Chapter 15

Princess Aishia ran here and there to save the survivors from the white-haired man's attack. She had no idea what that person was planning. Princess Aishia could only hold back the tears that would fall when she saw the state of the residents of her kingdom.

Princess Aishia was worried because their current enemy was only moving with a few people. The tens of thousands of magical beasts behind the white-haired man still didn't move an inch. This made her very depressed. Princess Aishia was afraid that the commander would order the monsters to attack Silvast city all at once.

"Are you okay? Are there any parts of your body that are injured?" Princess Aishia asked one of the victims.

"Aah, Princess Aishia. I want to say I'm fine, but it looks like I broke my leg, and there are burns on my back." The man answered weakly while enduring the pain.

"Please hold on. I'll treat you." Princess Aishia said to him sadly.

"Thank you, Princess Aishia." The man felt grateful that a royal family still cared about ordinary people like them. Princess Aisha saw the man's wound and used her magic to heal it.

[Minor Heal]

Two magic circles formed on the back of Princess Aishia's hand. She was finally able to become a Junior Mage after controlling her mana, and her abilities as a mage improved significantly.

At first, Princess Aishia was just an Apprentice Mage, but because her mana had stabilized, she could form a second magic circle and make her a Junior Mage. Right now, she had even almost become an Intermediate Mage with three magic circles.

After Princess Aishia cast her spell, a silver light enveloped the man's body. Her external wounds were slowly dissipating at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye. It didn't take long for the man's wounds to completely heal. Princess Aishia ordered one of the soldiers to take the person to a safe place. As Princess Aishia continued searching for other survivors, she suddenly heard a scream behind her.

"Princess Aishia. It's terrible!" One of the soldiers ran towards Princess Aishia while panting.

"What's wrong?" Princess Aishia frowned. He sensed another horrible thing had happened.

"Currently, many magical beasts are attacking the castle, and General Farold tries to suppress the monster stampede. It is estimated that the beasts came from the Alba Mountain Range!" The soldier reported on the Argaint Kingdom's current situation. Since Princess Aishia was the eldest Princess in the Argaint Kingdom, she was the one who had to bear the responsibility to resolve the incident.

"What!?" Princess Aishia was shocked after hearing the report. She was lost for words and didn't know what to say. Princess Aishia is confused about what to do in a situation like this.

General Farold Walmond was the second most powerful person after his father in the Argaint Kingdom. He was a Spear King with seven wyvern patterned aura seals. General Farold is rarely seen in the castle because he always guards the border near the Alba Mountains.

Princess Aishia could only grit her teeth and hold back the tears that would spill. She is worried and afraid of the current state of the kingdom. All she knew was that she had to minimize the damage and casualties. It was the only thing she could do now in his father's absence.

"Tighten the castle defenses and help the survivors! Take them to a safer place!" Princess Aishia gave an order to the soldier. It was the only thing he could do at a time like this.

"Yes, princess!" The soldier quickly left the place to carry out Princess Aishia's orders.

After the soldier left, Princess Aishia looked around her. She could no longer hold back her tears when she saw the many houses destroyed and the residents who did not survive the white-haired man's attack. In addition, she also found many injured victims throughout the city.

While searching for other survivors, Princess Ashia saw that Theodore and Aryana were still fighting the winged man. They had the upper hand in that fight. Princess Aishia could tell because she saw the winged man was seriously injured while Theodore and Aryana were only lightly injured.

Princess Aishia suddenly remembered someone. She looked around but couldn't find him. Then she remembered that she had left Ziel with Siesta earlier.

"I hope you're okay, Ziel." Princess Aishia muttered softly at the thought of the man who was always on her mind. But suddenly, three fire spears attacked her from the sky.



When Princess Aishia received a report from one of the soldiers, Princess Freya was also busy helping the survivors. She cast healing magic on the injured people in the city.

Princess Freya is also a Junior Mage with two magic circles as Princess Aishia. But unlike Princess Aishia, Princess Freya's magic focuses on support magic such as healing and buffs.

Princess Freya watched Aryana and Theodore fight with a worried face and tried to help them by casting her buff magic. She opened her two magic circles and released a golden-colored light from her body.

[Peerless state]

It was buff magic to increase power and speed by three times temporarily. After getting the buff, Theodore and Aryana's strength and speed increased significantly, and they could immediately suppress their enemies.

"Thank you, Princess!" Theodore and Aryana expressed their gratitude at the same time. At first, they were confused about why their speed and strength had increased so suddenly. But after seeing Princess Freya, they quickly understood what had happened.

"You don't have to thank me! You better defeat them quickly because another enemy is coming soon!" Princess Freya ordered them to finish the fight immediately.

After hearing Princess Freya's words, they brought out their strongest skills to quickly finish the battle.

[Warrior strike]

[Hundred of Thorn]

Theodore slashed his enemy vertically with full force. His slash instantly split his opponent in two. At the same time, Aryana gives hundreds of invisible stabs that make the enemy die with many holes all over his body. The winged men couldn't even parry or dodge their attacks. Only their cries of pain could be heard.


"Kuh! Damn!"

After defeating their enemy, they intend to join Princess Freya and Princess Aishia. But suddenly, dozens of Magic bullets rained down on them from the sky. They were a little too late to dodge due to the shock of the surprise attack.

The magic bullet hit Aryana in the thigh, and Theodore was hit in the back. Not long after, another magic bullet came from the sky. This time they were hard to dodge because of their wounds. Aryana and Theodore prepared to block the magic bullet with their bodies head-on.

[Temple Doom]

Suddenly a large golden dome appeared and blocked the magic bullet's attack. It saved Theodore and Aryana, who were already preparing to receive severe injuries from the attack.

"Theo, Arya!" Princess Freya shouted while running towards them. She found it challenging to run in such a dress. But Princess Freya was worried about their condition and forced herself a little. The spell she used earlier was 'Temple Doom'. Princess Freya made a dome-shaped barrier to protect Theodore and Aryana from magic bullets.

"Theo, Arya! Are you all right? How are your wounds?" Princess Freya asked worriedly and checked them from top to bottom.

"What did you do by coming here, Princess! It's perilous here!" Aryana shouted with a worried face. On the other hand, Princess Freya just smiled and cast healing magic on them.

"We'll talk about it later. The most important thing right now is to heal your wounds." Princess Freya stopped Aryana, who looked like she wanted to scold her again.

"Haaa...Well. After this, you should immediately retreat and find a safer place." Aryana could only sigh heavily and give in to Princess Freya's stubbornness.

"I understand, Arya. You're overprotective as usual. Hehe..." Princess Freya chuckled at Aryana's words. Aryana and Theodore's wounds healed quickly after receiving treatment from Princess Freya.

"Thank you, Princess Freya!" Theodore bowed his head at Princess Freya.

"No problem. You better go to help Aishia." Princess Freya reminded Theodore of Princess Aishia.

"Yes, Princess!" Theodore nodded and was about to look for Princess Aishia. But he stopped because he heard a monster roar from the city gates. Dozens of magical beasts suddenly attacked the city at the same time. Theodore clicked his tongue when he saw that.

"Theo! Arya! Please stop the monsters first before the beasts go further into the city. There would be more casualties and damage if the magical beasts entered the center of the city." Princess Freya asks Theodore and Aryana to deal with the matter in front of them first.

"Yes, Princess." Theodore and Aryana ran towards the horde of monsters.

While Princess Freya was watching Aryana and Theodore, the winged man suddenly appeared and caught her stealthily. He brought Princess Freya flying towards the direction of the Alba Mountain Range.

"Arya! Help me!" Princess Freya shouted at Aryana.

When Aryana heard Princess Freya's screams, she immediately turned around to chase her. But she was too late. Princess Freya had already disappeared into the sky, kidnapped by the winged man.

"Princess!!!" Aryana screamed hysterically when she saw Princess Freya had disappeared from her sight.