You and I are the outside factors in this world, it makes sense given the challenges you are facing and the nature of my research to secure a better facility. It would also be safer and more economical to have one rather than having to look after two places at once." She was sure her argument was clear and logical. If he was bothered by it, then it's his death sentence, nothing to do with her.
"It will take me two days to create the living arrangements, and further seven days to outfit everything I need. If you are not convinced by my abilities, I cannot fault you, but you can see for yourself if you find it suitable once everything is in place."
"What if…" he began saying, but with a wave of her hand she cut him off.
"I understand your concern. I am already making arrangements in case I disappear. My assistant will ensure everything is ready and in place. Should I not be able to come back, you are more than welcomed to take over if you find it suitable. I will ensure my assistant is aware of that."
Rene had an incredulous look on his face. Did she say assistant? How could she already have an assistant in this world, she'd only been here for a few hours…
Sensing his questions, Raven decided she wouldn't reveal more of her work to him. It was enough to know she had an assistant. He probably needed one too given she had stolen the body of Liehen.
It was a necessary evil but she felt uncomfortable knowing she was taking advantage of someone else without them having any say in it. It was true it was unavoidable, and wasn't really her fault for being pulled into this world, but still, she didn't want Liehen to suffer. Character in a fictional book or not, she was still a human being in this world. It didn't seem fair.
Her mood was all over the place. She was now conflicted as to whether she could really stay here for longer than a few hours at a time and not feel guilty. Her plan was to reach out to the network she had began to establish to get all the parts to outfit her lab and start testing various substances in this world, but if that would endanger Liehen, and she'd disappear before she could protect her…It was too big of a risk. Her strategy needed to be altered to some extent, maybe use a proxy…
Without another word, she turned around and headed for her car, it was time to leave to make it to her meeting.