Kuro's Regret

As Kuro was panting from exhaustion Flightless came to him slowly and said.

"Your moves are faster and more precise now when we started almost 2 years ago. But your attacks as usual are very easy to read. This stage and level of skill should be enough for you to start meditating and clear your mind. When you attack don't think, just attack like you always have. It's already buried deep in your bones that you won't need to think of what to do next. Meditate and consolidate that feeling. Once you are done, you will be more faster and more. My teaching ends here. Whatever heights you reach later on will all be up to you." commented Flightless as he prepares to leave.

Kuro immediately got up and bowed to his master. "Thank you for all your guidance Master. I am grateful and will remember your teachings"

"Hmmn. You can always summon me anytime you need my help. I believe your time is up tomorrow? "

"Yes. I'll be leaving in the afternoon after meeting Lord Thunder and the General Pyron."

"Then it is good bye for now disciple Kuro. May we meet again when you summon me or when you return here."

"Yes Master Flightless" Kuro bowed again

"Hey Kuro! Are you done wit your match?" asked Red who was observing by the side all this time.

"Well almost. I need to meditate and consolidate for today. Maybe I'll finally master Sage Mode now? hehe" Kuro teased

"Although you are able to enter Sage mode but you haven't mastered it enough yet. That's why when you use Sage Jutsu you cant last more than 15 minutes. But once you do, You will be able to use it longer and with more reserves. Well let's get into meditation. It's been awhile since I've done this with you." says Red while sitting but can't tell how if he's meditating since he doesn't have a hand. He simply folded his wings back.

"That's because I've always passed out after having a spar with Master. It was only a few months ago that I remained awake. And even if I am, I would be to tired to meditate immediately." says Kuro while he too went into a meditating pose. Slowly stabilizing his breathing.

If 2 years has passed outside. Here in the Flying Temple 8 years did. In the earlier years Kuro started with the basics of summoning with his first bird teacher Pink. Then he proceeded to learn Sage Jutsu and the bird's unique combat style like Mt Myoboku's frog kumite. He hasn't mastered sage jutsu yet but compare to Jiraiya he's pretty far ahead and near Naruto's perfected mode in Canon. The Flying Temple's Sage Mode gives an innate ability and yes kuro was able to do it but never did again afterwards. Since he can only stay in Sage Mode for 15 minutes he totally forgot that timeframe and went as high as he possibly could. And when the time was up he was like a broken kite falling and screaming at the top of his lungs. Lord Thunder was the one to save him. So after that he swore not to fly again until he mastered Sage Mode. After that he was taught by Flightless since. From combining the Flying Temple's Combat Style with his Taijutsu to combining Flying Thunder God with a katana until it went to level 2 and he uses 30 katana at the same time. He further developed it into 5 levels. This took most of his time and was only able to finish it until there's only a little most 2 years left on his time. This was mostly spent to train his style and have his body get used to it. It was also in this time that he qualified to meet 1 of the 2 higher elders. The elder's name was Pyron but he prefers to be called General Pyron so kuro did. He sign another beast contract to be able to summon him and was told his level only comes this far for now. Once he grows more stronger then he will be able to meet the last elder. By the way kuro's 30 katana shares one sheath. It was big enough to fit all 30 of them, each with a special mark on their hilt.

[AN: If you are familiar with soul eater. There was character there where I was inspired to copy the style of and combined it with Flying Thunder God. That character was protecting a witch and his style is that he always carry a lot of katana with him with a huge sheath. He would throw them all over the battlefield and use them as a foothold to move fast and pick up more swords. Disclaimer: I don't own soul eater and was simply inspired by it. I watched it way back and don't even remember the names now hehe. Peace out!]

After meditating both Kuro and Red prepared to leave the arena. Kuro weaved some signs and all 30 katana appeared inside the giant rectangular sheath.

"I've seen you do that many times but am still amazed you have developed such a Jutsu. It's so convenient! You should add it to the levels you created and boasted to me. Although it pales in comparison but it's technically a different way of using your Jutsu where it's normally you gets teleported" said Red in amazement and started a debate.

"Although you are technically right and it's a variant of Level 5. But it still feels pretty basic to me so once again after I've told you a million times before. No I will not. Besides it takes time to use unlike level 2, I don't need to weave signs and put a mark where it'll go. I've put the mark on the sheath a long time ago so it saves me a bit of time but I still need to weave at least 60 signs to activate it" says Kuro

They continued arguing until hey got near Kuro's room were he's staying at.

"I can't believe 8 years has passed since you came. And tomorrow you'll finally be leaving. Make sure I'm the one you summon first when you need us okay?" says Red to Kuro making sure he listens

"Right, Even if it's not a battlefield it's okay with you? You did also mention to only summon you when there's a battle. Remember?"

"Well yes. But I want to be the first one you summon. Even if it's not a battle I'll do my best to help. okay? and after that yes please summon me only when there's a battle ehehe"

"hahaha fine. You've been beside me since the beginning so how can I not.? You're basically my best buddy here on the Flying Temple. All other birds like Cham would always talk to me with such high respect it gets uncomfortable to get close to them."

"Cham and the others simply idolizes and respect you since you're basically a genius like summoner. For us it is of the highest honor to assist you. And once tales of you are spread, to be part of that story is also an honor for all of us." Kuro could only smile at Red's antics.

" Red. Thanks for always being beside me since I started here. I am grateful and honored to be your friend. I'll see you again tomorrow before I set out. I'll go ahead and get some rest. See yah!" Kuro bowed and went to his Room. While red is still bowing back while tears were flowing out of his eyes for some reason.

Back in Konoha Team 7 were summoned. They were informed of Gaara's capture by the Akatsuki and were tasked to head to Suna to assist when suddenly a knock on the door was heard.

Knock knock knock!!

Tsunade was angry since she was not expecting anyone and it was clear she's having an important meeting at the moment. Still she said "Enter!" to know who would be so disrespectful. And when the door opened you could see a boy in his teens. Dark red hair that's gently down long enough not to hide his deep green eyes. His protector is hanging in front of his neck like sasuke's. He's wearing a grey long sleeved shirt but its loose you could tell it was big for his size. His pants was black with a red rope for belt that supports his left side where a rectangular sheath with 30 katana was hanging.

"I'm back.! And I've come to report directly to you Tsuna. It's been awhile.! hmmn?" He turned his head and found Team 7 in complete attendance. "Well if it isn't team 7, I hope I wasn't disturbing something important like Gaara being captured by the Akatsuki right?" He made a feint guess since technically that was what happened when Naruto returned although Sasuke being there was new.

"Were you listening in on us outside while we were talking?" asked Tsunade who was about to explode.

"Of course not, I have enough valuable information in my hands to prove I knew that Gaara was taken without listening to you guys outside" Kuro immediately said to calm tsunade

"Let's hear it then. Prove it to me." Tsunade was already preparing to punch him that even Naruto was unable to greet him back.

This made kuro frown a little then said "alright. Then listen closely. The information I got is about the names and abilities of the ones who captured Gaara. The one who engaged him in battle was called Deidara. He has a unique ability to create clay using both his arms which has a mouth on both his palms. The clay bomb he makes are able to manifest like they are alive and can be guided to you before he can detonate them. Meanwhile the other one was a missing nin from Suna himself. His name was Sasori. He is a grandmaster puppeteer and the grandson of chiyo. They are all part of the organization called Akatsuki. Their plan is to gather all the tailed beast in the world. But I don't have any specific information yet as to what they are planning after gathering the tailed beasts. But with all that power gathered in one organization. Just imagine what they could do. What do you think Lady Tsuna?" asked kuro directly to Tsunade who was shocked to hear more concrete information coming from kuro.

Tsunade became serious and asked kuro again "I know you've been to your summons world when you reported way back 2 years ago. That's what you said right? So how did you gather all this information if you were busy in your summons world. Or were you even in your summons world to begin with?" Asked Tsunade who was suspecting Kuro to have gone out of the village without permission and lied about having trained in his summons world. The only reason he believed him back then was because it also happened to Jiraiya but now she's being suspicious of Kuro if he really did.

"With all due respect Lady Tsuna. But as a shinobi that's for me to know and for you to find out. You can come see me again in my house when you're no longer suspecting me of lying to your face. And here I am having fallen for you. I must have been such a fool" says Kuro with an angry face walking near the windows and weaved some signs. "Summoning Jutsu!" A giant bird of some kind with red feathers in his whole body appeared near the window. This greatly surprised everyone inside the Hokage tower especialy Tsunade.

"Kuro dono! What do you need me to do? I'm ready anytime.!" Says Red while flapping his wings just by the window.

"Let's go home Red. I miss my parents. I should've gone to see the first girl that I have ever loved and actually loved me back more than being such a fool being excited to get here as soon as possible." He looked at Tsunade then at team 7.

"Lady Tsunade. I'm sorry for disrespecting you before and saying that I've fallen for you. Please forget I have ever said that. When you trust me more, you're always welcome to see me at home. See you around guys." He leapt to Red's back meanwhile Red was seriously looking at Tsunade, then looked away with disdain and fly away. 'Did his summon just looked at me with disdain.? Why do I feel bad about questioning him like that? Was I wrong on asking him like that. Hmph, he's just a kid what am I even thinking about' but Tsunade was deep in her thoughts about this.

"Lady Tsunade! Lady Tsunade! Lady Tsunade" Shizune called out 3 times and only then did Tsunade returned from her thoughts.

"Hmmn? Sorry. Now for your mission--" In the end team 7 was deployed to assist the Suna on getting Gaara back.

Red and flew to his house's direction. They were fast enough to do it so no one will notice a big bird inside the village was flying over. As Kuro jumped out of Red's back he turned to Red and said.

"Red, Sorry for summoning you out there. But I needed to prove that you guys were real and that was the only way I could think of at that moment" says Kuro while clearly even if he's trying. It shows clearly on his face that he was hurt. Who wouldn't be sad if the one person you've idolized and admired all your life interrogate you like she doesn't trust you and in front of your friends? He felt humiliated but more than that, he felt hurt.

"Kuro dono. As I have mentioned back in the temple. You can summon me only if there are battles that's gonna happen. But since were buddies now as you have mentioned that day. You can summon me anytime you need me, whatever it is that you need my help for I'll always be ready for you." Red opened his wings and hugged Kuro. Kuro's tears unknowingly fell down his cheeks as he gently submerged his face at Red's feathers. He felt warm.

"Kuro dono. I will see you around. You should go greet your parents. Ain't that why were here?" says Red while letting Kuro go. Then they nodded at each other first before Red disappeared in puff of smoke. Kuro immediately run inside his house and hugged his mother.

[ AN: Stay Safe everyone. And I hope no one is lonely. Peace out!]