The Favor

"Here I go.!" 3 kuro vanished while the the last was standing with Zo no longer holding the executioner's blade but was charging his fist with flame chakra.

'He must be using this clones to distract me while the real one is charging that despicable jutsu he used earlier. I can't afford to get hit with that. His flames are not just ordinary flames you see everyday.' contemplated Orochimaru while holding the kusanagi blade preparing to battle the clones. He dodged the blade easily as kuro has never learned any kenjutsu to be able to dance with the blade enough for Orochimaru to take him on but the blades were burning in flames. So even though it was easy to dodge and block at times.

The heat could be felt especially the one in a distance charging. 'tsk even though he's not skilled with kenjutsu the fact that the blades are burning in flames makes it hard to deal with. I have to get the 1st and 2nd Hokage back here to assist me or I won't be able to dodge that Jutsu if he's going to use it just like the last time. hmmn? what's this I can't call the 1st? only the 2nd? Did Sarutobi sensei managed to seal the 1st? they're just corpses in the end and is unable to fully display their full potential. I will have to make use of what I have.'

The 2nd Hokage was felt by kuro coming in to assist Orochimaru but is also being chased by the 3rd. Kuro who was among the clones attacking at the moment nodded his head with the 2 clones and they made some distance surrounding Orochimaru as if planning to attack in 3 directions.

3 kuro in 3 different direction with burning blades in hand attacked.

"Moeru Nami.! 3x" 3 waves of flames were coming at Orochimaru from 3 different directions. But he used the body replacement Jutsu to avoid it instead of shedding. Orochimaru managed to escape but not a moment later when he replaced himself just a second passed and 2 kuro was already in front of him, one was planning to behead him the other was planning cut off his legs. Orochimaru twisted himself in the air just like Itachi dodging sasuke's rigged shuriken in the Canon. But from Orochimaru's hand snakes came out and taken out the 2 clones. Then kuro with a burning fist came in front of him. "Sai dai HiKen.!" That kuro vanished and appeared in front of the 2nd Hokage coming to assist Orochimaru. The 2nd was caught off guard by the fist and crumbled to ashes which was slowly sealed by the 3rd. That kuro disappeared in puff of smoke.

"Arrgghh!!!" Orochimaru screamed in pain as he was being electricuted by a lightning Jutsu from Zo.


As 2 kuro clones attacked Orochimaru the 3rd kuro which was the real one was charging his blade with flames. He was standing with his stance all the same when he's charging his fist but this time his right hand was holding the blade as if he's going to thrust it. His blade was in line with his face. The sharp edge was facing upward. The guard of the blade was parallel to his face. His left hand in an open palm towards the target. "Shoka Gijutsu!" When the kuro clone appeared in front of Orochimaru he vanished. As the clone vanished again to attack the 2nd, kuro was already at the back of Orochimaru who has a burned hole in his body. "HiShodo!"

[AN: originally Hi no Shodo means Fire Impulse]

Orochimaru's mouth opened up and a new one came out. Before he could fully immerged he was showered with Lightning by Zo. Kuro who landed on a distance from Orochimaru's back let go of the blade jumped high in the air.

"I'm not done yet. Shoka Gijutsu: Hiken!" as kuro was falling down with his burning fist, Orochimaru who was struggling shouted.


"Yes!" 4x

the barrier turned off and the 4 sound ninja assisted Orochimaru. kuro's hand was stopped by a fatso with an orange hair or what's left of it. Orochimaru was then helped to retreat. 2 anbu pursued along with kuro but they were stopped by a spider net. Kuro burned the net ensnaring him immediately and prepared both his hands as if he's going to flick both as he's falling

"Shoka Gijutsu: Twin Triple F Jutsu!" 2 bullets of flame disappeared. Both aimed at Orochimaru's head. The fatso I mean Jirobo strengthened himself fully with curse mark when he noticed kuro's falling figure aiming something at Orochimaru. Therefore in time he blocked the attack, but by doing so he was the one to suffer the attack. Although it didn't killed him he was still injured and was helped by Kidomaru as they retreat and disappeared in sight.

Kuro was falling to a rooftop but was catched by Zo. "Thanks Captain Zo."

"You're welcome kid. Let's go to Hokage sama."

"Okay, let me just get the blade along the way first." the Anbu nodded.

They went to where the 3rd was.

"You all have done well to protect our village. Especially you kuro. If it wasn't for you I would have had a hard time dealing with Orochimaru. I may have also died. We were also able to seal the reanimated first Hokage. You got yourself a reward doing such a task. So you can ask anything right now" asked the Hokage who thought of this so kuro can be tied down to the village especially after such a display of talent. Orochimaru was able to call back the 2nd Hokage so only the first Hokage was sealed due to the edo tensei not yet perfected and Hiruzen prioritize the more dangerous one.

"We should really start rebuilding the village first. But if a reward is what we're talking about. Then on top of my year vacation I want another year. That would give me 2 years of vacation. Not to worry I promise to dedicate myself on studying that jutsu as well." says kuro enthusiastically smiling at the Hokage

"2 years is a long time. Can't you just leave it at 1 year and ask for something else? you can't be planning on leaving the village just like Jiraiya are you?" asked the Hokage worried about what kuro asked.

"Nope. Just approve my 2 years. And I promise you I won't leave the village. if not I could just retire early and settle down 'ya know. Wait. That's actually a good Idea.! I'll go look for someone to settle down with right now, excuse me." kuro teased the Hokage

"Fine fine fine, Ito Kuro. For the services you've done to this village. I promote you directly to Chunin rank. I give you 2 years of time to study that Jutsu and remain in the village." The Hokage declared.

After that the Village began it's restoration. The clan leaders had their meeting to which kuro was oblivious whatever the topic was as hew was busy in another room studying something else.

Few days passed and Kuro was already starting his 2 years time of vacation. His clone was also training Sasuke who came to him the next day after the Invasion was over. He seemed really hasty on becoming stronger due to Naruto naruto becoming stronger than him. And so, the hell Naruto and Sakura experienced will be experienced by Sasuke. The 2 didn't plan on giving Sasuke a warning at all.

2 figures with a strawhat and a cloak with red clouds appeared in one of Konoha's shop which was luckily not destroyed during the Invasion. They got spotted by Kakashi, Kurenai and Asuma. But only kurenai and asuma followed after the two who disappeared from the shop us kakashi entertained kuro who was around expecting the visitors. Sasuke was training with his clone so it was kuro instead of Sasuke.

"They're here huh Kakashi sensei. The akatsuki?" asked kuro

"How did you know that?" kakashi was shocked to hear kuro speak about the information Jiraiya just recently told him about.

"right now that's not important. If we don't help them right now, they could be in trouble" kuro replied and was preparing to leave to follow where the 2 were as he can still sense them. Kakashi followed after him.

After arriving both Kurenai and Asuma was having a hard time so they were helped by the other 2 as soon as they arrived. Kakashi countered Itachi's Genjutsu against Kurenai who wasn't aware he was already under a Genjutsu while kuro blocked samehada with his executioner's blade.

"Back up huh. That blade, it belonged to Zabuza Momochi. So you're the one that did him hehehe" says Kisame as he watched the newcomer whom he doesn't recognize with a smiling gaze.

meanwhile on Kurenai's side kakashi and itachi had a bout resulting in kakashi saving kurenai from the explosion of a shadow clone Itachi.

Kakashi and kurenai arrived near kuro and Asuma. "Kurenai, Kakashi are you both okay?" kakashi's back was worn out from the explosion. And their terrain at the moment is in advantage of kisame who uses water release.

"You're letting your guard down sensei. He might use his eyes prowess, I suggest you don't look directly in his eyes even you kakashi sensei. Try looking at his body or feet whichever is easier for you and read from that what he's about to do next." Says kuro uninterrupted just in time as Itachi was planning to use the tsukuyomi.

"This kid catch on fast, Do you know him Itachi?" asked Kisame as the kid was unusually perceptive.

"No I don't. He must be one of the new Generation along Uchiha Sasuke." says Itachi.

"Your kid brother? Don't worry, my clone is honing him right now. You'll be surprised when he finally decides to pay you a visit. But enough of that. Why don't you tell us what you're after Akatsuki?"

Everyone was shocked that kuro knows about the 2 guy's organisation besides kakashi who already knew.

"it's the 4th Hokage's Legacy. But that doesn't matter at the moment. Kisame let's capture that kid along with Kakashi. Kill the other 2." Itachi immediately suggested to which kisame agreed and brandished his sword.

kuro immediately gathered flames to his blade and attacked "Moeru Nami.!" He slashed his blade forward and a wave of fire came running towards Itachi and Kisame on top of the water.

"water style: water dragon jutsu 2x" 2 water Dragons clashed at each near kuro's attack but that didn't stop it. The other one to cast the jutsu besides kisame was Kakashi.

"Water style: Water shark bullet jutsu" kisame executed another Jutsu that cancelled out kuro's attack. Contrary to its name, the jutsu was a giant shark made of water.

Kisame charged towards kakashi asuma and Kurenai while Itachi faced kuro. "You will not take Uzumaki Naruto, not while I'm alive. Even Sasuke would stop you.!" Itachi was a little surprised by the mention of his brother. Kisame came back to Itachi's side as he was kicked by Guy who made his entrance.

"We didn't come for war. We're leaving kisame." says Itachi.

" that's too bad. I was just starting, they don't know how lucky they are." the 2 vanished to thin Air.

'They're strong. This 2 years, I must get to their level to be able to go toe to toe with them or I'll die without knowing. It's back to square one again when I just started in this world.' were the thoughts of kuro who was suddenly interrupted by Kakashi.

"Kuro! I will not ask you on how you know them but let's report to the Hokage first." says Kakashi.

"Oh about that Sensei. All of you can go ahead and report as I am already there. I'll be waiting for you guys. bye" the 4 Jonin were shocked at this but not a moment later he vanished in a puff of smoke.

[A few Moments later]

Inside the Hokage tower. Right now the persons in the room together with the Hokage are as follows. Hiruzen sitting in his chair. Jiraiya, Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai, Guy and Kuro were all standing but kuro and Jiraiya were by the window.

"Who are you kid, how come you get to stand by the window like me?" asked Jiraiya

"I was studying something in the next room but decided to come out as I am part of this discussion at the moment." says kuro but didn't give his name.

"what about your name? I didn't get your name."

"It's on-" kuro didn't finish and was interrupted.

"Enough! although both of you haven't met yet we more pressing matters to discuss. especially the emergence of the group called akatsuki in our village just a moment ago. As reported by kakashi if the 2 of you were listening" the Hokage was not in a bad mood

"Don't worry my clone was there, so I knew exactly what happened." says kuro to which the Hokage nodded and turned to Jiraiya.

"Hmph. I was actually the one to tell kakashi about this organisation and how Orochimaru used to be a part of it but he left the group." The group was surprised besides kakashi and kuro.

"I'm really too old for this position. I am going to leave this post soon but not too soon. But just in case I do soon enough. Jiraiya, I entrust you on getting tsunade to return. Do you understand where im going with this?"

"Yes, you want to make her the 5th Hokage when you retire." says Jiraiya

"Hmmn So you're finally getting my princess back huh old man" says kuro to which he got a curious look by everyone in the room.

"what are you all looking at?" asked kuro with a twitched eyebrows.

"Kid did you just call tsunade 'your princess'?" asked Jiraiya curiously

"Well yeah! She's a princess ain't she? Also yes I said she's mine. You failed to sweep her off her feet right? that's because you're not destined to be together. We are!!!" declared Kuro.

All jaws dropped inside the room including kakashi who was wearing a mask.

"Not bad kid. I like your courage. As a respect from one man to another. I wish you the best of luck!" says Jiraiya who looked serious at the moment.

A few moments later

Jiraiya left to get tsunade. Kakashi Guy Kurenai and Asuma finished their report and also went out. Meanwhile kuro went back to the room and continued his study.

And just like that, kuro stopped coming at the Hokage tower after a few days. He burned the copies he has written down and informed the Hokage that he's done with his study. But he told him that he isn't going to use the jutsu soon. And that he will have the Hokage with him if he decides to try it out. He said that he's starting the vacation favor seriously. So although he will be inside the village, he most probably will be at home all the time and will be very busy.

Meanwhile Sasuke's training with his clone continued to progress, somewhere along the line Sakura joined from time to time until tsunade came and she went under her tutelage. Kuro didn't make any move or tried to meet tsunade as he was currently serious in seeking out strength. Meanwhile Naruto was on another trip with Jiraiya after getting tsunade. Since Orochimaru's sound Ninjas didn't come to convince Sasuke to go with them there was not a mission to take Sasuke back.

Somewhere inside a room from one of the house in konoha. A boy with dark red hair was about to perform a Jutsu. 'since I'm going to use a clone to do the summoning, it should be fine.' Although kuro's study of the flying thunder god was successful he still doesn't have a way to make his own mark. As per his notes and past knowledge. A marking is personalized. That's why it was different for both the 2nd and 4th Hokage. Since he's stuck on making his marking. The only other path in his mind was the summoning that Jiraiya accidentally used. If he could learn sage Jutsu that would also be another addition to his arsenal. Not once did it enter his mind to transplant a sharingan or take a sample of Naruto or Sasuke's blood. He will never do something like that. He wants to become stronger but he wants to do it using his own hand. And that takes us back to the current situation.

"Alright clone if anything dangerous happens just release yourself. But if not then you have half of my chakra to be able to use. remember the goal. it's to get stronger. if a day pass and you don't release yourself then I will reverse summon you. got it? " kuro instructed his clone whom he made sure to have as much chakra as possible. The clone nodded at him.

He weaved the signs for summoning without offerring blood just like Jiraiya.

"Summoning Jutsu!" the clone vanished in a puff smoke.

[AN: Hi guys. I'll be taking a week of rest as I am going to have a trip back to our province. I will not give out the details but that's basically the case. Not to worry cause I'll be back next Saturday. I enjoyed viewing comments from time to time. And I was surprised to know I've got a lot of views already. I'll be sure to update at least 3 episode by Saturday. Thanks for reading.! Just hold on and I will finish what I started. Gotta take care of our life first 'ya know. Peace out and stay safe]