I want to be stronger

The winners so far:

1st round Sasuke

2nd round Shino

3rd round kankuro

4th round Double knock out

(Sakura vs Ino)

5th round Temari

6th round Shikamaru

7th round Naruto

8th round Neiji

9th round Gaara

Now the final match:

Kuro Vs Dosu Kinuta(Sound Village)

Fate played itself and had choji one of those who gave up. Reason? He didn't get to eat good enough in the forest of death so he says he has no energy to continue. (LOL)

[AN: I recommend reading this fight while playing a song. "Broken Heart of Gold by One Ok Rock"]

"So, you must be the one who taught that kid with orange suit huh. I was very much surprised especially when everyone here heard you cried. Who would have ever thought that someone like that would be a hidden master and young too." Dosu was on guard. 'if the kid he taught was that fast, I wonder how fast the master is.' were his thoughts and was in line with Orochimaru's who was also standing among the Jonin ninjas. 'this might be interesting, show me what you can do boy who taught Naruto that Jutsu.' his tongue licked his lips.

"So you all heard that huh? I thought I hold it back enough haha. well nothing I can do since it pretty much passed. Well regarding me being a master, anyone can be one. As long as one has something to teach. Be it knowledge, technique, movement or anything one seeks to learn" says kuro in a carefree manner. Seeing Lee's fight awhile ago sparked his fighting spirit and he pretty much wants a good fight with the sound Ninja guy even if he's one of Orochimaru's lackey.

Hokage who was listening was intrigued and was forming some sort of plan for the kid. 'He's matured enough to be able to say that even though he's still young, it's nice to know konoha has such fine seedlings'

Everyone was curious what he can show them.

Dosu was in deep thought 'Hmmn I already know Orochimaru's goal. It was never to take sasuke's life. He wants sasuke himself. we were just sent as lab rats to find out how strong he is. If my opponent was someone else I could still have a chance to at least kill Sasuke and have revenge. But now if I loose here, I'll probably die and be disposed of. And based on what I'm feeling it's totally impossible to win against him. I might as well die by his hands rather than Orochimaru.' he smiled to kuro in an evil way.

"Hmmn. Those 2 girls that kissed you awhile ago? Do you mind telling me their name?" asked Dosu

"Why?" kuro's eyebrow twitched

"So I could also cry in front of them, maybe they will also kiss me. While I'm at it, I might ask them for a night in my room. They're sluts after all, I bet you had a night with them already" Dosu intentionally said all of that so he could provoke him and have him fight seriously. 'what are you gonna do now? this fight will be a fight for your Honor, Am I right?' Dosu grinned under his masked and continued insulting kuro and his teammates.

Kuro who was standing there and has his head down. He was silent. Everyone was. Only Dosu's insult was heard. Dosu finished talking.

Kuro still has his head down but said shakingly "was, was that your last words?"

Dosu was glad with the reply thinking he's succeeded but he was surprised by what happened next. He saw tears dropping from kuro's face. But more than that he felt his anger, but surprisingly it wasn't directed at him. Everyone looking at this were confused. Kuro was insulted but is crying? well normally that's how people should feel. but this is the ninja world, a shinobi must never get their emotion get the better of them or that would be their end.

"Dosu Kinuta! that's your name right? I saw it on the screen awhile ago." kuro continued talking. Then he took out a scroll and released it.

"My name is Ito Kuro.! This here is the executioner's blade that belonged to Zabuza Momochi. He was a rogue ninja working for someone. That someone used him for his gains and betrayed him at the end. A fitting blade, wouldn't you say so?" Kuro holds the executioner's blade and pointed it at Dosu.

Sigh. Dosu relaxed. 'So with just that insult he already knew why I did it. You really are, a hidden master but still too young' Dosu thought while looking at the tears falling.

Hiruzen and all the Jonin who could read on what's going on were dead silent. Some Genin especially Sakura and Naruto were wondering why is everyone so serious here. Sasuke was an exception, he's not the top student at the academy for nothing. Along with Shikamaru and Neiji were able to spot on what's going on. 'He is purposely provoking him. He wants kuro to kill him that must be why kuro is crying, because he doesn't want to but he has to. But why?' were the thoughts running inside sasuke's head and the others. Even though it's understandable that Dosu wants to end his life it's not enough to cry about, the only reasonable explanation would be that he's simply too young even though he's matured enough.

Kuro looked at Hayate Gekko and the latter nodded. Dosu took off his mask bandages. Then he smiled at kuro, like telling him 'it's okay' not a thank you or anything like he was grateful for seeing through him. No, it's like telling him 'its okay to cry. You will experience more like this so it's okay. Get your heart used to this because you will experience more like this so it's okay'.

"Start!" Gekko called out. In a blink of an eye Kuro was standing at a distance from Dosu's back. He then walked away and sealed the executioner's blade. He didn't bother going to where Naruto was. He just stood there facing the wall with a clenced and shaking fist thinking one name.

'O - ro - chi - ma - ru.!!!!!!!!! Your Dead!!! You damn snake!!!' kuro gritted his teeth but his lips were twitching ready to cry out. Eyes were blazingly mad but tears kept pouring out. How could he not understand why Dosu wants to die by his hands when he knows very well that the sound village was created by Orochimaru. And that Dosu and the other's were just tools being used by him and when their use is done. They will be discarded like trash. If he didn't end him today he would still die by Orochimaru's hand. That much he understood that's why he's shaken up. Everyone was totally wrong about their judgement. It's not that he is too young. He simply knows the truth.

The stage was so silent when it all happened. Dosu was standing there awhile ago. The moment kuro walked away however, Dosu's head fell from his body. Sakura and Ino fell buttfirst. Naruto was confused and was about to go ask kuro but Sasuke stopped him. "Naruto, I know how close you both are but. I think it's best you give him time for himself at the moment"

"Sasuke's right. You can comfort him later." Kakashi was in front of him also planning to stop him.

"But he-" Naruto was going to insist but was cut off.

"Naruto we know how you feel. But for now please listen to me. That's an order." Naruto could only agree. He felt bad for his friend even though he was really confused at what happened. One moment he thought it was gonna be a good fight then a second later he felt disgusted at Dosu's insults in fact he himself was mad. Then another second later Kuro was crying and brought out the executioner's blade. He even mentioned the previous owner's name and how the previous owner was betrayed. Then he killed the guy. It was all so confusing to him. Who can blame him and all other Genins that were not able to get what was happening.

The Hokage took over and arranged the Finals. Since there are 9 finalist it was gonna be troublesome how to arrange the fight. But still they had to continue.

As soon as the match was set and it was announced to be a month later kuro hurriedly got out of the site not waiting for anyone. The match was set by drawing a paper from a box. The result was.

Shino Vs Kankuro

Naruto Vs Neiji

Kuro Vs Temari

(Gaara Vs Sasuke) Vs Shikamaru

Whoever wins between Gaara and Sasuke gets to fight Shikamaru. Shikamaru looking at this has only one obvious opinion.

"What a drag..."

Somewhere in the training ground 6's forest. A pained screamed could be heard.

"Ahhhhhrrrrggghhh!!!!" Kuro was punching a tree without applying any chakra just pure strength. Although the tree is being destroyed so was his hands bleeding from the result.

In his thoughts 'I know! I already know! But still how could you use someone like that in front of me! when he purposely insulted those who are important to me. It wasn't him that did it. It was because of you. You dare insult my precious friends! It's on you bastard!'

"A month. I have a month to prepare. I will definitely have your head. You won't take sasuke. You won't kill the Hokage. You definitely won't hurt her!" Kuro swore while punching a now broken tree.

And so with that kuro's training just got it's motivation. He was visited by Naruto and Sasuke the day after. Naruto was ofcourse worried for his friend but seeing that he was okay now then the worry was gone. Nobody noticed the wounds on his fist since he wore bandages now normally. So on the next reason why they were visiting.

"I want to be stronger. Kuro everyone by now knows you taught Naruto. I am here to ask if you could also make me strong. please, I can accept any condition you have." Sasuke saw how Naruto changed just after 2 weeks of training with kuro. So he also wants to be strong and surpass Naruto especially since he's going to fight Gaara. And also for his revenge.

'Although I did say I don't want you to be taken away by Orochimaru, I also don't want to take you away from Kakashi. Hmmn what to do.' Kuro was thinking of a solution to the current situation.