First Meeting

"Reverse Summoning Jutsu!"

Kuro summoned his clone back after a day passed. Basically it's night time since it was also night time when the clone did the summoning without blood sacrifice last time.

"So? how did it go? were you in mount Myoboku? Ryuchi Cave or the Shikkotsu Forest??" asked kuro to his clone

the clone smiled and held out his hand as a peace sign. "why don't you dispel me so will know" kuro nodded and dispelled the clone

Memories came flushing to his mind. He learned that : The clone was actually within the summoning world for 4 days. The world was a flying temple and the summoning beast were birds. He was approved to sign the beast contract so he can summon them anytime. Also during the time his clone was in the temple he was taught how summoning works and the theories behind, using this knowledge for 3 days he improved the Flying Thunder God Jutsu. Summoning was basically a teleportation technique too so he had an inspiration for that. Therefore just before he summoned the clone back a mark has already been left on a certain room back on the temple. He finally knows how to leave a mark. The bird elder simply awaits his personal visit to continue studying the basics taught.

Having known this kuro was elated. He formed a plan based on this new information he got over night.

The next morning..

"Sasuke, I will continue to train you for a few months but you must also get some missions with sakura from time to time that I am not around. Since you already have a gist on how to use the flame chakra as I do. We will move on to the unique full body application of my jutsu. Zenhin-en.!" fire erupted on kuro's body covering him entirely.

"watch carefully as I show you how unique this is, fire style:flame wall." a wall of flame attached itself to a tree just enough so it doesn't burn immediately. Then kuro leaped through that wall of flame and came out of the tree's back. Sasuke was a little surprised.

"This technique applies even to a barrier. So if you find yourself trapped you can use this. Also you van only carry one person at a time" sasuke nodded and that little surprised attitude vanished. 'So this was the jutsu he used to help the Hokage inside the barrier. I must learn it too.'

"Alright! My clone will take over. Once you have decent mastery, we will polish it before moving to your Lightning attribute. Naruto only learned the wind attribute but you will learn both. We will also try if we can combine them. But for now focus on 1 goal at a time. Understand?" Sasuke nodded but obviously hooked at this explanation.

He left his shadow to train Sasuke and went to the Hokage tower to tell him about his plan. However...

knock knock knock

"Enter" a woman's voice so familiar reached his ears. He was surprised. 'So she finally put on the mantle. That Hiruzen didn't even wait for me.' Kuro entered the room.

What he saw was the most beautiful woman he's always dreamt of. His heartbeat wasn't steady, it was beating so fast. Shizune didn't even registered to his perception. All that focus was on tsunade's face. 'beautiful, just beautiful' just a little bit more and he will look like Lee when he looks at Sakura for the first time.

Tsunade on the other hand was dumbfounded at kuro's antic. Once he entered, all she saw was kuro staring at her intently that it made her tick. Doing all the paperwork is already giving her a headache, now this boy came in and only stared at her the whole time not saying anything of why he's here. "If you have something better to do other staring at me. You better get to it and not waste your time here. I know that look, I've lived long enough to know so you should give up on me. Now tell me why you're here."

kuro was so focused on tsunade lost his concentration. "Don't worry I won't give up on you tsuna." Tsunade's attention was perked and she stopped going through her paperwork jobs.

"I have just come to inform the 3rd Hokage about my training but it seems it's not needed. I would just like to know if you are aware of my agreement to him?" Tsunade was aware of kuro's agreement of 2 years break with his sensei but she didn't know how kuro looks, now her question has been answered. 'He seems younger than I anticipated. Did this kid really studied the 4th jutsu and created his own? '

"Yes I am aware. You must be Ito Kuro right?"

"Yes, that's me. " answered kuro with a beaming smile

"You said you won't give up on me. what do you mean by this?" ofcourse she knew what it means. she simply wants to hear it from him if this kid is simply playing around. But contrary to her expectations...

Kuro became serious at the moment and then opened his mouth to speak. "Naturally, it means I won't give up on making you mine because I love you just like that. But before I even start to do that I need to be stronger than you so that it will be me who will protect you and not the other way around, I've originally come to inform the Hokage that I will be taking that first step on becoming strong so I can stay by your side but. Princess Tsunade, I will now inform you instead that I will start my training with my summons starting today. I will return in 2 years time as per agreed. I will leave a clone and continue sending one to train sasuke under me since he still needs further training. You can issue him missions he can take together with sakura if needed. That is all, I will leave now princess Tsuna. Wait for me..." kuro smiled while turning his back and reaching for the door

Shizune shocked at what she heard while tsunade was just staring the space where kuro used to be.

Kuro was ready. Although he will be staying at the temple of his summon. He still prepare a mark inside his room since he will still return from time to time for food as the birds mostly eat the same as the frogs but this time instead of insects, its worms. His clone has experienced that and so he brought food rations and also some food that his mom made, although it took time for him to convince his mom she agreed in the end since kuro promise to return once food supply are consumed. His father readily agreed so no problem to that. Kuro then activated the Justu so he could teleport this time and not reversed summon to a random area. "Flying Thunder God.!" he disappeared from his room.

kuro appeared inside a room. He still remembered when his clone first came.


clone kuro was falling in black space then suddenly he saw the ground below. Before he came crashing he let a fireball to soften his landing. the force was enough for him soften his landing. The. no more than a moment later a giant bird came.

"Haha a human finally came! The flying temple will finally be known to the world. It won't be just the frogs, slugs and snakes. This time , its our bird's time to be known!! hahahahaha" the giant bird immediately said this series of words while laughing.

"Uhmm, excuse me. Can I help you?" kuro clone asks

"ohh sorry about that. I just couldn't contain my excitement. Anyway, my name is Red. I'm in charge of patrolling this area. I saw you falling from a distance so I immediately came. Welcome to the flying temple human. May I know your name?" says the giant bird who's feathers were indeed red in color.

"Ito Kuro is my name. It is nice to meet you Red."

"Well kuro dono. Since you've come to the flying temple. You seek on how to be able to have a contract with us right?" asks the bird casually

"Yes that is certainly correct"

"Well today is your lucky day because we here in the flying temple has been waiting for someone to do so. Unlike the Shikkotsu Forest, Mount Myoboku and Ryuchi Cave which already got their own. We haven't had anyone to be our partner. You are the first ones to come here. Let me first take you to the elder so that you can start as soon as possible."

"Okay! that's great! please lead the way"

"Follow me!" the giant red bird lead the way. As they got out of the forest, what came to view to kuro was a giant temple. 4 large pillars on the entrance and an even bigger temple building afterwards. There were a lot more temple buildings surrounding it. You could see birds of different kinds flying over in different directions. Some fighting on a floating arena. Some having a race around. Some are meditating while sitting a mist or cloud.

"Let's go see the elder first kuro dono." birds were looking at them along the way to the temple. Kuro just followed Red.

"Lord Thunder. I have brought a human contractor that qualifies to be able to summon us." says Red in a respectful manner.

"A human contractor you say. There has never been a human that qualifies for us, that's why no human was able to set foot in our temple even as the other 3 Lands were able to." The giant yellow bird somehow looked like an eagle if it wasn't for the color change. Normally an eagle looks white for part of the head and then brown the rest down. But this giant eagle in front of kuro has black for white and yellow for brown. The giant eagle looked at kuro.

"well would you look at that, it really is a human. Someone that qualifies to learn our arts and be part of our contract." says the eagle after looking at kuro

"uhm with all due respect. How did you guys manage to evaluate or deduced that I am qualified. Just a bit curious." says kuro who has a lot of questions at the moment.

"Well for one thing you were able to come here directly. It means that within your veins are the blood that directly connects you with us. It also means that from birth you were destined to summon us. It's just that you are more."

"although I get the part that I am destined to summon you guys but what do you mean more?"

"It means besides the right to summon us. you could also learn our arts. That will depend on how much you can learn while you're here" clarifies the giant eagle

"I get it. Then I will be depending on you guys from now on. My name is Ito Kuro, Its nice to meet you." kuro bowed as a sign of respect

"Im already starting to like your attitude. I am the elder in charge as of now but there are still 2 characters higher than me. My name is Thunder as Red mentioned earlier. You refer to me as lord Thunder but later on when we start training with our arts and I am teaching you. You will start calling me Thunder Sensei. Got it?"

"Yes Lord Thunder. I do have a bit of concern I would like to tell." says kuro

"what is it.?"

"currently I am only a clone. And I'm supposed to be summoned back by the original. Is there any way I could come back here on a different way?"

"We could reverse summon you on the 8th day. You see our time here acts differently from the outside. 1 day out there is 4 days in here. Also why don't you sign the contract seal first. Its getting old without a single human qualified to even just sign it."

"But I'm just a clone, aren't I going to disappear if I sign now?"

"Don't worry. You don't need to bite yourself to bleed. Our contract seal will take care of it. Just put your thumb on it. Red why don't you get the contract seal right over there will you." Red nodded and fetch it. It was enormous but adjusted to human size as it was placed in front of kuro. Kuro the clone placed his thumb and didn't feel anything but as he lift up his thumb again a blood print was already there.

"alright. You have 4 days before your original summons you back starting today so why don't you cover the basics of summoning first. Basic is fundamental for any jutsu you will learn in the future after all."

"Yes, thank you Lord Thunder. Are you going to be the one to teach me? "

"No someone else will. She's actually the one who created the contract seal. Her name is Lord Pink. But you might need to change that since she'll be teaching you. Red will show you your room that you'll be staying at first. Then he will send you to Lord pink's place. I'll send an advance message so she knows"

"Thanks Lord Thunder. Then I shall be on my way"

And so, kuro was shown to where he'll stay and started learning with Lord pink who was in fact an owl that's colored pink only that he's bigger than a human. with the knowledge he learned from her the past 3 days, on the 4th day he was inspired to make his mark and told Lord pink he will return as he will be summoned back any moment now. The marks he made was a little bit simpler than the 2nd and 4th's. It was like a kanji for fire but inside a circle with 4 stands or tails that goes into 4 directions. The directions of the tail was not N,E,S,W. but NE, NW, SE, SW. [North-N, S-South. you know the rest =)].

[flashback end]

Kuro placed his things inside his room and went to Lord pink while sending a clone to Lord Thunder to inform him of his return.

AN: Time skip. Next chapter [Naruto's return]