Saidai Hiken

"Then here are my conditions at the moment. Since we still have the chunin exam. I want you to train with kakashi first. Tell him what you just told me, I'm sure he'll accept you. After the Chunin exam, then I'll teach you. The same way as Naruto. With the same terms. I will explain more but until then we are still competitors/enemies in the finals. Got it?" Kuro made up his mind and this was what he could think of.

"I agree. It is never too late after the exam. Then I'll learn from you. I'll go find kakashi and ask him to train me for now." Sasuke accepted the terms and thought it made sense considering they might fight each other. Sasuke went out and Naruto was left.

"As for you Naruto. Why don't you go and look for someone who's peeking at the woman's bath. He should have a white hair and will introduce himself as a Toad Sage of Mount Myoboku. Just show him your sexy jutsu and convince him to use it as material for his work. Then I'm pretty sure he will agree. He's one of the Legendary Sanin, Jiraiya. And remember never ever reveal I was the one who told you this. Do you understand?" He made sure to make it clear to Naruto about it. Naruto was hesitant at first due to what Jiraiya is doing, why would a legendary sanin be peeking at a women's bath. But Kuro played the we are competitors at the moment card so Naruto was convinced in the end and left him alone.

Kuro then went to a forest near his home. That's usually where he and his father trains. 'Finally some alone time! I need to be stronger. But what should be my next step? Sage mode? How and where will I get that. Jiraiya did it by fluke when he tried the summoning jutsu without offering a blood and he was reversed summoned to Mount Myoboku. I don't know what could happen if I do it myself. Maybe at a later time I'll try it. Then, that leaves me with this.' Kuro took out a scroll. It was the scroll that holds the executioner's blade. 'If I could combine my flames with this blade. Would it be possible? and if so, will It be enough to kill him?' Kuro was in deep thought but was distracted by the chakra he felt coming to him. 'who would it be this time around' kuro wondered who would visit him but he was startled at the other party's chakra. Soon the Hokage was in sight.

"Hokage sama. How can I help you?" Kuro bowed to Hiruzen and asked in a respectful manner.

"Ito Kuro, I have come here to find you and have a talk." Hiruzen started not going into the main reason.

"I understand Hokage sama. Shall we head inside my house so we can talk in peace.?" offered Kuro to the old man.

"My, that would be good. I don't think my old bones could take it talking to you while standing here for a long time haha"

They went to kuro's House. And they were served with Tea by Hemari. "Thanks for the tea madam. It's a good tea."

"thanks for the compliment Hokage sama, then if you'll excuse me. I won't be bothering you guys anymore so you can talk" Hemari excused herself from them.

"Hokage sama. Please go ahead and tell me why you wish to talk to me directly. As you can probably guess I'm trying to prepare for the upcoming final match."

"Ah yes the match. Then I'll be direct as possible. I came here to offer you to become part of my personal guards. I would like you to become an Anbu directly serving under me." offered the Hokage to Kuro.

Kuro was expecting this but not this soon. Also he never considered joining the Anbu, it definitely doesn't fit someone like him. The Hokage saw that kuro was deep in thought so he chimed in. "If you join the Anbu. You will be able to control your emotions more and you will be able to protect the village and the ones you love from the dark."

Kuro heard this. 'yeah and I'll probably be able to avoid danzo's recruitment but, that place is not fit for me. I don't want to loose my emotions and become a cold blooded killer. Although I killed already, but I don't want to do it in the dark.'

"Hokage sama I respectfully decline your offer." said kuro in a calm manner while looking at Hiruzen.

The Hokage was shocked to hear kuro decline the offer of becoming an Anbu serving directly under him. "why?" was Hiruzen's questions upon hearing he won't accept.

"Well Hokage sama let me ask you a question. And this will only be a question. If one day you found out my father was planning on killing one of your advisors. Would you as the Hokage protect your advisor? or would you protect a Villager who has served all his life for Konoha?" The Hokage was shocked by the youngsters question and was silent.

Since the Hokage was silent kuro continued. "Then Hokage sama if I may add to make the question a little bit easier to answer. Let's say my Father was planning to kill one of your advisor because your advisor was at fault for the death of my mother. What do you think would be a better situation? Ask me to kill my Father as an Anbu who knows everything but needs to stop my father because it's the right thing to do even though I know it's not entirely my father's fault? Or is it better if I was a normal shinobi and you ask me to stop my father witholding the information that my father is not at fault but since I don't know that then it's okay if I kill my father for the village.? So, Is it better to protect in the dark? or is it better to face everything uncertain in the light?" The Hokage was amazed by the question. No he was amazed by the person who asked the question.

"The way I see it. You view Anbu as something dark and bad. And that you'd rather be in the light protecting what's important to you than hide hide in the dark protecting but you'd feel separated because you hide something from them." the Hokage seems to have understood what kuro wants and sighed. But how will I protect you from danzo's hand.

"Kuro, as you might know I'm not the only one who recruits Anbu. There is also the foundation called the root. It is lead by one of my advisors Danzo. He might also recruit you and honestly unless you become an Anbu under me, he might be able to succeed wether you agree to it or not." was the Hokage's worry if kuro does not join.

"Then If I submit the Jutsu I created and share it to the village, will I be excempt from this recruitment you speak of?" Kuro asked

[I've imitated Yamanaka ryo's plan from the fanfic Hokage:Ryo]

"Oh you created a jutsu huh. I heard you have also taught this to Naruto?"

"Yes I did. Although his is different from mine since we have different elements of nature transformation. I have fire and he has wind." Hokage got curious.

"Then would you mind showing it to me and how it works so I can grade it?"

"That's actually a great Idea I've never thought about it before. Now I'll know what grade it is."

They both went back to the forest where kuro was supposed to train. Kuro placed a log of wood standing in front of him.

"Then Hokage sama, please observe."

Kuro readied his stance. "Shoka Gijutsu!" his fist by his waist was suddenly covered in flames. The Hokage noticed the similarity of his stance with Naruto and how Naruto's fist were also covered with chakra. But in kuro's case, it's not just chakra but flames itself. what's more is that it's not burning his hand. "HiKen!" kuro punched the log. The log was sent flying but none dropped. The log was burned to ashes before it could even hit the ground.

'This Jutsu is powerful and can be graded S class for its firepower capabilities which can be adjusted. based on how he gathered the chakra for the Jutsu it seems he was still holding back.'

"Hmmn Kuro Do you mind doing it again? But this time don't hold back. Do it on that tree instead of a log." Suggested Hiruzen.

Kuro was confused. "But I was already serious there Hokage sama." said kuro with a confused look.

"Hmmn really? but from what I observed you can add more chakra into it if you wanted too, Am I right? I need to know it's full potential so I can grade it fairly." Kuro understood what Hiruzen meant.

'Well I've never really tried putting more chakra into it before. I simply charged as much as possible since it would be time consuming if I add more. Well since he suggested it, here goes nothing.'

Kuro repeated the Jutsu but this time he put in more chakra than he normally would. He closed his eyes and concentrate so he won't loose focus. The flame chakra was becoming more and more intense. The heat was felt by the Hokage so he backed away a little but that didn't do anything he still felt it but kuro was doing fine in the center of it. When he felt that he could no longer add more chakra into it he stopped and opened his eyes. His fist was burning intensely and brightly. 'So this is it's maximum potential. So cool.! Im gonna give you different name later, for now let's see how strong you are'

Kuro focused on the tree the Hokage told him to hit. He ran normally and punched the tree. Boom! The sound of a flame being ignited was first heard then when the fire blazed sound of explosion came next. The tree he aimed for was not the only thing that was destroyed by the jutsu. That and along with other trees behind it within 100 Meters from his position.

The Hokage was shocked beyond belief. 'This boy is going to give me a heart attack with his surprises one after the other. I just knew he was holding back but who would have thought the jutsu was this powerful if used to it's full potential.' Sigh. Kuro came running to where the Hokage was.

"Hokage sama! what do you think? what's the grade of my jutsu? Is it S rank? it's definitely S rank right? right.?" kuro asked the Hokage excitedly as he never thought it would be that powerful.

"It's definitely S rank. And I would say a forbidden one at that. You can submit 2 of them. The one you have used the first time will be graded A rank. And the one you recently showed will be a forbidden S rank Jutsu. What's the name of the jutsu by the way. I'm just a little curious."

"Well the normal one I named 'Hiken' which means fire fist. The powerful one I've actually thought of it when I opened my eyes earlier. I will name it as 'Saidai Hiken' which means Maximum Firefist. what do you think Hokage sama?" says kuro like an excited kid, completely forgetting he is in front of the Hokage. Soon Anbu came to the place since that big of an explosion could be an attack to the village but they backed down when the Hokage signaled them to.

"Hmmn. That's a good name. Haha. well since you will share to the village 2 jutsus. and I can use one of them to excempt you from the root. You still have to be rewarded for the other one. Is there anything you want at all? or will I be giving you some money for it?" says the Hokage which surprised kuro

'Hmmmn never thought the Hokage would ask me to ask him for something. I must think carefully what I want. what should I ask for? the 4th's teleportation jutsu? but I already have a similar jutsu I just need to develop it further and I can much be faster thanI am currently. Then should I ask for the 1st Hokage's sage Jutsu? I wonder if the village have any record of it. Then what about madara's fire jutsu. that one that he used against the Shinobi alliance. hmmmn what could I ask for?'

seeing that Kuro was having a hard time thinking about it he sighed and told him. "Kuro why don't you think about it carefully tonight and tell it to me tomorrow while you submit the 2 Jutsu?"

"Oh that's a good Idea! Then I will do that Hokage sama.!"

"Alright, I'll be going now I need to return I still have work to do. I'll see you tomorrow kuro kun."

"Yes Hokage sama!"