Naruto's Return

A man with white hair probably in his late 50s and a boy with blond hair in his teens was seen coming back inside the konoha gates.

The teen run inside konoha and stoop atop a post. As the wind passing through him giving him a feeling of longing after finally coming back home.

"Naruto!" a girl with short pink hair shouts at Naruto.

"Hmn? Sakura chan! Long time no see!" he said after he jumped down.

"Welcome back! Hmn you've grown taller" greets sakura

"Yes I did hahaha"

"Well what about me? Do you think I've become more womanly now?" ask Sakura while blushing a bit.

"Dont worry, You haven't changed a bit!" while doing a thumbs up pose. Sakura gloomed while Jiraiya thought ' he will never understand a woman's mind'

"Naruto nii chan!" a puff of smoke as a kid voice introduced himself. Then a sexy woman with dark hair came out.

Jiraiya got a nosebleed while sakura was shocked beyond belief as naruto criticized konohamaru jutsu.

Naruto was about to show his version of the jutsu. Both Jiraiya and konohamaru were looking forward to it like kids but was cut short as Sakura punched Naruto sending flying to a distance.

"Yoh Naruto. I see that you still are an idiot. I hope you haven't gotten weaker this 2 years you were gone." a boy in his teens with long black hair until his neck greeted. This boy is wearing a black cloak but a blade is showing behind his right shoulder. He's also wearing a black pants while his protector is hanging in front of his neck outside of his cloak's hood. His cloak dows not have a sleeve so when he moves you can clearly see his sleeveless shirt with Uchiha crest at the back. His hands has the same gloves as kakashi but dark purple in color. This was sasuke who underwent kuro's training. Well technically kuro's clone which kuro sends everytime a clone disperse. The clone is automatically sent to the training area where a mark has been left. The training went on everyday until Sasuke was back in taking missions, sometimes accompanied by sakura.

"what do you mean weaker. I'm stronger than ever. Wanna have a match to see?" challenges Naruto to Sasuke. But was cut off by Jiraiya.

"I believe you will have that match later on. Let's go to the Hokage first so you can have your match after." Both agreed but were looking at each other with a spark between them. Konohamaru and his team also bid good bye to naruto as they have a mission to do.

Knock Knock knock


Jiraiya, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura came in. Jiraiya and Naruto were the first to report then, "On to the next topic. The reason why I also called Sakura and Sasuke here is because I want to put team 7 back together. and for that matter he will be testing your teamwork and how far you guys have become. He should be here now. Enter!"

Kakashi came in. "Oh kakashi sensei!" naruto boast.

"Long time no see Naruto. It seems you've grown. You too Sakura and Sasuke."

"Hmmn? but Sakura chan and Sasuke were just here in konoha right? they haven't left so why are you saying like you haven't seen them for a long time too?" Naruto was a little bit confused

"Well you see. While you went with Jiraiya sama. Sakura became Tsunade sama's disciple. While Sasuke was always training with Kuro. You all left me alone so that's why" says kakashi while having a smiling expression but the gloomy atmosphere does not convince everyone that he is happy.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

kakashi continued "And just a few months ago they also went to Suna to take the chunin exam but I was on another mission so I was also wasn't able to know. I only heard they passed when I came back" this left naruto the only one surprised the most

"So so- you mean to say Sakura chan and Sasuke are both chunin?" says naruto while pointing at his 2 teammates who he felt betrayed him.

sakura made a peace pose" hehe you're half correct. Everyone in our batch became chunin including Lee and Tenten. While Neiji is already Jonin. " Naruto's jaw dropped when he learned his teammates left him in the dust but it dropped even lower when he heard the rest too, then he remembered Gaara.

"Gaara? what about Gaara?" he asked

"Gaara became suna's 5th Kazekage." this time it was tsunade who answered. Naruto became quiet and smiled. "I see, so he did it first huh." he feels respect for a fellow jinchuuriki then he remembered another person.

"Sakura said everyone in our batch already became chunin right? does that mean kuro became chunin too?" he asked tsunade.

"kuro was already promoted to chunin 2 years ago. He still haven't report back yet. His 2 years of vacation which the 3rd promised him is almost up. That reminds me, Sasuke is there anything you can share with us about kuro?" Sasuke became gloomily serious.

"Yes there is. He's a monster." says Sasuke as seriously as possible. Sakura and Naruto felt chills creeping up their backs and could only agree by nodding their heads together. " The last time we trained was before the chunin exam. After that I couldn't find any time to visit him due to missions you have given me. He did mention that he will be the one to report to you directly once his break is over" says Sasuke seriously like everything about kuro is so important he must pay attention to what he's saying.

"I understand. But why are you both panicking Sakura, Naruto?" asked tsunade confused to his disciple's reaction especially Naruto who was out of the village for 2 years

kakashi sighed. "I think I know why. its because both of them also has been taught by kuro however shortly."

Tsunade nodded "Hmmn Sakura, you've never mentioned this. Now that I think about it. You were always good at dodging me when I trained you. kuro taught you those moves?"

"Yes tsunade sama. I asked him to train me that day before the finals of the chunin exam 2 years ago." Sakura admitted and recalled what she went through but could only stop as she doesn't want to recall that.

Tsunade sighed. "I understand that he taught all 3 of you especially you Sasuke who was trained the longest but I don't understand why you guys are acting strange whenever we ask about it"

the first one to break the glass was naruto "You just don't know what we went through. When I was so hungry and want to eat. He is still training me saying that every moment counts so in all and everything I do he always has a way to train. In the middle of the night when I'm sleeping he would always attack me saying a shinobi must always be alert even when asleep. When I can't continue anymore he would let me rest but when we continue later, the training is leveled up according to how long I took a rest. When practicing his moves he wants it perfectly executed so he would only count those times I succeeded but not those time I tried and failed. Since in the beginning I've never got it right he says he will simply put it on top of the following days. He's a monster I tell you, am right Sasuke? Sakura?" both nodded, meant that they suffered the same thing but Sakura added something.

"I tried to cheat one time and used a clone but he still found out and told me 'Oh I didn't know you're so proficient at shadow clones. why don't we have all the clones you can make each day have the same training huh?' I still regret doing that and he would always ask how much more chakra I have left not counting if im tired or what. He's heartless." says sakura while drawing a circle with his finger on floor.

When It was sasuke time "He's a monster alright. But I would still want to train under him. It wasn't all for nothing. It's just that he's a monster when training us, I especially experienced it more than this two." although sasuke pointed out a good thing but when he recalled kuro's laughing face he could only deduce he's a monster. No other words but that. Both Naruto and Sakura thought what would happen if they also experienced it longer, they could only pat Sasuke's back like giving him condolence.

Tsunade broke the tension "Anyway, since we're planning to form team 7 together again. Kakashi will be the one testing you guys as I mentioned earlier. It will be later this afternoon at 3 o'clock be sure not to be late. The 3 of you are dismissed"

"Yes3x!" all 3 agreed and went out planning to eat together and catch up.

The ones left in the room are Tsunade, Jiraiya and kakashi. They have discussed and shared information about akatsuki and how they are finally moving on gathering the Tailed beasts especially Naruto's nine tails. Although during the 2 years Naruto was training with Jiraiya he did lost control of the nine tails' power. Unlike in the canon, Jiraiya wasn't injured as badly.

A few moments later

In the training ground. Team 7 gathered for the test. Jiraiya and Tsunade was observing together with shizune but kakashi was late. When he did came he was about to say his excuse but was cut off by the 3 and rushed to start. He then took out 2 bells "well I believe I don't need to tell you guys the rules this time right?"

all three recited the rules but kakashi added "Yes yes but this time it'll be a little bit different since I'm gonna need to be serious." he said while lifting up his protector showing his left eye's sharingan. The atmosphere got serious and the 3 students readied themselves.

Naruto attacked first by going directly with taijutsu. He vanished from his spot and appeared in front of kakashi punching him. Kakashi deflected it to the right and turned to kick naruto in the head which was blocked by Sasuke's feet. Sasuke suddenly appeared with his sharingan opened. He took naruto from the there and as soon as he did Sakura punched the ground. Kakashi retreats as a big smoke appeared while the ground was destroyed. Naruto looked at this with round white eyes and could only mutter "eh?" . As the smoke disperses kakashi was shown outside the edge of the destroyed ground. "As impulsive as ever naruto. Good thing you have a good teammates with you. I haven't even said start yet. Now then, start!" he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"uh where'd he go?" Naruto was surprised

"Calm down Naruto. For now let's plan our attack so we can catch him." suggested sasuke to which Sakura nodded.

"Fine, I'll send in some clones to locate him while we do that. Shadow Clone Jutsu!!" 5 Naruto made an appearance and scattered to start looking for kakashi.

Kakashi was already inside the forest hiding himself. 'they've really grown up fast. Though naruto's the same but his taijutsu a little faster now than last time. Sasuke and Sakura seems used to working together, I haven't even saw them make signals on what to do. Should I proceed with the next lesson? Ninjutsu'

As kakashi was thinking Naruto's clones were close. 'Hmmmn? they're here.' As kakashi shown himself, all he saw was 1 Naruto. "You're mine!" the clone said as he attacks kakashi with a fist but he was easily countered. With sharingan he basically sees the clone's movement and he is a veteran when in comes to fights. The clone vanished and the other clones knows where he is while the real one instructs both Sasuke and Sakura where kakashi is. They immediately set to attack.

The first one to arrive were the other 4 clones and as soon as they came closer they immediately jumped at kakashi to attack. 'more clones?' kakashi thought as he weaved some signs as fast as possible. "Fire style: Fire Flower Jutsu!" kakashi sends multiple blasts of fire from the mouth with the clones in all 4 directions as the target. All 4 vanished as soon as the jutsu hit them.

Then the 3 came. Looks like I need to be a tad bit more serious than when said earlier' kakashi weaved another signs faster than average eyes could see. "Lightning style: lightning hounds" 3 hounds in a form of lightning came out and began chasing each of the 3.

"KazeKen!" Naruto simply punched the jutsu.

"Kuro style: Zenhin-kaminari.!" Sasuke simply put on his full body jutsu like kuro's but different since it's lightning instead of fire. The hound made of lightning simply added to his lightning.

Sakura simply evaded the hound. When he was training with kuro it was also to train how to dodge someone faster. Now change that someone to tsunade with a lot more firepower. That just simply honed her evasive nature. Who would want to be punch by tsunade's monstrous punch?

"Not bad!" commented Jiraiya while observing somewhere in a distance.

"amazing, they're strong even when facing kakashi." says shizune beside tsunade who nodded her head for approval.

"Hey Naruto you forgot to add kuro's name on your jutsu.! I always had to put his name when im doing it, wasn't that the deal" complained Sasuke on the side.

"ehehe. kakashi sensei's jutsu was too fast I couldn't say it and had to shortcut.'" says naruto while scratching the back of his head.

"kuro suggested to change Kuro Henko Gijutsu to kuro style only since it's too long. Get used to it or I'll tell him what you just did" warned Sasuke. Poor guy he trained more than 2 weeks or a month unlike Sakura and Naruto. Although Sakura joined her, she stopped when tsunade accepted her as a disciple. Naruto nodded to agree while sakura was back beside them.

"Well are you just going to chat or are you going to attack?" says Kakashi while listening to them.

The 3 looked at him grinning. 'why does it feel like I'll regret saying that?' kakashi had a bad premonition

Sasuke was already in full lightning. Then Naruto's fist and feet were both enveloped by wind chakra. Only Sakura has natural chakra covering her fist and feet.

"here we come. Kuro style Taijutsu!"3x

All 3 attack together and appeared before Kakashi. The guy was surprised to see that all of them are almost moving as fast as him. If it wasn't for sharingan he might have difficulty catching up to them. Trees are being cut, burned or destroyed when the 3's fists are let loose and kakashi dodges them.

"Poor kakashi, He can't even counter since all three are attacking simultaneously living no breathing room for him attack back. If the 3 stops a little bit then he will have a chance but if not then the result would be he won't be able to keep up as he consumes more and more stamina. It's quite nice to be young hahaha" another comment of Jiraiya

"I can't believe they're winning with just taijutsu alone" says shizune

"although it is just taijutsu. They attack so fast leaving no room for kakashi to counter, that's why they are winning. It will all depend on kakashi's stamina or if he has a solution to get out of this lock" tsunade made a clear comment

'This is bad. Kuro just what did you teach this kids that they're so fierce. Even more Naruto and Sakura were trained by the Sanins. I need time'

"Hey! aren't you guys tired attacking continuesly why don't you guys take a break or something" offered kakashi while defending and dodging their attacks. Instead of his word relaxing the 3. This only made them fiercer attack with more ferocity. Kakashi was shocked beyond belief. 'whats erong with this students of mine. it's like I don't know them anymore' kakashi thought with as his soul is crying. As Sakura landed another punch on a tree destroying it kakashi made some distance but as soon as he did Sasuke and Naruto are already beside him going for a punch from left and right. As kakashi dodges their fists sakura was already on top coming down with her own fist. This continued until naruto pulled off the Forbidden Hidden Jutsu. Finally giving kakashi time to rest a bit.

"You guys are a handful. You've all definitely grown stronger but-" he was surprised as the bells were no longer on him.

"I think you might be looking for this kakashi sensei." Sasuke presents the 2 bells in his hands.

"Hmmn. Good Job. But how?" asked kakashi

"It was when Naruto pulled off that Hidden Jutsu on you. I got'em when you dodged in panic so you haven't notice me. Naturally you won't unless you're faster" answered sasuke while smiling

"But-" kakashi's words was cut off only now did he notice. Sasuke was no longer covered with lightning alone. He was covered with both lightning and fire chakra. "Sasuke. What's going on with your body?" asked kakashi shocked to see Sasuke's form. Even Jiraiya, Tsunade, shizune and Naruto were surprised and waiting for Sasuke's explanation.

"This is a Jutsu that kuro sensei developed for me. He named it 'Raika Yoroi' which means ThunderFire Armor as I remember"

"When you say develop, you mean he created it? and for you? does that mean only you can use it and he can't?" Kakashi followed up which were all confirmed by Sasuke nodding.

"Amazing. I wish he can teach something like that too!" Naruto chimed in.

"Are you sure Naruto?" Sakura asked making sure her friend is okay.

"Now that you asked me. Maybe some other time ehehe" says naruto while scratching his head and they all laughed except the one's observing the fight. That would be Jiraiya and Tsunade along with shizune. 'So kuro truly was a genius as sensei told me. He's able to create such Jutsu even I'm getting interested. If I remember correctly he was interested in me based on our last conversation. Hmmn'

While the one they're always mentioning kept on sneezing since the meeting on the Hokage tower that they talked about him.


"Kuro dono! are you sure you're okay? you kept on sneezing since this morning? are you certain you're not sick?" asked Red full of worries to a teen holding 2 katanas while while fighting another bird who uses only his claws against katanas. They are fighting on an arena full of katanas standing on the ground like they were purposely inserted on the ground. Kuro would often vanish end pick them up while attacking the bird. As soon as the katana touches the bird's claws he would vanish again and bring more katana in his hands. with so many katanas flying around them kuro kept on appearing and disappearing fast. All you would be seeing are red flashes. But despite this all, the bird was able to counter all the attack no matter which direction and no matter how fast kuro becomes.

' It's already been 2 years and his proficiency with teleportation has reached such a degree. If it wasn't for Sage art and Bird Air Combat, Flightless might be at a disadvantage. He's not just a master in sage art for nothing.'

Flightless was the name of the bird kuro is having a spar with. He is called that because he can't fly. But he is a master when it comes to Sage arts and their unique combat style just like Mt Myoboku's frog kumite.