I kinda promised mom I would kick the enemy's ass

Hemari was happy when her son came home. Although from time to time a clone was sent, it still felt like her son wasn't really home. But a moment ago when her son hugged him and said that he loves her and even thanked her out of the blue. She felt so happy she wanted to cook something for him. As she was preparing the food a knock on the door was heard. She could see Kuro leaving his room but she stopped him. "Son, why don't you sit down and wait for me on the dining table. I'll be the one to get the door it. I wonder if it's your father, it's not yet time for him to return." Kuro just nodded and sat down. He knows exactly who that is, he is a sensor after all.

Hemari opened the door and was shocked to see the 5th Hokage outside. "Ho- Hokage sama. It's an honor to be visited by you. Please come in." Hemari immediately invited Tsunade inside the house. Tsunade smiled and thanked Hemari for the invitation.

"Hokage sama. I was actually preparing food for my son to eat since he just returned. Would you like to dine with him?" offered Hemari.

"I'd be honored to. Thanks Hemari dono" says Tsunade in a respectful manner

"Please just call me Hemari, Hokage sama. How could I make someone as beautiful as you say that to me." says Hemari with worry.

"Alright Hemari, If it makes you comfortable" Tsunade smiled at her.

"I'll go get the food serve. Wait just a moment, I won't take long" Hemari went to the kitchen and took the food that was already prepared awhile ago. She was just about to serve it awhile back when the Tsunade knocked. She served the food and they all ate. Only Tsunade and Hemari was conversing though, Kuro just nodded from time to time and kept his response short.

"Son, why don't you take Hokage sama to the guest room so you can talk. I'll just prepare some tea and take it there later." says Hemari. Kuro nodded and gestured to Tsunade to come. Once they were alone in the room they didn't immediately talked. Hemari even came after making tea and the conversation didn't start still. Hemari excused herself.

Kuro took a sip from his tea and finally broke the silence. "So Lady Tsunade. May I know the reason for your visit.?"

"Kid. I am here to give you a mission as back up for team 7. You will join Guy's team and they will set off later in a few hours." says Tsunade seriously while looking at Kuro. 'Boy I understand I might have pushed you awhile ago. But as a shinobi you shouldn't let your emotions get the better of you. Although I do plan to apologize, why the heck did I mention the mission first? I could just say it later one he accepts it.'

Kuro's mood became bad or shall we say heavy. " I accept"

"Also about awhile ago. I'm sorry for pushing you that far. I was just a bit on edge because of the situation" Tsunade immediately followed up as Kuro accepted the mission. But Kuro's mood didn't improve a bit.

"Okay, I will prepare to set out. Is there anything else Lady Tsuna - de?" Kuro didn't even look at her eyes the whole time. And almost didn't notice that last word he said which he barely improvised.

"That will be all. If there are more information you could share about the Akatsuki. I would like you to report it after the mission. Gaara's rescue is the most pressing matter at the moment. Then, I'll be going ahead. Thanks for the food and tea." Tsunade went out of the house. Then a moment later Hemari came.

"Son? what did you discuss with the Hokage?" asked Hemari in nervous voice. Afraid her son will leave her again. He just came back.

"I'll tell you the truth mom but promise not to panic?" Kuro made his mom promise first before telling her.

"Suna's Kazekage was captured and I'm going to be sent as back up for the rescue mission along with another team. At least I won't be alone mom. So don't worry. I'll be back as soon as the mission's over. I promise" Hemari hugged her son and shook her head while smiling.

"From the moment you asked your Father and I that you want to be a ninja. I knew this kind of things were bound to happen. So instead of worrying that me worrying about you. Why don't you kick the enemy's ass and make me proud? I'll be waiting right here when you get home son." She patted her son's head as she said those last line.

"I'll be sure to mom. You'll be proud I promise. Hehe" says Kuro with a bright smile. He went to his room to get ready. He only put on his 30 katana and said good bye to his mom and went to the gate. He met up with Team Guy.

"You must be Kuro.! I am the assigned leader for this mission. My name is Might Guy. Everyone Introduce yourselves!" Guy immediately introduced himself.

"Rock Lee, Let's work together.!"

"I'm Tenten" "Call me Neiji" are the only ones not motivated introducing themselves.

"Ito Kuro" he still said his full name despite Tenten and Neiji's introduction.

"I'm pakkun. Kakashi's summon and I'll be the one to guide you guys. Are you all ready to go?"

"wait a moment." Kuro suddenly said which got everyone's attention. He bit his thumb and weaved signs. "summoning Jutsu.!" A big red bird came out.

"How can I help Kuro dono.?" Red immediately asked. The rest were surprised by kuro's summon.

"In a moment Red. Everyone can go ahead as I will be guarding us from the air. This way we can cover more ground. I'll immediately send a signal or come down if I see something ahead." He didn't wait for Guy's approval and hopped on Red's back. They immediately lifted off.

"That's the first time I saw such a giant summon! He's so cool.!" Lee was amazed.

Neiji and Tenten was quiet. "Hokage sama did mention he was in a bad mood so he might not follow orders easily. I think I understand what she was talking about. It's good to be young! Let's go team! with eyes in the skies we will certainly get there soon." Team 11 along with pakkun began to set out. Kuro was following them through the skies.

As Kuro was flying through the skies he was the first to see Kisame from a distance so he sent a clone to inform the team. As the team got closer to him in a rocky wasteland. Kisame was already prepare to launch his Jutsu. " Water Style: Exploding water Shock wave." From Kisame's mouth came a massive volume of water that the terrain changed and can be considered a lake. Kuro came rushing down on top of Red.

"Everybody get ready to jump as high as you can!" Kuro warned them outlout

"Red let's take out his advantage!" "Sure!"

Red flapped his wings. Instead of gust of winds what came out were a rain for raging fireballs. Red did in 3 batches and was enough to completely evaporate all that volume of water. As the water was turned to mist Kuro asked red to return first and he regrouped with team Guy.

"Captain, Everyone we have enough time so listen well-"

"What was that Kuro kun.? Were you trying to burn us to death?" says Guy while crying and shaking Kuro his shoulder.

"Uhm sorry about that captain. But our enemy is a specialist with water style and is a formidable enemy in a water terrain. That's why I immediately took out his advantage over us that he has setup from the start. So that we can engage him in a fair fight. Although it is 5 vs 1. Me saying it's still a fair fight lies on his strength. Kisame gained did gained the title "Tailless Beast" due to him having a huge amount of chakra that could rival a tailed beast. Everybody clear on this information?" Everybody nodded

"Your orders Captain?" everyone turned to Guy who was overwhelm at how Kuro has a lot of information about the enemy. By now the mist lifted off showing Kisame completely fine even after a shower of flames evaporated the Jutsu he made. Kisame started weaving signs.

"Alright team. Everyone attack together and support each other when needed. GO!" says Guy in a spur of the moment as Kisame was about to make another Jutsu.

" Water Style: Exploding water Shock wave." He used the same Jutsu and so the same thing happened. He again holds an advantage over the terrain. Even Naruto did the same with his clones. Must be nice to have near unlimited chakra. The team stopped on their tracks as the water was about to reach them except Kuro who can completely sense where Kisame is and sends 2 katana to the direction he most likely is about to appear. As everybody leapt to avoid the incoming blast of water, Kuro was already gripping another katana ready to teleport and behead Kisame the moment he shows himself.

And when Kisame did show himself 2 katana were flying to his direction. Although Kuro has thrown the 2 katana first before they leapt in the air. It was perfectly time so that when Kisame show up, the katana would already be near him flying. As Kisame noticed the katana, he was unable to react as Kuro instantly appeared on top it and the swinging motion was already undergoing. He was basically already swinging the sword when they leapt and he gripped a katana. Then only teleported when the katana was already in enough distance of the swing. 2 katana were thrown as Kuro was used to fighting someone who knows he can teleport and can react to his speed and teleportation. Since Kisame does not possess both and even if he did. I don't think he'd be fast enough to react on an attack that's already in motion and instantly appeared in front of him. Unless he saw Kuro's motion but how can he when he was distracted by 2 katana flying to him.? And finally, all of this happened in a single breath.

Kisame's head flew. However a peculiar thing happened as it transformed to a different person after it hit the ground. Kuro Returned his katana to their sheath and looked at everybody who so shocked with what he did.

"Kuro kun! Ho- How did you do it? I couldn't believe how fast you were my eyes couldn't believe it even happened.! One moment you were with us, then the next moment you were already beheading the enemy. And it all happened so fast! what the heck was that?" says Lee who was clearly surprised and amazed but clearly could not tell the Jutsu used by Kuro besides Guy and Pakkun. 'That was without a doubt the 4th Hokage's Jutsu. The 5th did mention he studied it and asked me to observe if he could do it. Oh he didn't just do it Tsunade sama, he might have even mastered it already' was guys thought as he was listening to his student's praises to Kuro.

"Yeah Kuro, How did you do it? Even I'm curious now! I got to admit that was awesome and fast." added Tenten while Neiji seems to be thinking about something else. 'Even with byakugan I couldn't follow his movement when he just vanished beside us then appeared again near the enemy whom he already decapitated when he popped out near him. How did he do it? It was almost like he-' Neiji realized something and was about to ask Kuro but Guy beat him to it.

"That was probably the 4th Hokage's signature Flying Thunder God Jutsu. Tsunade sama said you've dedicated 2 years of time to study it. Well done Kuro!" said Guy as the gang were all shocked to hear that Kuro was able to use a Jutsu a Hokage used before. Not just any Jutsu but a signature Jutsu of the 4th Hokage who was given the title "Yellow Flash of Konoha"

As everyone were about to ask more question Kuro immediately stopped them and said something. "Please don't ask anymore question. As a shinobi, everyone has a secret they don't want to show unless necessary. Besides, were all team mates now we could always talk about it later on our Journey back once the mission is done. Anyway Captain Guy.! I promised my mom about something that I would do the enemy. Can you please let me do it?" asked Kuro to Guy who was confused at his question. "Sure but can you tell what is it that you're gonna do?"

"I think It would be best I show it to you first before I say it." Kuro went to the headless corpse of the enemy. He turned the body around and kicked the enemy's ass. LOL. He turned to everyone whose Jaws dropped. He scratch the back of his head, smiled as brightly as possible and told them. "hehe I kinda promised mom I would kick the enemy's asses so. Promised done" He made a thumbs up gesture and continued smiling at them.

Even Pakkun joined the club of jaw dropping. Then everybody laughed together at what he did.

Somewhere else on team 7's side. Naruto and Sasuke combined Rasengan and Chidori from both side of Itachi as he was pinned down by Kakashi's ligtning clone when he tried using Tsukuyomi on Kakashi again. He simply smiled when he received both Jutsu and mentioned Sasuke's grown. No words were exchanged between the brothers in front of Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi and Chiyo during the initial conversation. The conversation took place elsewhere. And Sasuke knew his brother can't possibly be taken out as easy as that. Then the corpse change into someone else.

[Flashback to when Itachi confronted team 7 and Chiyo]

Naruto was put under a Genjutsu and started attacking Itachi blindly. Luckily he was immediately released from it by Sasuke. While Chiyo, Sakura and Kakashi hide themselves from the trees with a little bit of distance from Itachi. Then that was the perfect timing for Sasuke and Itachi to have a chat inside the Tsukuyomi. It might look like they were simply staring at each other for a moment but who knows how long passed inside the Tsukuyomi.

"I have to say truly I'm disappointed Sasuke. You don't look like you have enough hate for me. I'll say it again, when you finally have eyes like mine. Only then can you kill me-"

"Oh I hate you alright. But if there's anything I've learned this past years without you. It would be that anger only blinds me from the truth. Sensei once said: "the moment I believe what the enemy says. Then I have already fallen to their trap. A shinobi must never judge something which he knows so little about and blindly charge in. A shinobi must find out everything from top to bottom. Why it happened and how it happened. And when you do know everything then make a decision on what you want to do. Only then will you not regret doing something just because hate someone to the bone." And I will find out everything. When I do, I'll come knocking at your door brother"

"And who is this sensei that your boasting about? Don't you think you have already fallen to his trap when you believed in him? How will you get stronger if you blindly follow what he says?" says Itachi in a cold manner but.

'It seems someone interesting has shown himself in Konoha. Why haven't I heard of him before?' was Itachi's thoughts unlike what he said. then he remembered his confrontation with the leaf 2 years ago. There was a kid telling him that his clone is honing Sasuke to face him. That can't possibly be who Sasuke's talking about, he's just a kid.

"His name is Ito Kuro. If anything, I would say I was blind when I believed every words you said that day. Don't worry about me not getting stronger because if there's anything more important that he drilled in me. That would be that true strength comes when you protect those that are important to you. Tell me brother what is important to you?" Itachi's Tsukuyomi shook, it was easy enough for Sasuke to break with his sharingan. Then a showdown of fireball Justu between brothers happened. When the fireballs cleared, Kakashi came with Raikiri. Itachi easily maneuvered himself to dodge this and ready to use Tsukuyomi again but that Kakashi was a lightning clone trapping him with electricity long enough for Naruto and Sasuke to join hands.