Chapter 14

Princess Aishia and the others couldn't help but get angry after hearing what the man said. The people at the festival started running to save themselves when they saw the tens of thousands of monsters in the sky. Because they ran frantically, many people fell and were trampled.

"What have you said!? How dare you cause trouble in the Argaint Kingdom!" Princess Aishia shouted angrily at that person.

"Hmm... It turned out that there were beautiful chicks and not one but three. Capture the three women there and kill the rest! Hahaha..." The white-haired man ordered his subordinates. He was not angry at Princess Aishia, who had shouted at him. The white-haired man seemed interested in Princess Aishia, Freya, and Aryana.

Judging from the way he gave orders, the white-haired man looked like the commander of the monster army. He was wearing a leather robe and holding a magic wand with a red crescent crystal on it.

The two of his subordinates immediately flew towards Princess Aishia and the others. These two people are not human. They have white hair and two black wings on their backs. They have four aura seals with horn patterns imprinted on their bodies.

"Protect the Princess! " Theodore and Aryana gave orders simultaneously to the soldiers. They opened their four aura seals. Theodore's aura seal has a Sword and shield pattern, while Aryana has a rapier pattern. The soldiers quickly surrounded Princess Aishia and the others.

"Ugh!" Ziel suddenly felt another intense burning sensation on his face. What he had thought earlier turned out to be true.

(This is a sign the seal is starting to stabilize. But why at a time like this?)

When Siesta heard a groan of pain, she turned around and saw Ziel kneeling with his hands on his face. She approached Ziel and checked his condition.

"What's wrong with you, Ziel?" Siesta asked worriedly.

Princess Aishia and Princess Elise quickly approached Ziel after hearing Siesta's screams.

"What has happened to Ziel, Siesta? Why is he in such pain?" Princess Aishia asked Siesta frantically.

"I don't know. Ziel suddenly groaned in pain and held his face." Siesta also didn't know what had happened to Ziel. She was confused by Ziel's condition suddenly changing like that.

Ziel listened to their conversation in silence. He was currently very focused on stabilizing the seal. When they were busy worrying about Ziel and forgot about the white-haired man, suddenly a sarcastic voice caught their attention.

"Maybe he's scared, Princess. You better run away, servant." Theodore said mockingly at Ziel.

Princess Aishia felt annoyed after hearing Theodore's words. Right now, she was apprehensive about Ziel's condition and was afraid that something would happen to him.

"Stop, Theo! I don't like you saying that to Ziel!" Princess Aishia shouted furiously at Theodore.

"But princess...." Theodore was annoyed that Princess Aishia was defending Ziel. He wanted to say something more, but someone spoke first.

"Enough! Instead of arguing like that, we better focus on the enemy now." Princess Freya quickly stopped the argument between them. Theodore could only click his tongue after hearing Princess Freya's words.

"Yes. You are right, Freya. Did you tell the castle about this, theo?" Princess Aishia agreed with Princess Freya's words. She calmed herself down and asked Theodore.

"I've ordered one of the soldiers to report to the castle." Theodore replied with a slightly annoyed face. But he had to put his anger aside for now. He had to focus on the enemy in front of him.

"Well done. I hope they quickly send reinforcements." Princess Aishia nodded. She hoped that the reinforcements could arrive on time before anyone died.

"They came, Sis!" Princess Elise shouted while pointing at the winged man heading towards them at high speed. Theodore and Aryana were already in front of the Princesses and ready to fight the winged man.

Theodore slashed at one of the winged men, and their swords clashed. His attack seemed superior to the winged man. Theodore suppressed the winged man by continuously targeting his wings so his enemy couldn't fly to escape.

At the same time, Aryana stabbed her rapier at the other winged man. She can perform dozens of stabs in 1 second after unlocking all four of her aura seals. Unfortunately, her enemy could easily dodge all of his attacks.

"Hahaha... You guys are pretty strong for a human. But if your strength is only like this, you'd rather die and be destroyed along with this city!" The commander laughed at their fight and thought what they were doing was a show.

The commander suddenly opened his seven magic circles, and milky white mana overflowed from his body. He raised his wand, and a giant fireball formed in the sky.

"What!? Are you a Magic King!?" Princess Freya opened her eyes wide after seeing the commander's strength.

"Only my father or general Farold can defeat that person!" Princess Aishia gritted her teeth and felt as surprised as Princess Freya.

Princess Freya and Princess Aishia felt despair at the strength of their enemy. Seven magic circles indicated he was a Magic King. The general Farold that Princess Aishia had mentioned might only fight to a draw against him. Only King Elrick and King Leonida can defeat him for sure.

"I'll burn all of you to ashes!" The commander's voice echoed throughout the city.

[Fire Shower]

The huge fireball he had created earlier scattered in all directions in the form of a small fireball. He attacks anything indiscriminately. The buildings in the city and the people trying to escape were hit by his attacks.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

This is a cruel massacre. Dozens of houses burned, and hundreds of people died instantly. Some people suffered severe injuries, and others only had minor injuries.

"What!? What are you doing to the peoples of my kingdom!" Princess Aishia screamed hysterically with sadness and anger after seeing the result of her enemy's attack.

"What should we do, Sis? Sob...Sob..." Princess Elise wept in fear in Princess Aishia's arms.

"Calm down, Aishia. We have to think of ways to hold the enemy in front of us before the reinforcements come. Right now, we must help the survivors who can still be saved." Princess Freya's face was pale but tried to calm Princess Aishia, who was in a state of sadness and anger.

"I understand!" Princess Aishia could only grit her teeth to suppress her anger and sadness. Then she looked at the people around her at this time.

"Let's go, Elise! After all, you are a member of the royal family. You must be able to protect your people. I leave Ziel to you, Siesta. Please take care of him for me." Princess Aishia said to Princess Elise and then left Ziel to Siesta. She felt reluctant to leave Ziel to someone else.

"Yes, Sis!" Princess Elise answered firmly and wiped her tears. Her courage rose after she heard Princess Aishia's words.

"Yes, Princess Aishia." Siesta quickly brought Ziel to a safe place.

Princess Aishia, Princess Elise, and Princess Freya searched for and treated the injured victims. The ones left behind were Siesta and Ziel. Siesta was confused about what she should do. She wanted to accompany Ziel, but she saw Princess Elise running here and there alone to help the victims. Siesta gritted her teeth and took Ziel to hide in a house. Then she ran towards Princess Elise to help her.

"Hehe... It's interesting. This Princess cared deeply about her people and those closest to her. What if we make this more interesting?" The commander muttered while rubbing his chin. He observed what the Princesses were doing and deliberately let them help the victims.

"Kill everyone here and catch the girls for me!" The commander shouted at his subordinates. He pointed to the girls who were helping the survivors. The commander intended to make the Princesses feel depressed and hopeless with their situation.